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  1. So I just uninstalled all my mods and started a fresh Skyrim and realized that sounds are missing just in the base game. What causes this cause it is the first time I have ever experienced it.
  2. I am having an issue with my sounds no longer being present and I can't for the life of me figure out where the problem lies. Weapon, magic, footsteps, collison and impact sounds are all missing. If anyone can see a problem in my load order that might be the culprit that would be appreciated otherwise I will just start from scratch again and see when and where it happens.
  3. So I installed Bodyslide and CBBE using Vortex. I just switched over from NMM. I redownloaded all my mods with Vortex since my NMM versions were all out of date. I installed CBBE, installed the textures I wanted to use, then installed bodyslide. Bodyslide is pointed to all the right directories, launches fine, picks up the meshes and textures I'm using. However when I build my body and then go to check the changes in game I am still greeted with the standard cbbe curvy preset. In Vortex there was a conflict issue. Obviously with the femalebody.nif's. I set it have Bodyslide win the conflict, no changes in game. Set it to have CBBE win the conflict, no change. I am not sure what to do. Should I have Bodyslide build the nif's to a different folder?? Like the Vortex folder? I am just not sure how to get it to work. I am sure the files made in Bodyslide go to the proper directory in the games data folder as that is where it is directed, but am almost positive that vortex is just writing over those when loading the files from cbbe, or even it's perceived bodyslide files since it is just using the cbbe files as reference. I have no idea in short what to do to get the bodyslide builds to actually take effect in game using vortex. I have also found very little information or help anywhere except how to point vortex to the proper bodyslide executable.
  4. You know what might be the problem? I feel so stupid for not having thought of this first. I forgot Skyrim can't run well above 60Hz. I 'm guessing this is what is causing my water to freak out. Yup. Haha, that was the problem. I feel so dumb. It's been so long since I have played this, I just totaly forgot about that then eyed my framerate and it hit me. Well thanks Jannifer for suggesting a solution.
  5. So after doing some more testing. The HDT physics extension is definitely what is causing the bug. Not cbbe. I'm not sure why this would be happening. It's the first time I have ever experienced this problem. I have used this hdt-pe before in my game and never had this issue.
  6. I don't remember how to use spoilers to make hidden lists. But I am using and installed in this order; Unofficial patch, skse, skyui, racemenu, cbbe, mature skin, eyes of beauty, hdt-pe, xpmse, bodyslide, then build the body. Going in and running around to see what happening and changed after every install on a clean save i keep stored away for testing.Right after I install bodyslide and build the curvy body for cbbe hdt is when I start experiencing the bug. I guess I should also mention these were all mods I had backed up from when I built my new computer. I just dragged and dropped the mods back into nmm after I built my new pc and started playing this again.
  7. So it appears to happen after I install XPMSE and build the hdt body in bodyslide. Does anyone know why this would cause my water to bug out and my character to act like she is floating under water at times??
  8. Also I was getting a message when trying to install skyui about the has been an exception has occurred. I looked up how to fix this by enabling add shell extensions for supported files. Is this perhaps causing this. I'm in the process of going through reinstalling stuff to see what exactly is happening. But thought this might be worth mentioning as I have never gotten this message when I modded before.
  9. I have modded before and usually go in this order but it seems to be getting really messed up. I'm not sure what exactly is going on right now.
  10. I am having a strange issue where as soon as I install a mod after I clean install and clean my masters I get a weird water glitch. The water is clipping and causing an odd noise. It starts as soon as I install cbbe. I go in and test skse, then skyui, then racemenu, but right after cbbe I start getting this bug. Which feels really odd to me.
  11. What exactly would this be used for in terms of the average user installing mods and what kind of mods would require it? I have never had anything say it was needed but some have suggested its use. I couldn't really find much information on it that was descriptive in that manner. I'm not savvy with all the programmer lingo.
  12. FNIS can support up to 8000 animations but the game itself only really supports 537 animations I believe. The more animations you use the more likely it is to crash. I would stick to using less than 537 to keep the game running smooth. ENB can cause crashes on load. 1-2 on first load is pretty normal, 3-5 is less stable but still something most people can deal with. Any more then that and you should reduce the number of mods you're using to help stabilize memory allocation. If you look on most forums regarding enb even on the enbdev forums, people experience ctd's using enb. If you want to use it there is really no way around it except to try and limit it as much as possible. Spending the last week trying to get rid of them and talking with most of the people you are talking with now I have realized it is just going to happen occasionally. It's more of the game engines fault than anything since it is unstable on it's own and adding lots of post processing affects are going to increase the instability. I know you said you're not using an enb but if you ever do it's just something to keep in mind. Regardless though in you enblocal file I would recommend putting VideoMemorySizeMb at the max available which is 10240. A lot of people have given me a lot of different things to try out regarding this but I have found that this is the most stable but at a performance cost. Though I suppose since you are using windows 10 you will be restricted to using 4096(4GB of memory,) so you should probably try that and see how it runs. Something else to think about is your installation order. It is very important to follow the install order that is given to you by mod authors. For ex: SMIM should be installed before other texture replacers like realistic water and skyrim 2k hd, then install those and let them overwrite it. If you use XPMSE and anything that uses an extended skeleton make sure to follow those instructions to the letter. If you are using Nexus Mod Manager I would recommend writing down the order in which you installed your mods so that if you need to uninstall them you can uninstall them in the exact same order or it could cause potential problems with some mods taking over that you don't want to. If you are using a lot or even honestly just a few texture replacers(especially since windows 10 limits memory usage,) I would recommend cutting them all down down to 1k textures for improved performance. For SFO(Skyrim Flora Overhaul) I recommend using the performance lod's and changing the grass setting in skyrim.in to this:iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=5 iMinGrassSize=50That will also help improve performance but still do what the mod is intended to. When using TESLODGen set the atlas size to 2048 and max texture size to 512, maybe drop in uv range to 6-8. That will help a little bit as well. Download notepad++ cause it will help streamline ini edits. If a mod author has specified ini edits you can copy them and then use ctrl f to find that line and change it. I would recommend downloading Wrye Bash and reading both the help file, and going onto the step forums and reading the Wrye Bash support pages and read me that they have as well. Wrye Bash is super useful and probably the best way to learn what exactly modding does and how it works. It's long and complex but step has a really good readme and explains it well. It's one of the best places to start learning how to mod. It has a lot of great tools like the "infamous and little understood bashed patch" which is something you will want to use. One last recommendation. This one will hurt but you should really do it. Start a fresh install. Unistall your mods and just reinstall skyrim. Then before you mod, start a new game get into riverwood, make at least four clean fresh saves and exit the game. Go to documents/my games/skyrim/saves and copy and paste them into a folder for backups. Then start modding. Writing down the install order of all your mods and do them one at a time and test them. When you save make a totally new save apart from your four fresh clean saves. You want to keep them untarnished. This will save you a lot of headache in the long run and you will always have a clean save to revert back to that is completely untouched by any modding you have done if you ever have to make a fresh install. An install order I would recommend: Unofficial Patch, SKSE, SkyUI and any other UI tool like racemenu and iHUD. Install gameplay overhauls, quest addons, location addons, player homes.Install texture replacers in the install order recommended by mod authors. Install ragdolls, hdt and fnis, installl any animations, install XPMSE. Install bodies and body replacers, armors and followers. So far I have had no problems with installing my mods in this fashion. Hope this info helps and have fun modding.
  13. I don't think so. With enb it loads fine. I have tried all my clean saves with and without enb. Using it is the only time the game crashes on load. I had read that it is pretty normal to have one or two while loading using enb.
  14. Is the reserved memory for enblocal similar to the scrap memory heap used by the actual game and SKSE? Just wondering. I have tried settings similar to this but still encounter the occasional first load ctd's. Never in game though. Hopefully I will never have any ctd's in game. For now it seems very stable. Not much stutter. I will probably disable my secondary monitor. I run a lot of them.
  15. What about the hands and head are broken? If there are dark spots around the wrist and neck it is a problem caused by using texblend on the body. You don't need to use it for this texture replacer. If you did you will have to reinstall it to fix the issue.
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