Update Link to Modding section in the Anno 1800 Fandom Wiki: https://anno1800.fandom.com/wiki/Modding#RDA_file_organization Looks like the Link to the RDA Explorer was added per my request. Yea! (Top of next section, Basic Info) In the Anno 1800 Wiki, scroll down to: Modding Guides & Websites The first item points to the Modding Blog: https://schwubbe.de/modding_blog.php (Change the display to the language of your choice in the upper right of the page.) I find this web page most useful when looking for information on how to make your own mod, and how to install mods. The second item goes to a link to an old UBI site that no longer exists and should be deleted from the Wiki. The links to the other places in this section appear to be good and still work for me. Note that the last item is a link in Github that has links to other Mod Collections for Anno 1800 in Github only. (Posting issues at this link, will most likely be ignored. This place was meant to point to other mod collections. It is not a place for posting suggestions and asking for help with mods.)