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  1. I had a similiar problem with Dawnguard and then Dragonborn. Each time I de-activated the High res texture packs and the game worked fine.
  2. My installation of Skyrim was over 6 months old, Had numerous different saves and everything was working fine. No stuttering or CTD's. Had auto patching turned off. Installed Dawnguard dlc and it auto patched to - Couldn't play any of my old saves. - Couldn't start a new game as would crash at different stages before leaving Helgen. - Downloaded a couple of different save from the net. Would CTD as soon as entered or exited a building, slept, died etc. Complete re-install {always auto patched to latest} (no mods) twice, same problem. Deleted: HighRes TexturePack01.bsa HighRes TexturePack01.esp HighRes TexturePack02.bsa HighRes TexturePack02.esp Game worked perfectly, No ctd's Installed some mods, No ctd's Finished Dawnguard, No ctd's
  3. I had the same problem, I solved it by deleting the highres texture pack01.bsa and esp and HighResTexturePack02.bsa and esp. Then the game worked fine and I was able to complete Dawnguard without any CTD's.
  4. G'Day, If possible could someone check over this script and tell me where I have gone wrong. It's for a Billboard with changing messages at defined intervals. a sequence of 5, displaying for a pre-determined length of time. eg: seconds, Hours or changing daily. Secondly. CS wouldn't recognise "getEnabled" . It has worked in previous mods, But the timer part wasn't involved. Just to confirm: I have no scripting knowledge. I just bastardize (no it's not rude) bits and pieces from other places and try to see if they work. Thanks, Tagigan ======================================================================= scn aemBillboardSCRIPT float Timer short FirstSecond short State Begin GameMode set state to 1 if ( State == 1 ) if Timer > 120 || FirstSecond == 0 set Timer to 0 set FirstSecond to 1 if (ad01ref.getDisabled == 1) (ado1aref.getDisabled == 1) ad01ref.enable ad01aref.enable else (ad01ref.getEnabled == 1) (ado1aref.getEnabled == 1) ad01ref.disable ad01aref.disable Set State to 2 endif endif endif if ( State == 2 ) if Timer > 120 || FirstSecond == 0 set Timer to 0 set FirstSecond to 1 if (ad02ref.getDisabled == 1) (ado2aref.getDisabled == 1) ad02ref.enable ad02aref.enable else (ad02ref.getEnabled == 1) (ado2aref.getEnabled == 1) ad02ref.disable ad02aref.disable Set State to 3 endif endif endif if ( State == 3 ) if Timer > 120 || FirstSecond == 0 set Timer to 0 set FirstSecond to 1 if (ad03ref.getDisabled == 1) (ado3aref.getDisabled == 1) ad03ref.enable ad03aref.enable else (ad03ref.getEnabled == 1) (ado3aref.getEnabled == 1) ad03ref.disable ad03aref.disable Set State to 4 endif endif endif if ( State == 4 ) if Timer > 120 || FirstSecond == 0 set Timer to 0 set FirstSecond to 1 if (ad04ref.getDisabled == 1) (ado4bref.getDisabled == 1) ad04ref.enable ad04bref.enable else (ad04ref.getEnabled == 1) (ado4bref.getEnabled == 1) ad04ref.disable ad04bref.disable Set State to 5 endif endif endif if ( State == 5 ) if Timer > 120 || FirstSecond == 0 set Timer to 0 set FirstSecond to 1 if (ad05ref.getDisabled == 1) (ado5aref.getDisabled == 1) ad05ref.enable ad05aref.enable else (ad05ref.getEnabled == 1) (ado5aref.getEnabled == 1) ad05ref.disable ad05aref.disable Set State to 1 endif endif endif set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed End
  5. It's a new install with SI and the latest patch available installed. Only happens on mods I create. Only occurs if I add another package to the AI eg; eat, sleep. Also it disrupts or prevents the other package from starting. :wallbash: I'll live with it for now. Thanks for the feedback and advice.
  6. In interior data, None of the box's have been ticked and player is set as owner. No. No weapons are drawn. I (player) have only just emerged from sewer at start-up, Have no weapons or any items in inventory other than wrist chain and prison garb. What is UOP? By the way, THANKS for replying.
  7. When I enter a cell the guard runs up to me (player) and proceeds to follow me (player) around. He (it) will do this regardless of any other AI routines in place. Ignoring any AI routine eg; Eat that is timed to occur. Eventually he (it) will ask me to leave so he (it) can lock up. This is not part of the AI package. He doesn't lock when I (player) leave anyway. I made player owner of cell. I made guard as part of the mods faction have 100 disposition to Player faction. Then removed for same result. I have continue when Player near ticked. Thanks in advance if able to help.
  8. I have the "Create a bank" script from the wiki and I would like to activate it from a switch in another location within the same cell. The container is a Parent to the switch. When the switch is activated the Message Box pops up and can deposit gold to the container. But, I still can't access the container (button 9) Thanks for any advice offered. =================================================================== Script attached to container. Scn AEMBankContainer Short Button Short DoOnce Short ChestGoldCount Short PlayerGoldCount Short PlayerLevel Begin onActivate Messagebox "How much gold do you want to put in the deposit box? (Currently %g gold)", ChestGoldCount, "Done", "100 gold", "250 gold", "500 gold", "1000 gold", "2500 gold", "5000 gold", "10000 gold", "50000 gold", "Access Chest" End Begin Gamemode Set PlayerLevel to (Player.Getlevel) Set button to getbuttonpressed If button > -1 If charactergen.debug == 1 Message "Button = %.0f", button Endif Set PlayerGoldCount to Player.Getitemcount Gold001 If (Button == 0) Return Elseif (Button == 1) If PlayerGoldCount < 100 Messagebox "You don’t have enough gold" Elseif player.Getitemcount Gold001 >= 100 Additem Gold001 100 Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount + 100) Player.RemoveItem Gold001 100 Endif Elseif (Button == 2) If PlayerGoldCount < 250 Messagebox "You don’t have enough gold" Elseif player.Getitemcount Gold001 >= 250 Additem Gold001 250 Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount + 250) Player.RemoveItem Gold001 250 Endif Elseif (Button == 3) If PlayerGoldCount < 500 Messagebox "You don’t have enough gold" Elseif player.Getitemcount Gold001 >= 500 Additem Gold001 500 Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount + 500) Player.RemoveItem Gold001 500 Endif Elseif (Button == 4) If PlayerGoldCount < 1000 Messagebox "You don’t have enough gold" Elseif player.Getitemcount Gold001 >= 1000 Additem Gold001 1000 Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount + 1000) Player.RemoveItem Gold001 1000 Endif Elseif (Button == 5) If PlayerGoldCount < 2500 Messagebox "You don’t have enough gold" Elseif player.Getitemcount Gold001 >= 2500 Additem Gold001 2500 Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount + 2500) Player.RemoveItem Gold001 2500 Endif Elseif (Button == 6) If PlayerGoldCount < 5000 Messagebox "You don’t have enough gold" Elseif player.Getitemcount Gold001 >= 5000 Additem Gold001 5000 Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount + 5000) Player.RemoveItem Gold001 5000 Endif Elseif (Button == 7) If PlayerGoldCount < 10000 Messagebox "You don’t have enough gold" Elseif player.Getitemcount Gold001 >= 10000 Additem Gold001 10000 Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount + 10000) Player.RemoveItem Gold001 10000 Endif Elseif (Button == 8) If PlayerGoldCount < 50000 Messagebox "You don’t have enough gold" Elseif player.Getitemcount Gold001 >= 50000 Additem Gold001 50000 Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount + 50000) Player.RemoveItem Gold001 50000 Endif Elseif (Button == 9) Activate Endif Set ChestGoldCount to (Getitemcount Gold001) Endif If GetDayOfWeek != 0 && DoOnce == 1 Set DoOnce to 0 Elseif GetDayOfWeek == 0 && DoOnce == 0 RemoveItem Gold001 ChestGoldCount Set ChestGoldCount to (ChestGoldCount * (1.00 + PlayerLevel / 1000)) AddItem Gold001 ChestGoldCount Message "You have received interest!" Set DoOnce to 1 Endif End ========================================================= Script attached to switch. Scn AEMBankATMbutton ; activates parent short init short busy ref target ref mySelf Begin OnActivate if init == 0 Set target to GetParentRef Set mySelf to GetSelf Set init to 1 endif if IsActionRef mySelf == 0 && busy == 0 Set busy to 1 target.Activate mySelf 1 PlayGroup forward 0 endif End Begin GameMode if IsAnimPlaying == 0 && busy == 1 Set busy to 0 endif End
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