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Posts posted by Anbar

  1. Enemy Within should fix most of the major ones



    I'll be happily playing Long-War... not really interested in Enemy Within at this point in time.


    Once the Modders have fixed EW, then maybe... until then, nuh huh.


    Back OT though:


    If I have Slingshot installed, but don't intend/want to run the slingshot missions in Long War, should I install the non-Slingshot version of Long War, or the Slingshot version and just not chose to run the first Slingshot mission (thereby ending any further ones)?

  2. I'm beginning to believe that for the longer, meatier strategic game a lot of modders (including me) go for, the best option might be to make it harder to put satellites up.



    I said that about 2 months ago! :thumbsup:


    (sorry been AFK working on new models - just catching up on the various mod-stuff)


    In my modded game (pre 2nd patch) I added in build-times and made satellites more expensive... i considered the 2nd wave option that increased satellite cost for each one launched to be essential, as it off-sets the engineering benefit that drastically reduces build times & costs.


    So satellites tend to remain around the same costs throughout, or marginally increasing in cost as the two values (2nd wave increased cost, and engineering benefits reducing costs) play-off against one another.


    playing on impossible/marathon (but with normalised too-hits) I only had to reduce starting panic to zero to find an almost natural balance in the game between increasing panic and satellite availability...but the player has to be almost profligate with interceptors attacking whatever they can *regardless*...otherwise continental panic can cause problems with too-many pulling out of x-com before the player can establish enough satellites.


    Removal of continental panic for abductions (iirc) worked also, but for some reason many people dont like doing that.

  3. Obviously, I could just build a list of Miranda files and rename them as SF01TargetSpottedHidden02, SF01CivilianRescue05, SF01SoldierFlanked04, et cetera, then convert them to Soundwaves and repack. And voila! Except for two problems:


    THREE problems: your two PLUS - it wouldnt work. ¬_¬


    compile your voices, rename into the correct titles and post them out for download... when i get a chance next week i'll sort out getting them into a mod.


    its NOT as easy as you think though and you WILL have to replace some of the existing voices: there is no way at all to add new voices (atm)

  4. Hey guys, I'm Eliot van Uytfanghe, many might recognize my name because of UE Explorer, an UnrealScript decompiler which is rather very popular around XCom: Enemy Unknown. So considering this fact I thought I might ask for feedback/suggestions on the upcoming version of UE Explorer, namely 1.2.


    You can view the update notes here


    Any feedback is welcome as long they're reasonable =)


    I noticed (but dont have it here to check) then when viewing files with sound components it doesnt display them... it would be handy to see the list of sound files with their titles (to make them easier to repalce)

  5. I REALLY struggle to see how snipers are "useless", if anything they are the single most powerful, possible OVERpowered class in the game.


    AND, if you add in reaction fire, they can kill pretty much everything that enters into view without you having to do anything other than reload.


    A sniper, with reaction fire enabled, and unlimited ammo...well it just isnt a game any more (literally - you just move them and wait).


    Outside of the "cheesy" stuff though: just allow them to carry an assault rifle and use them like a normal squaddie until they get a few class specials.

  6. Great job peppermint!

    I actually stumbled upon this last night! :) yay for us! hehehehe!




    Figured out how to slowwwwwly rotate the camera. But the snag I have is that it resets itself after every 4 rotations. So I need to find out where that value is, and set it so it will rotate a full 360 around the slower paced camera yaws that I have.

    Any help will be appreciated!



    TILT... waht we need is camera tilt so we can see where were going!

  7. Erm, why? I understand the interceptor thing, that one is, while slow, still effective. I might be overlooking something or just can not understand the problem here. Player first pay's a "hit load of valuables for some tech that he/she is likely to never use (chitin plating, combat stims, psi shield that makes no difference what so ever) and you want the player to not make a benefit for that. Why?


    surely, if the player has excess resources, enough to make excess items (to sell) then your game balance is off "for starters"....?


    if you then add extra resources to allow the gamer to make excess items to generate extra cash... then your game balance is even further off....


    SO other than a desire to "want to sell everything i can make" this idea baffles me entirely... its 'usefulness' from a gaming perspective seems entirely counter-productive. :confused:

  8. already bee n here folks.... http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/804545-alternate-soldier-voices/



    You can get ALL the localised audio files by changing your steam language - steam will then update XCOM with whatever language you set it to.


    Copy the relevant folder outside of steam, then change to the next language.


    rinse & repeat for all languages = done.


    You then need to go into each of the VOice Banks and Voice Banks parts and replace the existing object references with those for the INT version, then copy over the actual Localised language audio file (.upks).


    Before that however you need to decompress & unpack the .upk, giving you the .ogg files and other data, change in that the referencer..after which you will probably have to re-pack (as i dont think you can use the decompressed file versions with .oggs the way you can with the data .upks....but you can try).


    then use xshape to edit .exe and off you go.


    each voice has 15 voice banks btw, so you'll need to edit every one for every language you do....to the maximum of 9 voices (male) and siz female ... or 8 & 5 if you keep one in english.



    5,6 & 7 seem superfluous to me... why would the location of the tactical map make any difference at all?

  9. Have you seend Daemonjax advancements about including modified upk files, that could open up your project. Was looking into it myself, but I have very little spare time.



    yeah its plausible to do now, but tbph from what i have seen i believe it will be out as DLC at the 30 day mark.


    If it isnt i'll look back into it.



    1) You'll have to run XSHAPE after each time you run modpatcher, since modpatcher undoes the changes XSHAPE makes.



    if its of any interest... you dont need to re-run xshape if you use resource hacker instead of modpatcher (no idea why not, you just dont!) :thumbsup:

  11. I've played around with the quite a bit, it does work for all values of iReaction for both you and your enemy.


    hehe, yeah, we knew that ;-0







    1 extra titbit FTI:


    Reaction fire allows for shooting at MOBs coming into REVEAL and moving into cover FROM Reveal....

    I've only got reaction @ 10, so its pretty rare, but just got a thinman shot as the grp came into sight (shot #1) REVEAL MOVIE - thinmen go for cover (shot #2)


    This was on alien group moving into my LOS, so it was rather refreshing that their "free move" generated a hit or two.


    As previously stated, avoid high reaction settings unless you want to GIMP the game. (0-10 max is my recommendation after a days play-testing)

  12. If you reload and try the same action again you'll get exactly the same result...


    So in that case it's not a 95% CTH, if you missed and reloaded then it's 100% to MISS.



    not rally.. but, seriously, dont waste too much time pondering it... its just a system many games use and its "good enough" in so far as it works fine.


    it just pisses-off save-scummers.... which depending on your philosophy could be good or bad.


    I like Dumbo's analogy myself :thumbsup:

  13. EDIT: I changed the variable for marathon from 2.0f to 1.0f and it indeed allowed me to build the facility, then changed it back without issue. Looks like this is the way to go for now until/unless they release a completed second wave mode in a patch or *sigh* as a DLC.... I really hope it isn't the latter.

    Either that or until some intrepid modder can alter only that particular aspect of it.


    Actually, just put marathon to 1.99f instead and you can play just fine with everything ALMOST doubled...


    you always could play fine... right up to the point where need anything more than 1 *insertcertainspoileritem*, after which, you're fooked..


    i was going to try 1.49 but couldnt be bothered to play that far and hit a wall.

  14. I tried it on a loaded game. Didn't do anything. Do I have to start a fresh game for it to take effect?



    yes, or at least use new recruits in an existing game.

    old characters will not be updated.


    Just to confirm there is no issue with shooter reaction <= target reaction when each unit has the same base reaction value. I removed the overwatch ability from all weapons so the only opportunity fire was being produced by the ireaction settings:


    both sides got opportunity fire, as expected.


    There is, I believe, modifier(s) applied to the ireaction values - I have certainly seen reference to a reaction modifier constant in one of the unpacked upks in another thread.


    Anyway, I have not come to a firm conclusion about what causes modification to the reaction value. It _appears_ that a unit that hasn't moved (or moved very little) has a boost and has a better chance of a snap shot, but as I say I am not 100% sure. It is possible, of course, that the function doesn't work properly hence the addition of overwatch to nearly all weapons.



    Overwatch and reaction are distinct...


    the only standard use of reaction is the Assault special action

  15. I think the issue is that the 'grenade' ability is granted by the grenade, and as the .ini wiki states, the iRange line dictates the range for that weapons 'ability'. So, 'Throw Grenade' is complimented by the iRange setting.

    However, the Heavy's 'rocket' ability is determined by the Heavy, not the rocket launcher. Therefore, the rocket launcher's iRange field only affects the rocket launcher's abilities.



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