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Everything posted by chasemm18

  1. Not sure if its possible, but would someone be able to take the dodge action from the Thief vocation and assign it to the archer vocation? If im not mistaken, the archer vocation has a "Dash button" which on controller is either Circle or B, could that be replaced with a dodge? Since clicking down the left stick ALSO allows one to dash/sprint? I understand the archer is meant to be ranged but there are too many scenarios that can leave you surrounded and its just not mobile enough to enjoy some of those encounters. Thank you for having a look !
  2. Hello! Just like the title says I would love someone to take the Knight Armor it make it Gold to match the Brass Shield in game. If I knew how to do it myself I would but my attempts at modding textures in skyrim was....well sad... haha :) thank you for having a look!
  3. dang I would love this too!! would be great to have the stats but not have to see the helmet!
  4. Hi Modders! Would anyone be interested in importing any of the hairstyles from odyssey into Valhalla? Would this even be possible? I love so many of the hairstyles in the Eivor customizer, however I would love something a little more clean, I love the pulled back hair that someone modded onto Kassandra, I wish the longer Eivor hair was less mangy (I know hes a viking not a LOTR elf haha) if anyone knows of a mod that already offers something along the lines of some sweet Legolas looking hair that would be awesome. Thank you!
  5. So this request has about 10 years of history behind it. I have been dying for someone to make an armor that closely resembled the elven clothing from LOTR (namely the legolas outfit) well after 8 years someone did it! Sadly...it is only for a female body, the mod author said they would be working on a male version however its been almost 3 years and no word or response...I have attempted to mess with modeling in the past and I never quite got the hang of it...I was hoping that will this new "outfit studio" I've been hearing about that someone could convert this specific outfit for me. Id be willing to make a donation for your time! I know these things arent easy and I don't want to be some ungrateful jerk who just says "do this for me please" so if someone is interested please let me know! I'd love to finally play the game as the Elf I dreamed of! :) Thank you for reading -Chase
  6. im glad to see im not the only one who felt this way, I was gonna switch to a green saber but after seeing it in game it looks off, too light, not very GREEN, maybe a reshade will fix it?
  7. Hey all! I hope this is the right place to post this, I am usually pretty good at trouble shooting and getting mods to work but I have a few that are just flat out stumping me. I am using skyrim VR, I have followed all of the instructions to install the latest version of SKSE for skyrim VR but I cannot for the life of me get VR body to work.... I don't have the alteration spell in my inventory like the mod describes and I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mod turning off other mods that may conflict but no luck. Also having issues with these 2 Epic elves ( I think it has something to do with the version of skse and the version of racemenu that is available for skyrim vr) The shire SE - This one I am so lost on, it doesnt require skse , but when I reach the quest start point there is nothing there, I have no other mods that conflict with this one I am at my wits end! :( does it just NOT work with VR? any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you -Chase
  8. Hey all! I hope this is the right place to post this, I am usually pretty good at trouble shooting and getting mods to work but I have a few that are just flat out stumping me. I am using skyrim VR, I have followed all of the instructions to install the latest version of SKSE for skyrim VR but I cannot for the life of me get VR body to work.... I don't have the alteration spell in my inventory like the mod describes and I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mod turning off other mods that may conflict but no luck. Also having issues with these 2 Epic elves ( I think it has something to do with the version of skse and the version of racemenu that is available for skyrim vr) The shire SE - This one I am so lost on, it doesnt require skse , but when I reach the quest start point there is nothing there, I have no other mods that conflict with this one I am at my wits end! :( does it just NOT work with VR? any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you -Chase
  9. sorry dont know what happened with the link but here it is https://www.artstation.com/artwork/J8RPA
  10. Legolas 3d Model to be made into armor set looking for a modder who would be interested in turning this awesome 3d model into an armor mod for skyrim! let me know if you are interested , this creator was gracious to allow me access to his work for the purpose of finding a modder to make into an armor set. Thank you! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/J8RPA
  11. Hi all! I was curious .... If i bought this 3d model and had all of its assets could a modder take these and turn this into an armor mod for skyrim? I am pretty ignorant as to how completely original armor sets are made so I apologize if this is a ridiculous question https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/legolas-greenleaf-3d-model/1026596 I would love to see a talented modder take this and turn it into something awesome! -Chase
  12. I would love it if someone could port the Middle Earth overhaul mod to SE so that it could be used in Skyrim VR. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51319/ Thank you for having a look!
  13. After playing Lone echo I too would like to see a body mode or at least arms as that game is able to do it incredibly well. Now I know that Lone Echo was designed specifically for VR so if that means no body, I understand. It would be nice for the hands to at least change depending on the armor equipped, for instance, rather than just having hands and wrists, seeing the whole forearm to allow the whole gauntlet equipped to be shown. Anyone know if someone is already working on this?
  14. It is very much confirmed for April 3rd, check the steam website. As for being premature, I was just asking considering the game has been confirmed and not knowing much about the differences between the way the VR version will handle files and item IDs I didn’t know if it was possible that the basic principles of Modding would be the same , at least for things like custom weapons, armor, etc. maybe not adjusting physics or graphics but I just thought I’d come here and ask. Forgive me if my ignorance offends or annoys you, I’m just excited as I have been waiting for this since they first announced Skyrim VR for the ps4 I was hoping they would eventually bring it to the PC.
  15. Hey everyone! I just found out (probably much later than all of you) that Skyrim VR is finally coming to the PC april 3rd. I was curious if anyone is looking into making mods for this version of the game? I know that Bethesda says they are not looking into mod support at the moment BUT I didnt know if maybe it would be easy to retool some existing mods that would allow them to work for this version of Skyrim, I really hope so! If anyone knows anything I would love to hear about it! Thank you! -Chase
  16. Hey everyone! I just found out (probably much later than all of you) that Skyrim VR is finally coming to the PC april 3rd. I was curious if anyone is looking into making mods for this version of the game? I know that Bethesda says they are not looking into mod support at the moment BUT I didnt know if maybe it would be easy to retool some existing mods that would allow them to work for this version of Skyrim, I really hope so! If anyone knows anything I would love to hear about it! Thank you! -Chase
  17. please yes! I was just looking for the same thing, didnt see this thread had been started, has anyone looked into this?
  18. is there a mod that allows you to dye all armors? not just witcher gear? if not does anyone know if it would possible to do this through a mod? It would be awesome to have full customization of every armor color through the dying system. Thank you!
  19. Is anyone planning on looking into shadow of War modding? I would love to replace talion a model with Celebrimbor
  20. Hi guys! I have seen a lot of mods that do one of these things or another but never one that does all 3 and I am curious if anyone knows of a mode that 1. makes geralt look younger 2. makes his hair brown or just dark 3. removes his scars/facial hair or is there a way to combine mods to achieve this? I would love to be able be able to play as a clean shaved, dark haired, on scar or facial hair geralt, aaaand if he can look a bit younger thats great too but not necessary thank you!
  21. I was wondering if any modders can make a mod that removes the horn from your Avatar's head, I made a character that looks pretty close to Solid Snake but the one thing is that damn horn really ruins the look haha also if anyone can make some more hair mods I would be reaaaaallly grateful, the options are super short hair, buzzed and bald...not cool!
  22. also Shiguru made another MOD with snake from MGS 1, looks amazing but I don't think hes going to release it, anyone else able to do that?
  23. also if anyone knows of any cool armor mods that would fit with the theme I am going for that would be awesome! Thank you so much! :)
  24. Ok I know this might be the wrong place to request this, I know this game isn't LOTR but since I have exhausted Skyrim (full of lotr mods haha), Shadows of Mordor, and LOTRO I was thinking of going back and doing a second play through BUT I would love to see if someone can make a skin or texture mod that gives Geralt either really dark brown hair, black hair, or even blonde hair, and a clean young look with no scars or beard....like an elf :) If someone knows of an existing mod I'd love to know about it, I saw someone made a mod that makes geralt tan with black hair.... a little extreme for me but it's cool to see how far people can go with making a custom character. Thank you for reading and any modders who are interested I would be eternally grateful to you!
  25. I feel stupid asking for this too, I did a lot of modding with skyrim and I guess I was spoiled since the modding community for that was massive. I am reading the steps on some of these and there seems to be a lot implications that first timers know about the unpack/repack tool and where to get it and some of the terminology. If someone knows of a good youtube tutorial that would be awesome! Thank you in advance for any advice.
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