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Everything posted by MissMorose

  1. I think this is a pretty fair stance. I mean, I'm female, I find a lot of these mods and characters that fall under the 'Beautiful Slave Girl' trope to be downright depressing, but you just have to remember that, if it's not against the Nexus rules, then people have a right to create and download such mods. You don't *have* to agree with everything in the world, and that's okay. Besides, like a lot of y'all have pointed out, it's not just the mods that portray that sort of character/scenario. It's a pretty popular trend in movies and games [especially games, I feel], and I just avoid those movies/games when I see them. Jeez, even Fallout, which is one of my favorite franchises/series, had a follower who doesn't sound that far off from the Mango mod - Clover in Fallout 3 was an abused slave who constantly flirted with the PC. Should FO3 be banned from Nexus [for Beth's awful writing skills], or is it okay to just ignore that companion and play the rest of the game?
  2. Yesterday this topic was a lot more civil.. I feel like I've missed something. I mean, what was wrong with the mandatory mod tagging/separating violence/language/nudity filters idea? When did we suddenly go back to the idea of censoring everything a select few disagree with? Also, I get the dislike for some of the creepier/rape mods out there, but jeezus, calm down. That's what the tagging discussion was for - so you can still enjoy the site while not having to see NSFW content that others here may want. If the Nexus removed any and all mods that someone out there disagreed with, we'd all end up playing.. *eck*.. Vanilla games. That said, so glad to see that a tagging redesign might be happening. ^^
  3. In my experience, there just aren't nearly as many mods for violence as there are for sex/nudity. Most people don't make mods that make death scenes more traumatic, and most quest mods have the same amount of violence as the base game allows [or it's all text]. I know for Skyrim there was that one 'deadly mutilation' [?] mod that let you rip/slice people in half... I thought that was gross and I didn't download it. Same reason I don't play games with ultra crazy violence, like Mortal Combat. Hatred or the Witcher games. I think people are just more outspoken against nudity because we're more exposed to it in the mod section [and of course U.S does have a pretty janky view of sex vs. violence in movies/games]. And thanks - I'll start making use of that then. ^^ As for server limitations on tagging, totally understandable. As I said, my experience with the current tagging system has worked really well, and most content I don't care for is pretty much hidden from me. I also understand that the imageshare isn't the main priority on the site, so I wasn't really expecting a full fledged tagging system there any time soon. I agree with chucksteel that separating Adult Content between Violence, Language and Nudity would be amazingly handy, but if it's not feasible then it's not feasible. I think most of my issues will be solved just knowing that the Block Author is a one-way thing now.
  4. Oh, I do block some posters - I try to keep it limited to only the ones that give me the serious creeps though, because I'm not sure if blocking users on the forum/imageshare also prevents them from using my mods? I don't want to ban them from my mods because technically they didn't do anything wrong, I just don't want to see the stuff they're posting. I don't think anyone here is crying 'ban everything I don't agree with!". Personally, I think most folk just want a better way to individualize what they see here. I know I don't mind if there's a ton of porn mods on the site, I just want to be able to properly filter them out for myself, while still being able to see the mods I am interested in. A better tagging system and such.
  5. I normally don't get into lore discussions, but.. If humans couldn't survive 10-15 years after the bombs dropped, how are there still humans 200+ years later? Obviously *some* survived in those irradiated environments, so it'd be totally possible to have a Fallout game in that time period. Personally, I'd love for FO5 to be set even later on in the timeline though. FO4 tries so hard to draw a distinct line between Pre-War and Post-War society, with the prologue and so many NPCs complaining about 'how hard things are nowadays'.. I mean, 200 years is a really long time, why is everyone so familiar with life before the bombs? Actually, my perfect scenario for FO5 is pretty much a Fallout: New Vegas 2.0. I don't know if Bethesda got a new writer for this game or what, but I couldn't get into the storyline, the majority of the characters or the game world. Most things just felt either really lazy or super forced.
  6. Yeah, I know the imageshare has an adult-only tag on it too, and a lot of people are good about marking their images appropriately, but there are a lot of images that are technically allowed [i think?], they're still just kinda smutty and I could do without em'. It's mostly just the cleavage closeup shots I'd love to block, but the characters are fully clothed so it's not breaking any rules. Same with a lot of shots showing off skimpy armors. To each his own, but I'd like some better tools for filtering it out on a personal level. Perhaps the adult-only tag on the imageshare does need an update though - I know there was a big to-do about it a while ago, but I'm still not entirely clear what needs reporting and what's fine. But yes, I fully support separating the adult only tag into violence/language and nudity.
  7. Well, I can normally ignore most skimpy/nude content just with the tags [i've got adult content turned off and blocking the sexy/skimpy, nudity, not safe for work and bodyslide preset tags]. The occasional CBBE Innies mod still slips through, where the modder didn't mark it accordingly, but you just report and ignore it. That said, I would love to see a new catagory for Adult Nudity in addition to the Adult Content section. I know I'm currently blocking a ton of good quest mods that have been marked as adult only due to swearing even though they don't contain nudity. Being able to still browse those mods without seeing boobs everywhere would be fantastic. Also, less important but still fantastic, a tagging system for the imageshare. While they're still technically allowed, there are so many closeups of cleavage/butts that I could do without.
  8. Haven't tried working with the dog armor/accessories yet, but you should be able to load the Dogmeat.nif as the Reference in Outfit Studio, then import the dog armor as the Outfit. That way you'll have both meshes open at the same time, and you can work the armor until it fits around the dog. After that, just export the outfit [without the reference] and you should have an armor mesh that fits around your pooch. And the brushes are pretty straightforward after you know what they do - you should be able to just hover your mouse over them and it'll describe them. The ones you'll probably want to use are the expanding brush [makes the mesh expand a bit] and the 'grabbing' brush [which lets you grab the armor and sort of massage it into the shape you need it].
  9. After playing the game some I was also wondering how quest modders would work around the voiced protagonist. It's not something I plan to get into, so I can't be much technical help - but as a player, I wouldn't mind a silent PC at all if it just meant some decent writing. Sure, it'd be a bit jarring to go from voiced to silent all of a sudden, but the first 15-minutes or so of FO4 was super weird for the exact same reason, and I got over that eventually. And if it became the standard for quest mods, I'm sure players would learn to live with it as well. I don't know what's involved in splicing the vanilla PC dialogue, but it honestly sounds like it'd be more pain than it's worth. Not only would you have to do that for both Nate and Nora, but I'm pretty sure out of the 13K+ lines, at least 10k are the amazingly simple, one-word lines like "yup", "alright" and "good". Very rarely does the PC say anything of value, in my experience.. Finding enough to work with sounds like a pain in the neck.
  10. Hello! Forgive me if this isn't in the right place - I hardly ever use the forum side of this site, but I've run into a problem. I've been playing around with the console commands, trying to figure out how to get the player character [and NPCs] to do certain poses and idles on command. I used this thread to get started, didn't have any trouble with that. But I've run into an issue with the expressions command they mentioned in that thread - I can set the players expression fine for screenshots, but I haven't found a way to reset it completely. Using the command 'caa animfacearchetypesad' for example makes the character looks sad like I want them too, but it also zooms the camera in uncomfortably close to the player's face, making the game hard to play. So far I've just been making a save before I take a screenshot, and reloading that save when I'm done to keep the camera playable, but I'd love it if there was some way to fix it without having to constantly save/reload. Using 'caa' or 'caa animfacearchetypeneutral' might reset the expression, but the camera stays messed up. If anyone has some advice on this, thanks in advance!
  11. I believe there's already a mod that does something like that. This mod has a download called 'PMT Destructible Ordnance' - worth a look. There's also similar tweaks for FOOK, Lonesome Road and GRA. Hopefully that's close to what you had in mind? ^^
  12. Kthnxbai!
    1. CrimsonFairy


      I feel the same way. :/
    2. MissMorose


      Shh. . You'll give away the secret message of my teenagery-chatspeak. . I mean, lolbrbwth. . Something.
  13. I know I've been slow to comments and images, I am trying to keep up! Sorry !
  14. Happy Birthday! ^^
    1. CrimsonFairy


      Thank you very much! :D
  15. Expanded Jewelry has a very similar amulet, which I think is what you're wanting. Best to check out that mod if you haven't already. :)
  16. I would update this, but I'm too tired right now.
  17. Hey, sorry for such a late reply, I'm still not getting notifications. "What's on your mind?" Ha, you sound like Nexus! Nothing too exciting . . . Life has been good, been sick for the last couple days though. :P How's life for you?
    1. kowalski99


      Awww...hope you feel better now,Miss.For a quick healing you needs fun and relaxing in the sun.;)I'm relaxing @work in the moment.My vacation is over.

      And i like your new avatar.So sweet and pretty cool.Miss ''MM'' personally.;P

  18. What's on my mind? Stop asking me that Nexus, I'm not that exciting!
  19. Nothing to say, but I figured I'd update this since it's not Valentines Day anymore.
    1. Bowsong


      just passing thru and noticed your lovely profile page image of the dragon- very nice ^_^
    2. MissMorose


      Well thanks! It's one of my personal favorites. :)
  20. Haha, well hi! I was stalking profiles the other day, I admit. . But no one had a scarier profile image yet! I had to be brave. ;D
  21. Happy Valentines Day everyone!
  22. Happy Valentines Day Gracey!
    1. gracescreech


      Happy Valentines Day! I hope you had lots of love, no matter if it's family or someone special. :)
  23. Happy Valentines day to you too! :D
  24. I'm confused. This new profile . . It confuses me.
  25. Sawwy, late reply!

    Apparently I'm still not getting notices when I receive profile comments. Fun! :D

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