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About Jameslwolf

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  1. Got problem fixed- not that it matters so far trying to play the game has been a freakish nightmare!
  2. I’m not sure what the problem is on Steam’s end. If I try log in from the desk top icon or for Steam's web site I get “invalid account” however if I use the link in gmail I have no problem logging into Steam's support page. The support page confirms that I have a valid account and I even have options to make changes to my account. Now the moment I navigate from the support page to go to any other page on Steam’s web site I’m no longer logged in.` I have thought about opening another account but since I'm not in the process of buying a product from steam at this time I'm not sure I would get a different result.
  3. Thanks to all of you for responding to this post! First off to all the “Steam” fans out there—calm down people! I made an off-handed comment about a web site. I did not burn down the Amazon rain-forest on my way to bludgeon a baby seal to death. On that note I do deeply apologize to all the good people over there at “Steam”. From the looks of it, your web site seems you have an awesome web site. What I find “crappy” is that millions of people around the world can log on without any problem and I can’t or that I can send you e-mails every day, day after day and get no response. As to why I posted here at Nexus. Well since I can’t log into Steam I can’t post to their forums can I? I could post to Bethesda but what good would that do? Too much criticism and they’re just going to take my post down and still not tap a key stroke to help me. As proof of that I just got a response from Bethesda: We are very sorry to hear about the issue that you are encountering with your game and Steam. Here at Bethesda Technical Support, we are not able to provide any support for Steam itself. Any issues with logging into Steam need to be handled by Steam. Unfortunately, using Steam is the only way to activate the game. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you and have a wonderful day! Best Regards, Stephani R. I'm not ranting for the sake of ranting, I would like to play this game!
  4. I purchased a copy of “New Vegas” from Wal-Mart, I put the game disk that they gave me into my computer and clicked on the setup.exe expecting it to install the game on my computer—nope it seems I have to download the game through 4th- party Steam. The problem is that no matter what I try I can’t log into Steam to make that happen (the site keeps saying that my account is not valid even though they sent me an e-mail saying that it is). I've e-mailed the Steam support multiple times to get some help fixing the problem.- That was a week ago (Steam support never did get back to me)- I did finally get logged into Steam but since then it's been a total nightmare. I wasted $20.00 dollars on a game that thanks to "Steam" doesn't work without major problems. I problem is the "Steam" version of the New Vegas game launcher. If Bethesda had not sold the distribution rights to "Steam". I'd be playing with the original New Vegas game launcher and everything work fine. As it is now the game is playable but Sucks ASS!!!! because I can't activate mods. Yes I can install mods I just can't activate them.
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