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Everything posted by EyeofMobius

  1. Hello Everyone, I am seek a way to disable the toggling of the POV either by mod or by command or by something else unknown to me. Here is the situation: I play skyrim on my PC with a Razer Onza TE controller. I am using a bunch of mods including 'Dual Wield Parrying.' The controller is id'd as an xbox controller and seems to refuse any keybinding changes. POV is assigned to the 'Right Stick' which is where I want to put the Block button for the 'Dual Wield Parrying' mod. Here is the list of solutions I have attempted: -Razer product support faqs & guides. -Xbox controller remapper mod. -Enhanced 3rd person Camera mod. -Reassigning buttons in vanilla menus. -Placing head on desk in dejected fashion hoping for pity from my computer. -Asking for help here. In an ideal world I would really like to have the POV toggle to be assigned an override choice command in an MCM menu. Thanks in advance for anyone with possible solutions, answers and productive discussion contributions.
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