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About NorthHare

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    United Kingdom
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    Skyrim + 7 Days To Die

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  1. Got me beat. Im not even entirely sure how to make it. And then there's the fact that Vanilla NPCs arent as ugly as the ones I try to make *shuddeer* I've been using Automation Tools for ages now to avoid the literal hours of twiddling it takes me to make a non-deformed NPC. Very handy.
  2. I do apologise to everyone for the rambling, angry gibberish that was my previous comment. I was enraged by a thread on another forum, feeling sensitive about the topic and projected the attacks in that thread onto this one. I just reread this comment and it was also totally unecessary, so I'm taking it all back and just focussing on what is actually relevant to this thread. There's no excuse for me flinging my rage from elsewhere onto people here. Seriously- really sorry everyone; I was being a complete douche. Makes the point better than anything else. My point, yet again, is that if you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyy wanted that bishi in a speedo, (yes, example made for humor, not actually intended to describe tastes) you would have read the tutorials and MADE it by now [...] I know how to make it. It would just suck because I'm not very good at characters. They're passable as bit-part NPCs but would be rubbish followers. I'm actually curious about that now. I'll have to check your work out xD It's not finished yet, but I'll put it up when it's done.
  3. Serana, purely because she's all "O hai dragonborn! You talking to someone? Let me walk into you until you get pushed away and can't hear what they're saying anymore! Oh, hey! Look at that chair! I'm gonna go sit in that while you do the quest I just ruined! See u later!"
  4. Edit: Retracted for just being horrible nonsense.
  5. Woah! The King of Rape is unsurprising not subtle... This has got to be one of the best-phrased requests ever. :laugh:
  6. I really like this idea. No promises, but I'm going to see if I can do it.
  7. I may have misunderstood what you're after. What do you mean by "new sets"?
  8. Searched 'circlets', found two on the first page: HD Armored Circlets Armored Circlets
  9. Ah! Yes, that makes sense. Thanks!
  10. I can't really see what you're trying to do from that snippet (and I haven't slept), so apologies if this is no help. Could you use a bool array to check whether a button has been pressed? e.g. PressedArray[0] is button 0, etc. If PressedArray[aiButton] ; The returned button has already been pressed. EndIf
  11. Could anyone please tell me what purpose a hairline tri serves? Edit: I ask because I've not yet seen any tutorials for creating new hair that actually use them.
  12. Personally, I'd love a kind of Nega-Dragonborn: Whatever race/gender you choose, your rival is the same. The evil you, trying to thwart you at every pivotal moment. :devil:
  13. Anything that's already loaded won't update automatically. You need to disable and re-enable the ref.
  14. I used SetNthTexturePath to change the dates in my Dynamic Calendar mod. Source files are included.
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