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Everything posted by Vexari
After beating the hell out of Alduin, fighting all through the lands and finishing every quest I came across as well as doing the Dragonborn lands and Dawnguard DLC my level 102 Son of Skyrim (Nord Warrior Male) decided that it was time to fade into the sunset. He and his wife had been through much, and while love had sheltered them both through a lot of the terrors Skyrim through at them... a little sword and board work did quite well for the rest. So with a final nod to Jarl Stormcloak and a bow to the majestic statue of Talos he and his wife mounted their steeds and made a new journey... into retirement.... So let's do it again! After bashing every critter in Skyrim in the face with my shield and getting a few new dents I want to play a character that frowns on combat and has taken the idea of a modern day combat medic. I won't fight unless I absolutely have to but I will heal the sick and wounded. I have the story, the character.... and now I need the armor. Guys, help me out. I am looking for some new armor for this character. The only idea I have behind this armor is that it MUST BE LORE FRIENDLY. I'm looking for suggestions for my next combat cleric play-through and would love to see some ideas. I generally have in mind a heavy armor user with either chain-mail or heavy plate. However.... I could go for a cloth using healer. This by itself would be interesting, and I could really dig it. So let's see some ideas, now that I think about it, cloth armor please.
So after looking through the nexus I found something that seriously bothers me... there are no Khajiit followers out there with Khajiit voices. Now, truth be told I think I grasp why this is as it is, and that's because there are no Khajiit follower voices. Now, the question I have is... why not use the voice for Ahjisi as she's only used once? Is there a problem with that and could I actually do it?
Update to this, uninstalled the Unofficial Skyrim patch and ta-da, everything works again! Thanks for the input and help guys!
Alright, i'll do that. The only mod which I currently have installed which touchs on ANYTHING relating to dragons is Deadly Dragons, i'll work with it. I mean I know it's one of the mods I have installed which is doing it but I do NOT want to completely reinstall this game AGAIN and start from scratch once more. This would be the 5th or 6th time.
Actually, no. I don't. @VictoriaG : This means I need to totally restart my game now since it's been screwed up since the initial game start right? Furthermore, spawning dragons in does this allow me to check for Dragon soul working or does it have to be a dragon already in game?
Holy cow, how did I miss this? Ok, I admit, this ones on me. I had this mod installed prior to my most recent clean sweep (delete everything and starting over to fix a mod complication) and I completley forgot to reinstall it. Thank you for pointing this out, I was going nuts trying to figure out what it was. Testing now to insure this is the issue.
Yeah, actually I am. I'm using it, the Dawnguard, and Hearthfire unofficial patchs.
I was wondering about your post so I went and checked. My steam auto updates and i'm running the newest version simply by turning on Steam and letting it do its thing so it's not an update issue. Anyone else have any ideas here? I really hate going all the way through the game just to find out it's doing this.
I don't know if this is a mod issue, or what is causing this. I've had two characters that this has happened to. When you get to the first encounter at the tower with a dragon you're told to kill it. Upon killing it, you absorb the dragons soul... or you are supposed to. I have had this happen twice with two totally different characters (and I believe with different mods installed). I kill the dragon, the Dunmer says,"Everyone, get back!" and they back off. This is the part where you are SUPPOSED to absorb his soul... but it doesn't for me. The dragons dead, I can loot his corpse and everything is absolutely fine except the glaring issue of 'no dragon soul absorbed'. I looked all over google, and I see a bunch of stupid answers and some that refer to dragon respawns not giving you souls, this has nothing to do with either. These are fresh dragons, ones I have never killed before and are in totally different parts of the map. I'm using Deadly Dragons, and i'm worried that THIS is the reason my dragon souls are no longer being absorbed... but if I take it off won't it ruin my save? I encountered a dragon near Witchmist grove and killed it with the same thing happening. Bones, check. Skin, check. Soul? Nope. Has anyone else encountered this problem with their games? Does it sound familier to anyone in reference to something you have read? I've spawned dragons to see if it WAS respawns ( I know they weren't, I was humoring my worries) and killed THOSE... with no soul. Mind you, this doesn't happen all the time, it only happens in rare saves and even if I revert it doesn't fix anything. I have had saves where I killed the dragon over and over again at the tower and no soul, so it's character based I believe. The characters I am playing are normal vanilla races, nothing custom. Help! Edit (NOTE) One thing I failed to point out is there is no animation, period. There's no corpse burning or anything, it's just this big corpse laying on the ground.
The issue is I think I have corrupt files or something. I'm using the same files as before but something is wrong and I keep getting bad textures. Nothing has changed in the past 48 hours andI have reinstalled the mods, redownloaded them, everything. This LITERALLY popped up overnight.
Title says it all. How do I complete wipe of everything(including Nexus) on my HD and start over from scratch? One of my mod combination is really screwing me over and I just wanna download it from scratch and mod nexus all over again. Help?! PS: Pretend i'm slow. It'll help me and you in the long run :p
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12106 See the above mod. I would like the following done with that shield: 1. Make the shield available to all hold guards in Whiterun. Make the shield part of the Whiterun guard loot table. (They could use this, or they could use a round shield, varies through town). 2. Make the shield available to all holds in Skyrim, each hold would have its own emblem on their respective shield. 3. Make the shield with the same base stats as a Steel Shield, and let it be able to be upgraded. 4. Non-craftable, but make a few of them be placed in the Whiterun barracks in various places. (Under beds, on tables) Simple, thanks in advance.
A while back I had a mod on my nexus launcher that did the following : It allowed for each of the various factions to equip hoods randomly. I don't know how else to explain this other then the fact I remember the guards in my cities sometimes walking around with a hood for a head slot. I've looked everywhere and tried a lot of different mods to try to get this to work but for some reason my guards refuse to change their helmets. Someone want to help me out here and figure out which one it is?