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Everything posted by hatsjer

  1. In response to post #41057460. #41057755, #41057835, #41057960 are all replies on the same post. I just did a one-time pay to remove the ads. It's not THAT musch, is it? ... yeah. £1.29, and no ads for life on this website.
  2. In response to post #41055575. #41057105 is also a reply to the same post. I'm just a lazy man. I guess I pay for the consequences now.
  3. Well... Time to reset my password nearly everywhere I suppose.
  4. So, Skyrim CTD upon launch. I Made a topic in Steam sience my last activity befoer crash, was in the Steam workshop. The conclusion was that I need to remove ALL my mods, and re-install them. However, I have 2 mod setups. One of my more powerfull desktop at home, and one for my less powerfull laptop here. So, my question here is: Is there a way I can make a preset in NMM, so I don't have to uncheck, and re-check all the mods for my laptop? Or are there no way for me to do so, and I simply have to re-install every mod, klick-by-klick ? Any and every feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks. - Hatsjer
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