Bethesda might not always make the decision that best-suits the needs of modders, but I don't understand why people think they don't care about modders. They're a businesses; what best serves their financial needs and obligations has to come first. But if Bethesda actually didn't care about modders then they wouldn't be letting us mess around with their game files and the attendant DLC that has come with it. I know right? I've completely emptied out my folder, deleted skyrim once my mods were backed up, and even tried to reinstall through steam. First off, it kept stating that the servers were either down or too busy so it wouldn't even let me install the game. Finally, I uninstalled the Steam program itself and reinstalled! Finally, it is downloading the game, but I still wonder if I will even be able to play it. Major growls at Steam, Beth, and consoles in general atm!!!