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Everything posted by Callighan

  1. Your statement makes a modded random encounter with Yuriko Omega seem non contradictory with Fallout lore. :biggrin: J/k I might just make that. :happy: You guys gave great perspectives on this. Basically, I only wanted to set how to go about creating mods without going to "no no, that's wacko" territory. I'm irked by the various "oh no, this doesn't fit the lore" comments about mods (especially mine). Everyody has their preferences. I had the assumption that there's a "sweet spot, a middle ground to make creative mods that doesn't feel too strange in the Fallout atmosphere. I guess the old saying is true; you can't please anyone.
  2. I see. That's a good way to look at it. I was thinking that some nods and references to official cannon resources gives a mod added credibility or atmosphere.
  3. I'm curious to know whether you guys prefer your mods or the mods you play to stick to the lore, especially source materials; Fallout Bible, Wiki, previous games, et cetera, or you are fine with deviations or even conflicts from cannon material? Do drop a line and share your thoughts. :)
  4. I'm guessing the settlement is in the metro station, right? So I'm thinking a bigger reward would be the experience? +1 to you pulling this off. :)
  5. Keep at it, good man. I'm raising my Red Bull as a toast to you.
  6. Such is your perseverance. +1 kudos for you. Bytheway Jaysus, has any of the writings you asked for in the druid's garden thread been made into in game books and such?
  7. I hope to not invoke spoilers, but I'd like to know what will be the point of interest in the conflict. If such is the premise, I'm interested to see how this turns out. Perhaps it would be more interesting if there's a worthwhile reward of sorts after finishing the scenario. If you have planned something, I'm intrigued to know what it is. Oh do continue. It's always nice to see quest mods get done. :)
  8. 23 times? Wow. I'm speechless. GECK has been pretty stable with me. Perhaps something's fishy with your system.
  9. You shouldn't give up just because of a few GECK crashes. Patience and perseverance makes a good mod.
  10. Interesting song, Jaysus. That could make a good soundtrack to a COMM teaser video. Just saying.
  11. Thanks for the heads up, Halororor.
  12. I think the name Ragnarök is alright.
  13. Feasible roughly means possible. If it's feasible, it's possible and it can be made. Now since you have the basic idea thought of, start with the harbour first. Use the GECK Wiki often as your guide. The My First Vault Tutorial should help you in your work creating the harbour and characters. Do the interior and exteriors first, then do the characters. After you've done them, create your quest. Test them in game. Afterwards, you can worry about models. Personally, I think making meshes are most difficult. Depending on talent and time, learning how to mesh takes a lot of effort. Scripting easier, I think. And you'll definitely practice scripting as you go along making quests. So it's wise to think about adding new item models and such much later in the creation process. Good luck in implementing your idea.
  14. Well generally, the lesson is that when a person has an idea, the general comment made by modders who has experience would be "around how to do it" or whether its feasible or otherwise. This is also a cue for the idea guy to start working on his idea. And if he indeed starts working on his idea, he'll gain both kudos and assistance from sympathizing modders. Simply put, if you have an idea, try to make it happen and you'll get some assistance.
  15. Nice to see some well-thought-of ideas. Improvements on AntAgonizer/Machinist quest rewards are very much do-able. Doesn't take much work in the GECK. Adding a storage vault and an underground hidden basement aren't that difficult either. Can be done. Most of the work would go in making quests related to the overtaking of Tenpenny Towers. Work should start from creating the perk rewards, then the creation of new interiors. After those are finished, the Tenpenny Towers segment so be worked on. I think it's wise to think of new content creation (such as the addition of Rorschach, Wolverine, etc) after work on Tenpenny is done.
  16. the thing about ideas and modding is that a modder has to know how to implement ideas. If ideas are hard to implement, it depends on the modder's interest in implementing that idea. Since most modders have their own idea which they are working on, rough ideas offered by other people are most likely to be ignored. So the best way to make things happen is to do things yourself. Since most modders are fine with sharing a few scripts or meshes and textures, you can create a barebones quest mod, then incorporate some of the 3d models made by other modders by permission. Simply put, you create the quests/NPCs, and you use other people's models with permission. I think a considerable ammount of weapon or item modellers have not much interest in creating intricate quests and interiors/exteriors. And they'd be more than happy to lend their 3d models to be used in your mod. So if you have made something quite exciting, some modders should be more inclined to help and get things going. Otherwise, ideas will just be ideas.
  17. Absolutely possible. You could just plop in NPC in the GECK. And don't forget to navmesh.
  18. Then it all comes down to this thing called interest.
  19. Splendid work. I do hope a translated version will be made.
  20. 1. Morrowind 2. Fallout 3 3. KOTOR 4. Civilization 2 5. Rome Total War
  21. We didn't start the flame wars. But I suspect original post was created for lol purposes.
  22. Well, if you're talking in terms of sales then, yes. Yes Prototype has the potential to sell more than inFamous. Me too. Sony's been trying to put out PS3 only releases like MGS4 and Killzone. But it's not enough to draw me as a PC gamer to get a PS3. Surely a keyboard and mouse setup is definitely the way to go for an FPS. In the ign review, the reviewer says that some abilities in Prototype uses awkward button combinations. A specific example he gave was the cannonball ability which uses two buttons that are hard to hit on the 360 controller. I'm thinking a keyboard could prevent that problem. So good points for Prototype being available for the PC. Another plus point for Prototype is the variety of powers. Some of those simply looks like fun.
  23. If you check out the ign reviews, Prototype is scored 2 points lower than inFamous. The main reasons being Prototype's draw distance is jarring, its animation is not as good as inFamous and less variety in its mission. From the videos, I can see that Prototype has more variety of powers than inFamous. That's a strong point in Prototype. And those powers sure look like fun. inFamous looks like it has better graphics and animation. It has a good-bar karma system, and the IGN reviewer says the missions are a bit open ended in the way that you can choose to settle things peacefully or with violence. So does Prototype beat inFamous? I disagree. Which game is better? It's up to each person. It's subjective.
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