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About EvilGeoff

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  1. Lore-wise I just see it as being a good location to set up a nice village. It is a much better location than Coastal Cottage or Kingsport Lighthouse. It has several buildings that can be rehabilitated or just moved into outright, the existing market area, some already existing defenses and militia :wink: ... well, OK, Barney Rook, who, by all rights ought to be recruitable into the Minutemen... :thumbsup: Salem could easily become the coastal hub for the Commonwealth.
  2. I've seen several player home mods, but the only "settlement" mod I've found for Salem ("Salem a new settlement ") basically uses the Kingsport Lighthouse as the base for moving settlers in and out of the area and it doesn't create a fully functional Salem settlement. Hasn't been updated since it was uploaded on the 28th of February, so there are several patches and DLC stuff that probably won't work with it. Mod author's last reply to a comment on the mod page was in March, so it pretty much looks like it's abandoned/dead. Much like University Point and Quincy, I think Salem is a "natural" settlement to reclaim. It's a ready made town area, once you kill the mirelurks and do Barney's Gun Run quest, all it needs is a workshop. If someone isn't working on this, or willing to, I might have to hit up Elite1/EAssassin for a "How to create a workshop and settlement area" tutorial... Thanks for any feedback/input/inspiration!
  3. CAN the set up you are describing run the game? Probably. Will it run the game well? Probably better than mine does, but that doesn't mean it will be silky smooth. If you want high res textures at a decent frame rate, don't even think of an i3 chip, or a video card with less than 4GB of VRAM. Seriously. I posted my system specs elsewhere: I have a i7-2600, 3.4GHz, CPU, 12 GB RAM and a lowly AMD Radeon 6770 GPU w/ 1GB DDR5 onboard. Per the FO4 minimum system requirements, I shouldn't even be able to play the game at all. I guess the computer is using that 4 extra gig of RAM as VRAM through a swap file or something. The only time I get 60 fps is during load screens or the intro once everything else is loaded. Typical FO4 game play frame rates are in the 23 - 28 fps range. My system actually plays the game fairly smoothly at those rates, but I'm so used to playing with under 30 frame rates because of my video card that I don't notice it getting laggy until I'm under 14 - 15 fps. I'm working on getting an upgraded video card soon. An R9 290 or GTX 970 (either one will have 4GB on board) if I can swing it. I can swing around $200, maybe $250 for a video card (I bargain hunt like a mofo!), but I just can't justify the hit on my budget for a high end card right now. But with my base system that should be enough to kick my frame rates way up.
  4. Okay, more clues... Someone on XBOX one reports having the same issue after running with ADA as a companion for a long time. If anyone is experiencing this lock up of the affinity on their companions, especially if you experience it after using Dogmeat or another non-human companion, please report it to Bethesda and to folks working on the Unofficial FO4 Patch - http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/tracdown/issue/20388-companion-affinity-bug/#comment_47909
  5. Another bump - anyone with companions suddenly not liking or disliking things please report that issue to the above link and to Bethesda.
  6. Bumpage. Anyone else experiencing this bug with any companion please report it here --> http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/tracdown/issue/20388-companion-affinity-bug/ and to Bethesda.
  7. Also, in the quest progression I used above (I can't speak about the results from the alternate video) Glory can still be found in Railroad HQ, but she doesn't interact with you, and all the NPC's talk about missing her, as if she's dead. OH! And PAM with the Railroad will occasionally try to get you to whack BoS patrols after you nuke the Institute. You can simply not complete them. She'll give you other quests to whack the random courser here and there.
  8. Readers digest condensed version: This is going to end up being _primarily_ a Minuteman play through. #1 - You can progress with the main story up to "Reunions." You can start, but Do NOT finish Reunions. #2 - When the Prydwen shows up, you can go to the Airport and talk to any BOS personnel there (quest is "Reveille") or go straight to Cambridge police station after hearing the radio call on military frequency AF95 (which will complete "Reveille" even if you don't go to the Airport. Hook up with Paladin Danse and do BoS quests "Fire Support" and "Call to Arms", then do at least one quest for Knight Rhys ("Cleansing the Commonwelath") and one for Scribe Haylen ("Quartermastery"), then do "The Lost Patrol" where you find Paladin Brandis - talk him down from being crazy. You can do "Semper Invicta" here, but DO NOT complete "Shadow of Steel" at this point. #3 - Finish "Reunions" and do "Dangerous Minds" #4 - If you have not done so, find the Railroad ("Road to Freedom"). You will get "Tradecraft", but DO NOT advance the quest yet. #5 - Advance along the main questline - "The Glowing Sea", "Hunter/Hunted", and "The Molecular Level" Use Sturges with the Minutemen to decipher the plans to build the signal interceptor in "The Molecular Level". #6 - If you have not done so already, you can do the Minuteman quests "Taking the Castle", "Old Guns" and "Inside Job". At some point Preston will give you "Form Ranks" - DO NOT complete this quest yet. #7 - Start "Institutionalized" and get yourself banished from the Institute by arguing with Father when you first arrive, or finish "Institutionalized" then get banished by busting a cap in someone's ass. DO NOT talk to Father after completing Institutionalized, DO NOT complete "Synth Retention" or any other Institute quest. #8 - You will get "Defend The Castle". DO NOT GO THERE YET. Nothing will happen to the Castle until you arrive on site. #9 - Go back to the BOS and complete "Shadow of Steel". Do "Tour of Duty". You will get "Show No Mercy". DO NOT even start to advance the quest, just fast travel off the Prydwen flight deck before you even get on the vertibird. #10 - You can finish "Form Ranks" at this point. And now you can go to The Castle and finish "Defend The Castle". You can start "The Nuclear Option" with the Minutemen, but DO NOT advance the quest yet. #11 - Head back to the Railroad and finish "Tradecraft". You can accept and do a few of the radiant and side quests ("Weatherhvane", "Mercer Safehouse", "Butcher's Bill" "Randolph Safehouse", etc) for the Railroad. #12 - Complete "The Nuclear Option" and give the evacuation order. Done. Institute gone, Minutemen, Railroad and BoS not shooting at each other. A similar, but alternate quest route that goes somewhat farther up the faction questlines is here:
  9. Here's a thought, if someone familiar enough with the modding process can provide some insight. I read somewhere that the FO4 companion system was originally being developed to look like the companion system in FO: New Vegas - you could have one human companion and one non-human. But somewhere along the development process, Bethesda canned that for using one companion at a time. And rather than re-write the whole system they just wrote out the way the companions get called. Following with me so far? Good. Now, I can't confirm this with other players who are having this bug (at least not yet), but I've switched back and forth between human companions, who like and dislike character actions, and Dogmeat, who does not react to character actions at all. What if the game bugs, and the companion doesn't switch from Dogmeat mode to human mode? Likes and dislikes would stop occurring, yes? Does that make sense at all?.
  10. This is a really bizarre issue in that the people reporting it don't seem to have any clear similarities in systems (doesn't appear to be a hardware trigger), some are on their first play through with 20 - 30 hours of game time, some are 2nd or 3rd play throughs with hundreds of hours of play with no issue (doesn't appear to be time in game triggered), some people are playing absolutely stock, vanilla Fallout 4 with no mods (doesn't appear to be a mod triggered issue), some are playing games that are modded to Hell and back with no other problems when WHAM! The companions just stop reacting to the things you do. Which all of a sudden makes me think ... Maybe it's not a bug in the affinity system per se, but a bug somewhere in the companion perception/observation reporting...
  11. I'll try "modav CA_affinity" in the console to see if it triggers the dialog options. "setav CA_affinity" bumps their affinity numbers up with no problem, but the dialog options aren't changing.
  12. Anyone experiencing this issue with companions, check in at AFK Mods (Arthmoor and the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch crew) and report it here: http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/tracdown/issue/20388-companion-affinity-bug/
  13. Other possible solutions: #1 - Save (not quicksave) BEFORE you do this. If you are on a PC, exit your armor, strip the parts off of it so you just have the frame standing there. Open the console (press the "~" key), click on the frame so the ID number appears, and type in "setownership". Close the console, put your parts back on it. This may fix the glitch on that frame. Try to recreate the bug. If your armor stays fixed, repeat the process with each of your armors, one at a time. Supposedly player built/owned frames will not be effected by the cell reset bug. #2 - Buildable Power Armor Frames mod - https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3960065-power-armor-bug-resets-to-t45/
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