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About travistiller

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  1. why are the trees disappearing whenever i get close to them ? even after ive installed the update, im new to modding, is there some little detail that i messed up?
  2. i download the update for my skyrim and i transfer the files over, then when i restart the game it says "unknown publisher" and it never gets past the main menu before it crashes. any suggestions?
  3. well it isnt the pc, its pretty high end, but i think it was the skse so i downloaded that and tried to install it but it said i needed to ipdate to the newest skyrim so i downloaded the update and installed it and now my skyrim wont open at all, it just goes black screen if you click it.
  4. im not using any other mods, its the first mod ive downloaded, so im guessing i need some sort of patch for it to work or something but i dont know which one.
  5. i just downloaded the moonpath to elsweyr mod but when i activate it my skyrim crashes at main menu. do i need another mod to help it out or something?
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