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About badboyac

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  1. thanks for that... checked papyrus cuz had random CTDs now i know why.. lol
  2. UPDATE.. I did some more testing... I downloaded Immersive Sounds (modular version) with seperate esp's, Magic, Weaponry, Aural A., Footsteps... (which is normally a single merged esp in Immersive Sounds Compendium) So after launching skyrim.. ingame. same bug.. i go back to wyrebash and disable IS - footsteps.. go back ingame.. and no clicking noise So... i guess it's something with the footsteps thats doing that thing.. i need to know how to fix it in ISC standalone..
  3. bug is gone.. how's my load order now? but now i have a strange clicking noise while walking.. doesnt matter if i have armor on or naked.. same clicking every 2sec or so.. when i disable "immersive sounds comp." the bug is gone.. so its smth is wrong with it.. but normally it should work with AOS my load order: http://pastebin.com/vrcHv7Tm
  4. ok i've done some optimization.. to my load order pls check
  5. yea i just saw my load-order is complete trash.. i'm gonna try to fix it
  6. title ^^ Not really sure what happened... I made a fresh install, new savegame etc.. I wanted to try PerMa. But right after Helgen my Conjuration skil is keep leveling up by itself, even though I'm not using conjuration. Other than that, i have some sound crackling while saving the game.. No real lags, solid 50-60 fps all time, no crashes.. my load order:
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