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  1. Not sure if this is possible. When I am exploring downtown Boston, or other areas, I get confused on where I have been. I want to go down every street and alley and go into every building. I would like a way to leave a permanent mark/marker in the world to show I have been there already. I tried dropping burnt books but they disappear after a while.
  2. That's what I do now. I just pretend the door is locked. A mod makes it an 'official part of the game' and not just cheating. :) But some delay mods are designed to be removed. I have a delay mod to prevent Automatron from starting until the mod is removed. It works. Same thing for Vault 88 and Nuka World. The radio messages will not happen until those delay mods are removed. I don't use those now but I know they work.
  3. Once you get to Diamond City, you are told to go to Nicks office. My idea is to make the door to the office locked and has a sign that says "Temporarily Closed". Then you cannot proceed with the main quest and can go do other things. Once you are ready to proceed, remove the mod. Or add a trigger for the mod to revert the door to normal.
  4. The mod Amazing Follower Tweaks has a 'companion(s) run-away' option for when you enter build mode.
  5. I use concrete walls as fences. You can buy shipments of concrete pretty cheap from vendors. And the concrete fence can be stacked up to make it higher. Also, the place anywhere mod really helps with the uneven ground. And, the no twigs mod can really clean that place up so you can build.
  6. We need this as a mod. Check out number 5 - Post-Apocalyptic Charlie Brown: http://www.cracked.com/article_25517_6-pieces-fan-art-that-prove-were-doomed.html
  7. Edit2: Nope not solved. It will not let me place a command center or a steel Minuteman barricade anywhere. Using the special menu, I can create a Minuteman follower and I can place a flagpole. But I cannot place the command center. It is supposed to be a physical workbench, correct?
  8. I have taken the castle and I am level 41. I have the new special menu when in building mode. It says I could build 6 of them. I have walked all around the castle but It will not let me build the command center anywhere. Help?
  9. Looking for someone who has used one of the alternate starts. I am using the one that is closest to the vanilla game. I started in the vault and saw the kidnapping but I am not the parent of the baby. My problem is when I get to Diamond City. Since I do know about the baby, all the NPC conversations push me into taking the 'talk to Valentine' quest. For the other starts in the mod, I will not know about the kidnapping until I visit Vault 111. I would rather not have anything related to Valentine until later. So, for the ones that start outside the vault, and you have not visited 111, is the 'talk to Valentine' ending to Jewel of the Commonwealth deleted/delayed? Those NPC prompts are bypassed? Yes, I know I can just ignore the prompt to visit his office, but it would be nice to just leave the Jewel of the Commonwealth quest at the state of explore the area.
  10. Way back in FO3 there was a companion mod that changed the 'wait' command into a 'guard this spot' (or 'stand your ground') command. The companion would not just stand there while an enemy beat on them. The companion would return fire/fight back and even try to get cover. I cannot find a mod like this for FO4. What suggestions do you have for mods that control companions or improve their AI? I do not want one that makes them not take damage or become overpowered. It is so frustrating to me that Bethesda had examples of mods that greatly improved the companions all the way back to FO3. And they never improved the AI from FO3. All those years of development and working examples of how to do it better. Heavy sigh ......
  11. Thanks for the link. The mod does have a provisioner sleep at night feature so it is pretty close to my ideal.
  12. The provisioners constantly traveling back-and-forth 24 hours a day bothers me. My playing something like FO4 is all about the immersion and role-playing that I am actually the character in the game. The provisioners (and the guard towers) really break the immersion. How about a mod that lets them make one trip a day, Then they chill at the settlement like any unassigned settler. Would probably need to make the pack brahmin disappear to keep a settlement from becoming filled with them for those that make a hub. That would also break the immersion, but can't have everything. Or, all the provisioners at each settlement could share just the one brahmin. When one provisioner returns, the next one heads out. But each one still only makes one trip a day. By sharing the pack brahmin, if each of them makes less than one trip a day, fine. I do not know how strong the FO4 scripting is. Could this even be done?
  13. I have always seen my first patrol just South-East of the Corvega plant. The old store that always has a random fight whenever you get near. I clear out Corvega, get Tenpines to join, then start heading south again. So, I only have Sanctuary and Tenpines. These people are not from either one. And the patrol acts like this is all business as usual - very casual about meeting me. Now, according to Preston there were several Minutemen groups that did not respond to Quincy. Preston is the lone survivor of the one group that did respond. So, yes, like MoralMinority said, there are people that are/were Minutemen. But how are they getting organized so early and why do they agree that I am the new General? They have their own colonels in charge of these groups. Preston was a lower rank then colonel. I think a lieutenant. So why do these guys listen to Preston or me? Too big of a plot hole for me. I forgot about meeting the Minutemen at the castle. They could have put something in the game to explain the castle. Preston is able to contact some of them and they agree to help. Just a short sound clip from Preston could explain it. Contact them how? I do not know. Just like I do not know how he is getting all the info for the radiant quests. The whole Minutemen quest line is just too fluxed up for me. With just a little more careful planning they could have made it make sense. EDIT: I just realized something and have edited my original post. The location that I see the Minutemen near Corvega that I mentioned above is a random encounter spot. So, when I see my first Minutemen, they are not really a patrol. They have been added to the random encounter spawn list. Whatever the correct words are. I see these Minutemen fighting some other random enemies because they have been added to the list of possible spawns. I will keep track this time of when I see my first actual patrol.
  14. There are plenty of mods that buff the Minutemen patrols or increase their frequency. But I want a mod that will eliminate these patrols completely. It makes no sense to have these patrols at the start. You have just joined the Minutemen and you only have the one settlement, with 2 or 3 settlers, aligned. So where are all these Minutemen coming from? I know - magic. Maybe after taking the castle and also expanding at least 10 settlements, then having patrols would make some sense. EDIT: I would also like to not have them on the random encounter list until later. I am not sure of the right word for them. There are many locations that when you get close, a random encounter will spawn. Many times it is two hostile 'groups' fighting. mutants vs animals, raiders vs settlers, etc. I do not want to see 'magic Minutemen' as part of these encounters until after patrols start.
  15. I like using the Active_Inventory_Spell mod to give items to NPCs. Especially when they are temporary companions or involved in combat, to help keep them alive. I save up enchanted items and make potions for these times. I have not gone as far as the Bruma attack yet but I know it is coming. After the battle, will I have a chance to take back the items from them? Will I have a chance to see which Bruma guards will be joining the battle?
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