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About FalqonOne

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    TES Skyrim, Fallout 4, TES Oblivion.
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  1. So I've only been playing single player lately but want to get back into online. Now I have scripthook and a few asi mods installed. Do I need to remove those mods everytime I want to launch online? Or does it just disable itself? I read that Scripthook disables when going into online but what about the other asi files? Sadly I don't have the space for 2 installs in my SSD. But with just scripthook and asi mods maybe its okay to play online?
  2. So I don't think I'm the only one here who found a great looking hat from a NPC, only to find you that you cannot save it, nor is it a special ''stolen hat'' which you could add to your outfit. I have no idea if its possible, but some kind of way to ''tag'' every NPC hat in the game as a ''stolen hat'' so you can add it to your outfit would be absolutely amazing. Thanks for reading!
  3. When you steal a horse (or temporary horse) without your saddle, you don't put your guns away. So that's a alternative and maybe also part of the future mod/solution by somehow attaching that behavior to your main saddle. Though sadly nothing seems to be in the works for that. It does help recognizing when you keep your weapons and when you don't, for me it helped ''accepting'' the annoyance. Basically wherever you go through a town / ''safe area'' your guns will be put away until you reselect them again. This only happens then, if you''e just out in the wild, he still puts his guns away, but once you get off your horse they are on your back again. So they never reset out in the wild. It helps to know this so you don't get so annoyed when he puts his guns away after 5 seconds lol. Also you can just equip your knife or anything else and the guns will stay if you really want to.
  4. Oh hell yes, I'd pay to see a mod for it. My workaround right now for it is to equip something else like a knife or something then Arthur won't stash the guns. Probably my number one annoyance as well though, spend all that time and money to make a gun look amazing and the game hides it half the time.
  5. I like some things, but the website lacks A LOT of contrast, it's a visual mess right now.
  6. Seasons Of Skyrim ENB for his playthroughs. He switches ENB's for his mod reviews though (I think)
  7. TES V - Skyrim Drawn Weapon Lag / Glitch / Bug Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCBJs6YJ0-I Hi guys so I decided to make a video on this bug in skyrim, a very gamebreaking (at least for me) bug. I have seen some posts on this but never a fix or decent explanation of what is causing it. So I decided to make a clear video on it to address the issue. My mods (which could have influence): * SkyUI (4.1) * RaceMenu (2.1.5) * ImmersiveHud * Frostfall * 360 Run and Plus * SKSE 1.7 I run the game with 255 mods. Never have any CTD's or Freeze's (thank god). And the game is fully optimized. (Memory patch, SKSE etc.) PC Specs: * i7 3770K * GTX 760 4GB OC * 14 GB RAM * 128 GB SSD * 1 TB Hard Drive (which is where my skyrim is stored on) If anyone can provide some knowledge on this issue I will be very grateful and perhaps we can create a solution.
  8. You could ask other big land modders, I hope you don't give up, of course it is your personal hobby, But i'd love to see it. Keep it up man :)
  9. In response to post #11704346. #11704481 is also a reply to the same post. They should appear, did you install NMM in the directory you always had it in?
  10. Started NMM today and it stopped working when I started it all the time
  11. You core might be unstable, can you post your PC specs, that can give me more insight, and are you playing with mods and ENB? (post those too)
  12. When you installed NMM, did you choose the correct skyrim directory (install folder where all the data goes)?
  13. There is a mod that lets you control NPC and such with a spell, can't remember the name though. This could be made/used into your concept. But you'd need to find the mod ;p, sorry for not remembering the name
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