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  1. Well, I've started over from a new exported .nif file from blender. No luck. I really don't understand why it is crashing, my Nif file is almost identical to other vanilla meshes. Not to mention, I have no way of knowing if my original problem was fixed in the first place. I am getting an Assertion error when ever I try to view the nif file in the CK. The error is: Assert File: C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\BSShaders\BSLightingShaderProperty.cpp Line: 806 Is this related to the crashing in anyway, or is it a completely new problem? EDIT: So, I deleted the MaleUnderwearBody:0 from the nif file. The mesh worked as well as animating with the body. With the noticeable exception of the legs are missing (What is causing that?). Additionally, the lower arms go missing whenever I equip gauntlets. I assume these are problems with BP_RIGHTARM and BP_LEFTLEG? Anyways, the crashing part of the problem lies in that part of the NIF file. I'll have to tweak around with it. I've posted a picture below of what the mesh is looking like in game as well as the latest NIF file. Any help would be appreciated. NIF file with crashing: http://www.mediafire.com/?dcj4vsgkxx2uh1h NIF file without crashing: http://www.mediafire.com/?qnkmvbnmka1zova Pictures: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/RDST/2012-10-07_00002.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/RDST/2012-10-07_00001.jpg
  2. Thanks for the reply. I've done the changes required; however, I can't test the armor as I get a CTD whenever I equip it. Just a simple google search returns a lot of possible causes. I haven't yet been able to pin it down. Any suggestions? The updated NIF is below. http://www.mediafire.com/?ta84a1165e68alo -RDST EDIT: I've also changed the BSDismemberSkinInstance from BP_TORSO, RIGHTARM, etc... to there respective numbers. No luck.
  3. Yes. I did have those enabled. Here is a capture of the Export settings: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/RDST/Export_ScreenCap.jpg I've also uploaded the NIF File with WIP textures: http://www.mediafire.com/?ioabgy2a6m55gmm Thanks for the reply.
  4. Afternoon, Over the summer, I started to learn Blender and the associated tools for adding custom clothing to Skyrim. It has been a hair tearing process. However, a few days ago, I successfully exported the model from blender to Nifskope. Everything seemed fine in NifSkope and I thought I did all the proper adjustments for Skyrim but, when I get the model in-game, the armor model is not animating with the body. Instead the mesh floats where the body should be and doesn't move with the body. While this is really quite comical to see a static armor mesh floating with disembodied hands and heads, it isn't my end goal. I think I have enough insight to know that this is a problem with the skeleton, but I'm not sure if the problem originated in Blender or NifSkope. When I use Blender's pose mode to move the attached skeleton, the armor moves with it, so I don't initially believe that the problem is Blender, but I really just don't know. Any help in fixing this would be appreciated. I've been following this tutorial, with a little of my own intuition: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_2 Is there anything that I missed?
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