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Posts posted by SeedReaper

  1. I can't find any instructions for this and there's no obvious choice on the menu.


    Also, Vortex wants to force Vulkan when Vulkan is broken (for me and others, apparently)


    Using steam>Larian launcher.


    I already had to nuke my entire install and re-install from scratch (TWICE because first nuke wasn't thorough enough) because after trying to launch from vortex, game just froze at playing music on loading screen. no menus, no nothing.


    I don't even want to try installing mods until I know what's needed to do it properly. Yes i had the full release mod fix installed in the right place, and only one mod. LSlib/Divine Tool and Export Tool which for some reason showsed up even though I never asked for it, were 2 "mods" I couldn't figure out, and I went ahead and deployed both plus the one mod I had intentionally downloaded, Animate Dead Plus Plus.


    Everything is disabled now, and ExportTool v1.8.2 is "never installed". See:



    I am going to wait to find out what I need to do in order to not make my game freeze again. I have fiber internet, but 127 GB still takes a long time.

  2. In response to post #27623835. #27624585, #27624860, #27625270, #27628155, #27628620 are all replies on the same post.

    Nas00 wrote: QUOTE
    "[...]Better access to mods that are high quality, but haven't got too many downloads and/or endorsements. Many great mods are bogged down way back in the pages, with skimpy clothes and nudes clogging up the front pages."

    QFT. By all means I don't disrespect nor discard the hard work of every modder out here, but the Nexus is literally flooded with skimpy armor/clothing/whatever mods that are always getting to the hot files just because players want to see their female waifu wandering around butt-naked. In the meanwhile other mods meant to improve the gameplay experience, immersion simply stay in the dark, which I find kinda sad.

    Is it possible to create a "sexy hot files section" of some sort?
    westsidekidd wrote: Agreed 100%.
    I wish Nexus would get rid of all that skimpy nonsense.
    tiwa44 wrote: you can easily tag skimpy or adult or even lore unfriendly content you want blocked in the content filtering page. It will remove them even in the hot files, recent files, search results, etc.

    edit: last button in the account options popup, easy peasy...
    Nas00 wrote: Well that's something I didn't know (shame on me). Done. Thank you for the advice!
    westsidekidd wrote: @tiwa44
    Thanks for that info. Don't know, why I didn't knew that. :) But still, I think skimpy mods have nothing to do on here. They should move to the LL site with that kind of stuff. And even if I block those kind of stuff, really good mods will be still unseen and way back in the list of mods, because of all that stupid skimpy stuff and I find this very unfair. There are a lot of amazing mod makers, who are working their butts off to make their mods, but they will not seen as much as these dumb skimpy mods. I hope this will change one day!

    Keep the Nexus clean!
    Roachbait wrote: I assume you think "Fruit of the Loom" is still around 200+ years after the bombs fell, guess what...? If you have some sort of problem with nudity, discuss it with your therapist. Diversity extends to personal expression by what we wear as HUMANS, or what we chose NOT to wear, in-game, or otherwise...I personally love to have a choice in the matter, and extend that to my in-game persona...I'm sorry if you think everyone should think the same, dress the same, eat the same, drive the same, work the same...NOTHING is the same, anywhere in the real world...and we like to choose how to express ourselves...there are filters, if you want to close your mind, enable them, please, HURRY...just don't try to shove your limited perceptions down everyone's throat...many of those mods take hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of work, and you sneer at them, because they are to "skimpy"? Really? You do realize this is 2015? Right? I mean, grow up...If I choose to run around starkers, who are you to say it's wrong? Perhaps it makes the game more of a challenge NOT to plow over every enemy wearing power armor (or it's skyrim equivalent) fully encased in a futuristic sardine-can...Really...the human body is a beautiful thing, that is, unless if you have some sort of self-esteem problem...Whatever you do, stay out of museums, and art galleries...it may totally offend you beyond your own belief...Some of the best art on Earth are paintings and sculptures of nudes...if you hate that, you hate yourself...

    Yo, westside. Thanks for the input. But I LIKE not having to deal with LL. I don't use their sexlab stuff, and probably never will. I DO like using NMM. I DO like how this site has very high standards (at least in principle) as to how mods are built.

    So yes, the skimpy stuff has a place here. Despite your moaning. Filter adult and NSFW content in your content filtering page if you don't want to see it. Didn't tiwa44 just say that?
  3. In response to post #27188304. #27188919, #27191199 are all replies on the same post.

    Thaiauxn wrote:

    If you have that kind of tech power and use it to suppress bad people, you're a hero. If you do it for s#*! - what does that make you? When we find you, what should we do to you?


    I think Ddos attacks and the like are a very good example of why it's bad to let your disenfranchised youth go completely without any direction or available social services. You have to have a moderate income to sustain a botnet. Even just a laptop will do, but it takes time and patience. Anybody willing to go through that level of work would be awesome if they had some direction and a job that needs solving. Find them. Put them to work. Inspire them. Give them a reason to wake up in the morning.

    Skyrabbit wrote: Good point, well made.
    fallout31961 wrote: Now your talking ! This Damn common-core education system is so into dumbing down the kids, that they actually come up to me now and ask me why are they teaching us so poorly.

    This generation of kids really needs what you just stated beyond anything that most realize !

    this is why we need an upvote button for comments on this site.

    Has anyone ever found a fix for this? It not only changes the camera angle for me, it also FORCES me to travel in the new direction even if i correct which direction I'm going first. I've learned to never view the map while moving, but this is a serious pain in my butt.



    Never found a fix just learned not to access map/menu while in "tricky" situations... role play it as "Never take your eyes off the road while on horseback" ;-)


    I've started using "Real Flying" and now I just fly around the map whenever i get tired of horsing around. LOL

  5. Ugh. I might be wrong, but it seems its a hard coded vanilla bug that came about during the 1.6 update. If that's true, well... bummer. Thankfully its not a game breaker to most players, otherwise someone would have fixed it by now. As for the rest... *Sheds a tear*



    Has anyone ever found a fix for this? It not only changes the camera angle for me, it also FORCES me to travel in the new direction even if i correct which direction I'm going first. I've learned to never view the map while moving, but this is a serious pain in my butt.

  6. I forgot to mention that if they hit me with a constant damage, say, sparks, flames, or frostbite... they will certainly bounce back, be stunned, etc. Vsync is on. maybe i should screencast this, since you really need to see the ripple effect. It's only happened in the past few weeks... since i built my new computer and reinstalled skyrim, all my mods, LOOT, etc...


    Here goes. First the load list:


    0 0 Skyrim.esm
    1 1 Update.esm
    2 2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
    3 3 Dawnguard.esm
    4 4 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
    5 5 HearthFires.esm
    6 6 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
    7 7 Dragonborn.esm
    8 8 Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
    9 9 Falskaar.esm
    10 a ApachiiHair.esm
    11 b ApachiiHairFemales.esm
    12 c BBLuxurySuite.esm
    13 d hdtHighHeel.esm
    14 e MFVM.esm
    15 f RSkyrimChildren.esm
    16 10 AP Skyrim.esm
    17 11 Gray Fox Cowl.esm
    18 12 SummerWear.esm
    19 13 UndergroundBathhouse.esm
    20 14 Dual Wield for Followers.esm
    21 15 Weapons and Armor fixes.esp
    22 16 AOS.esp
    23 17 Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
    24 18 Auto Unequip Helmet.esp
    25 19 Ballet Boots.esp
    26 1a BBD_AngelVixenArmor.esp
    27 1b BBLSapachii.esp
    28 1c BBLSapachii_Light.esp
    29 1d Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp
    30 1e Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp
    31 1f Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
    32 20 HDT Havok Object.esp
    33 21 BBLuxurySuiteClassier.esp
    34 22 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).esp
    35 23 Breezehome_Fully_Upgradable.esp
    36 24 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp
    37 25 SoS - The Wilds.esp
    38 26 SoS - Civilization.esp
    39 27 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
    40 28 SoS - The Dungeons.esp
    41 29 AOS2_SoS Patch.esp
    42 2a sjel blad castle.esp
    43 2b kids_of_skyrim_RS.esp
    44 2c Armor and Clothing for RSChildren - Playable Override + All DLC Patches.esp
    45 2d AuroraVillage.esp
    46 2e BBLSAdd5MoreGuestsNoAmulet.esp
    47 2f Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp
    48 30 Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp
    49 31 Bucklers-Complete.esp
    50 32 Convenient Horses.esp
    51 33 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp
    52 34 EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp
    53 35 EMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.esp
    54 36 SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp
    55 37 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
    56 38 SMIM-Merged-All.esp
    57 39 SummerWearBBLS.esp
    58 3a BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp
    59 3b BBLSmusic.esp
    60 3c BBLSVisitors.esp
    61 3d SummerWearSA.esp
    62 3e Equip more Rings (8)_EN.esp
    63 3f skyradio.esp
    64 40 balfer.esp
    65 41 Dialog-Priority.esp
    66 42 Dragonbone Weapons.esp
    67 43 DragonBoneEbonsteel.esp
    68 44 NonEssentialChildren.esp
    69 45 RSChildren - Complete.esp
    70 46 Girls Overhaul.esp
    71 47 BBLuxurySuiteClassierDisplayRoom.esp
    72 48 TemptressVixen.esp
    73 49 Girls Army.esp
    74 4a BBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp
    75 4b Sulfuras The Reclaimed Hand - Johnskyrim.esp
    76 4c BBLS-Combined-BoM-HF-OS+DB.esp
    77 4d BBLSspouse.esp
    78 4e BBLSHFireHousecarlsMoveIn.esp
    79 4f Enchanting Freedom.esp
    80 50 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp
    81 51 Hermit.esp
    82 52 CandlelightToggleDefault.esp
    83 53 ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp
    84 54 BBLSMotseerOutfits.esp
    85 55 brokenangelarmor.esp
    86 56 Donyaakin.esp
    87 57 ExpandedEnchanting.esp
    88 58 Facelight.esp
    89 59 FNISSexyMove.esp
    90 5a Halo's Poser.esp
    91 5b Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp
    92 5c Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp
    93 5d Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp
    94 5e Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp
    95 5f Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Normal Weight).esp
    96 60 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).esp
    97 61 Improved Dragon Shouts.esp
    98 62 Cute Serana.esp
    99 63 Cute Adoptable.esp
    100 64 Cute Babette.esp
    101 65 Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp
    102 66 Improved Dragon Shouts - Dragonborn.esp
    103 67 VioLens.esp
    104 68 kids_of_skyrim_DB.esp
    105 69 kids_of_skyrim_RS_DG.esp
    106 6a LightArmorClothes.esp
    107 6b Neo's Kitten.esp
    108 6c NoCooldownShoutsDLC2.esp
    109 6d MFVM_ChildrenFight_Patch.esp
    110 6e Patch - Falskaar - RS kids.esp
    111 6f RaceMenu.esp
    112 70 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
    113 71 RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp
    114 72 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Brighter Dungeons.esp
    115 73 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp
    116 74 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Weathers - Brighter Nights.esp
    117 75 RSChildren_PatchNEC.esp
    118 76 RSChildren_PatchUSKP.esp
    119 77 SchoolgirlOutfit.esp
    120 78 SeraphimOutfit.esp
    121 79 SkyUI.esp
    122 7a Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.esp
    123 7b SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.esp
    124 7c SummonFollowers.esp
    125 7d TESGLoadingScreens.esp
    126 7e ub_cell_bedroom.esp
    127 7f ub_cell_dislayroom.esp
    128 80 ub_cell_darkarea.esp
    129 81 ub_cell_cavern.esp
    130 82 ub_cell_maintenance_room.esp
    131 83 ub_cell_kitchen.esp
    132 84 ub_cell_armory.esp
    133 85 ub_adoption_hearthfire_extention.esp
    134 86 ub_tapestry.esp
    135 87 ub_invite_any_npc.esp
    136 88 ub_npc_rework.esp
    137 89 UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp
    138 8a UFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp
    139 8b UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp
    140 8c Uncle Sheo Legendary.esp
    141 8d WeaponsOf3E.esp
    142 8e WeaponsOf3E - No Leveled Lists.esp
    143 8f zzArmormashups.esp
    144 90 SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp
    145 91 SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeonLighting.esp
    146 92 SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeons.esp
    147 93 AK- Alternate Actors.esp
    148 94 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp
    149 95 SmallerAtronachs.esp
    150 96 UltimateCombat.esp
    151 97 Beautiful Whiterun.esp
    152 98 RealisticWhiterun.esp
    153 99 Shiny Catsuits.esp
    154 9a FNISFlyer.esp
    155 9b FNISspells.esp
    156 9c ImprovedMageLight.esp
    157 9d MIDFollowMeCloser.esp
    158 9e Decorative Permanent Magelight.esp
    159 9f wjunlady.esp
    160 a0 HearthfireMultiKid.esp
    161 a1 MFVM_Hearthfire_Patch.esp
    162 a2 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp
    163 a3 SexyEveningDress.esp
    164 a4 Merta Assassin Armor.esp
    165 a5 Merta Assassin Tattoos.esp





    Next, the mod list (in order of most recently installed to first installed)



    sexy idle Animation Unassigned 7/6/2015 11:14:49 AM 7/6/2015 11:12:41 AM 1.0 1.0 Kamo1
    HDT Havok Object v1.2 Unassigned 7/6/2015 1:03:02 AM 7/5/2015 11:20:04 PM
    Merta Assassin Armor UNP - CBBE - Merta Assassin - CBBE - BodySlide Files Unassigned 7/4/2015 4:26:49 PM 7/4/2015 4:26:23 PM 1.0 1.0 Deserter X - Mitosuke
    Merta Assassin Armor UNP - CBBE - Merta Assassin Tattoos Unassigned 7/4/2015 4:04:37 PM 7/4/2015 4:04:07 PM 1.0 1.0 Deserter X - Mitosuke
    Merta Assassin Armor UNP - CBBE - Merta Assassin - CBBE - TBBP Unassigned 7/4/2015 4:04:28 PM 7/4/2015 4:04:02 PM 1.0 1.0 Deserter X - Mitosuke
    Merta Assassin Armor UNP - CBBE - C. Merta Assassin Armor High Heels CBBE Unassigned 7/3/2015 7:34:31 PM 7/3/2015 5:22:56 PM 1.0 1.0 Deserter X - Mitosuke
    인디안 스타일 by sayka Bodyslide + HDT Unassigned 7/3/2015 2:19:19 PM 7/3/2015 2:18:37 PM
    Cbbe Osare Maid Unassigned 7/3/2015 2:19:12 PM 7/3/2015 2:16:03 PM
    Tourettes Crabs - Tourettes Crab 2 Unassigned 7/3/2015 3:34:00 AM 7/3/2015 3:33:49 AM 2 1.0 Kittez
    Hearthfire multiple Adoptions V2_0_15-29249-2-0-15 Unassigned 7/2/2015 11:15:46 PM 7/8/2015 2:33:43 PM
    Sjel Blad Castle - Sjel Blad Castle- v1-44a - English Unassigned 7/2/2015 11:09:26 PM 7/2/2015 11:05:41 PM v1.44a v1.44a Soulbladex
    Inferno- Advents of Flame - Inferno-Advents of Flame Unassigned 7/2/2015 10:56:04 PM 7/2/2015 10:31:11 PM 1.0 Inferno gorelus89
    wjun lady - UNPB BBP Unassigned 7/2/2015 10:55:03 PM 7/2/2015 10:54:10 PM 0.3 belisariu
    Permanent Magelight Spell - Permanent Magelight Unassigned 7/1/2015 11:55:22 PM 7/1/2015 11:55:15 PM 1.4 1.4 Theurg
    SkyRadio - SkyRadio v2_0 Default Unassigned 6/29/2015 7:59:00 PM 6/29/2015 7:26:49 PM 2.0 2.0 Supernastypants
    Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers - Move_it - Less Wait Time and Follow me closer Unassigned 6/29/2015 2:12:16 PM 6/29/2015 2:12:09 PM 1.02 1.02 Apogee777
    Candlelight Toggle Unassigned 6/29/2015 11:55:05 AM 6/29/2015 12:27:46 AM 2.0 2.1 Modinn
    Grimoa's 3rd person friendly Candlelight Spell Unassigned 6/29/2015 11:54:41 AM 6/28/2015 8:46:23 PM 1.2 1.0 dualsun
    Improved Mage Light (Candlelight and Magelight) - Improved Mage Light Unassigned 6/29/2015 11:53:27 AM 6/29/2015 11:53:15 AM 1 1 Nastakanoth
    Beautiful Whiterun - Beautiful Whiterun Unassigned 6/28/2015 8:46:30 PM 6/28/2015 7:29:02 PM 1.0 1.0 MorninJerky
    Ultimate Combat - Ultimate Combat Unassigned 6/28/2015 5:02:23 PM 6/28/2015 5:01:59 PM 2.52 2.52 tktk
    Smaller Atronachs - Quieter Atronachs - Smaller Atronachs 1_0 Unassigned 6/27/2015 4:28:12 PM 6/27/2015 4:27:55 PM 1.0 1.0 sdfgsdjfasdjk
    The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Unassigned 6/27/2015 3:37:27 AM 6/25/2015 12:22:17 PM 1.1 1.1 MannyGT
    VioLens - A Killmove Mod Unassigned 6/26/2015 11:04:48 PM 6/24/2015 11:02:59 PM 2.0 2.0 Reko
    Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Creature Pack 5_3 Unassigned 6/26/2015 4:05:32 PM 6/26/2015 4:05:14 PM 5.3 5.4.2 fore
    BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio Unassigned 6/26/2015 11:14:47 AM 6/24/2015 11:44:30 PM 2.6a 2.6a Caliente
    The TBBP animation of Dragonfly with butt bounce - The TBBP animation of Dragonfly with butt bounce Unassigned 6/26/2015 12:39:39 AM 6/25/2015 12:14:41 AM V.1 V.1 Dragonfly LeCid and Shaomarc
    Animated Prostitution-10748-3-2 Unassigned 6/26/2015 12:28:28 AM 8/27/2013 7:53:21 PM
    Temptress Race - Temptress Complete v1_3 Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:48:11 PM 6/25/2015 4:52:58 PM 1.3 v1.3 Psychos1s and Brokefoot
    Alternate Actors - Alternate Actors 1-2 Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:47:53 PM 6/25/2015 11:45:54 AM 1.2 1.2 Iceburg
    (EE-CC EDITION) No-More ILS with EPIC-CINEMATIC LoadScreen REPLACER-66834-5-0 Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:04:45 PM 6/12/2015 12:37:27 PM
    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Heartfire AddOn Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:23:17 PM 6/25/2015 2:23:03 PM 1.0a 1.2j.b15 Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - Vamyan
    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Dragonborn AddOn Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:22:51 PM 6/25/2015 2:22:41 PM 1.0b 1.2j.b15 Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - Vamyan
    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Dawnguard AddOn Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:22:03 PM 6/25/2015 2:21:49 PM 1.0b 1.2j.b15 Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - Vamyan
    Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches - WeaponsOf3E Compatibility Patch Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:18:40 PM 6/25/2015 2:18:25 PM 0.26 0.50 Various
    Weapons and Armor Fixes Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:18:15 PM 6/25/2015 2:17:41 PM 2.05 0.50 Headbomb
    Smithing Perks Overhaul Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:17:06 PM 6/25/2015 2:16:49 PM 1.11 0.50 Headbomb
    Complete Crafting Overhaul Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:13:23 PM 6/25/2015 2:12:55 PM 1.12 0.50 Headbomb
    Better Sorting Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:12:24 PM 6/25/2015 2:11:43 PM 2.06 0.50 Headbomb
    Improved Dragon Shouts Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:26:30 PM 6/25/2015 3:57:54 AM 1.1 1.1 Ozram
    Donyaakin Followers - Donyaakin_Followers_jp Unassigned 6/25/2015 12:48:31 PM 6/25/2015 12:12:48 PM 1.1 1.2 nerune and hangakin
    MFVM - More Follower Voices Mod Plus Khajiit Marriage Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:35:13 AM 6/25/2015 5:34:15 AM 0.1.6b 0.1.6b Mysticentity
    zzjay's wardrobe - zzjays wardrobe Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:32:33 AM 6/25/2015 5:31:27 AM 1.3.2 1.3.5 zzjay
    Seraphim Outfit Physic - Seraphim Outfit Physic Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:28:15 AM 6/25/2015 5:23:56 AM 0.12 0.12 Dualsun
    Equip more Rings - English - Equip more Rings - 8 Rings Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:28:09 AM 6/25/2015 5:28:03 AM 1.0 1.0 ja450n
    Kitten by Neo - Kitten by Neo - Dream Girl BBP Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:23:56 AM 6/25/2015 5:22:24 AM 1.0 1.20 Meister aka Neovinci
    Shiny Rubber Catsuits for Bodyslide CB Plus Plus - Shiny Catsuits Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:23:50 AM 6/25/2015 5:23:09 AM 3 3 mxwqtkl
    Angel Vixen Armor - CBBEv3 Curvy - BBD_AngelVixenArmor Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:19:35 AM 6/25/2015 5:17:50 AM 1.0 1.0 BB Drac
    Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - Less Makeup Tint Masks for Females Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:16:00 AM 6/25/2015 5:15:31 AM 2.1 5.1 Migal
    Girls Army-66690-1-01 Unassigned 6/25/2015 5:00:16 AM 6/12/2015 3:41:50 AM
    Girls Overhaul 1.02-66690-1-02 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:59:49 AM 6/12/2015 3:39:57 AM
    UFO Dragonborn Patch - Unofficial - Dialog-Priority Tweak Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:53:58 AM 6/25/2015 4:53:46 AM 1.1 1.1 Ghostifish
    Sulfuras - The Reclaimed Hand - Sulfuras (2k Textures) Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:43:34 AM 6/25/2015 4:43:25 AM 1.1 1.1 johnskyrim
    Tania the Hermit - Tania_CBBE_TBBP_Body_Patch_by_TomTom37 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:40:25 AM 6/25/2015 4:40:08 AM 3.5 3.5 Kasprutz - Magnificat - Aryes Grace
    Tania the Hermit - UNPB-BBP-CSFW - Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:39:28 AM 6/25/2015 4:38:34 AM 3.5 3.5 Kasprutz, Magnificat and Aryes Grace
    Tiny Serana and adoptable children plus Babette - Babette 2.0 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:38:21 AM 6/25/2015 4:36:41 AM 2.0 2.1 idioticidiot
    Tiny Serana and adoptable children plus Babette - Adoptable children 2.1 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:37:44 AM 6/25/2015 4:34:52 AM 2.1 2.1 idioticidiot
    Tiny Serana and adoptable children plus Babette - Serana and Valerica 2.1 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:37:13 AM 6/25/2015 4:34:40 AM 2.1 2.1 idioticidiot
    Uncle Sheo Does Legendary Loading Screens - Uncle Sheo Does Legendary Loading Screens Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:29:10 AM 6/25/2015 4:28:56 AM final final Tumbleworld - Nonmeathbag
    KenMOD - Time on loading screen - Time on loading v5 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:26:09 AM 6/25/2015 4:26:00 AM 5 5 Kenney
    Weapons of the Third Era - Mesh update for 1_3 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:25:24 AM 6/25/2015 4:25:14 AM 1.3 1.3 747823
    Light Armor Clothing - Light Armor Clothing Plus Additional Light Armor 1-3 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:23:57 AM 6/25/2015 4:23:50 AM 1.3 1.3 WildAce
    A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:22:37 AM 6/25/2015 4:21:12 AM 8.4 8.4 IcePenguin
    Auto Unequip Helmet - Auto Unequip Helmet v1_2 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:19:58 AM 6/25/2015 4:19:40 AM 1.2 1.2 Alek
    Auto Unequip Ammo - Auto Unequip Ammo v5_0 Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:18:25 AM 6/25/2015 4:18:17 AM 5.0 5.0 Alek
    Gamepad Expanded - Gamepad Expanded Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:16:37 AM 6/25/2015 4:16:30 AM 1.2 1.2 Ronyn
    Mixed Armor ANIMEISH NOT LORE FRIENDLY NO IMMERSION - Mixed Armor Unassigned 6/25/2015 4:15:35 AM 6/25/2015 4:15:26 AM me
    Face Light - Face Light Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:54:32 AM 6/25/2015 3:54:23 AM 1.8 1.8 tktk
    Armor and Clothing for Kids - .Armor and Clothing for RSChildren - Playable Override and All DLC Patches Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:53:11 AM 6/25/2015 3:52:59 AM v3.0 v3.0 PlagueHush
    Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Riften Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:50:17 AM 6/25/2015 3:12:28 AM 1.6 1.6 NebuLa
    Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Towns Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:50:05 AM 6/25/2015 3:22:26 AM 1.5 1.6 NebuLa
    Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Misc Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:48:15 AM 6/25/2015 3:14:43 AM 1.5 1.6 NebuLa
    Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Landscape Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:47:31 AM 6/25/2015 3:14:57 AM 1.5 1.6 NebuLa
    Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - SHD FULL - Dungeons Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:47:08 AM 6/25/2015 3:12:30 AM 1.5 1.6 NebuLa
    Kids of Skyrim - Kids of Skyrim for RS Children Overhaul Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:46:50 AM 6/25/2015 3:45:07 AM 1.7 1.7 mrjentipede
    RS Children Patches - Patch for Falskaar Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:45:24 AM 6/25/2015 3:20:48 AM 1.2 1.2 Ranaline for the assets
    RS Children Overhaul Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:45:17 AM 6/25/2015 1:50:18 AM 1.10 1.1.0 Ranaline
    Expanded Enchanting - Expanded Enchanting Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:03:45 AM 6/25/2015 3:03:39 AM 1.0 1.0 IRONNOX
    Enchanting Freedom - Enchanting Freedom Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:03:03 AM 6/25/2015 3:03:00 AM 1.3 1.3 Progman
    Weapons of the Third Era - Weapons of the Third Era 1_3 Unassigned 6/25/2015 3:01:10 AM 6/25/2015 2:49:55 AM 1.3 1.3 747823
    Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2 Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:36:43 AM 6/25/2015 2:30:40 AM 2.5 2.5 LoRd KoRn
    Breezehome FullyUpgradable - Breezehome Fully Upgradable Dawnguard and Hearthfires v1_7_6 Unassigned 6/25/2015 2:30:55 AM 6/25/2015 2:29:44 AM 1.7.6 1.7.6 Sku11M0nkey
    Better MessageBox Controls - Better MessageBox Controls v1_2 Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:57:54 AM 6/25/2015 1:57:48 AM 1.2 1.2 ecirbaf
    Non-Essential Children - Non-Essential Children - Hearthfire Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:53:08 AM 6/25/2015 1:53:03 AM 10.0 10 The Team Mystery
    Aurora Village - Aurora Village - Protected Version Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:44:38 AM 6/25/2015 1:44:31 AM 1.4 1.4 Scarla
    Bucklers - Shields and Other Armours - Bucklers Complete Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:42:36 AM 6/25/2015 1:42:30 AM 2.3 2.3 VincentIcarus - Creator - and Grace Darkling - Updater Admin -
    Skyrim Immersive Creatures Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:36:20 AM 6/25/2015 1:00:08 AM v6.5.2a v6.5.2a lifestorock
    Dragonbone Ebonsteel HORSE Armor for Convenient Horses - DragonBoneEbonSteelHorseArmor-NonReplacer- Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:26:23 AM 6/25/2015 12:47:18 AM 1.1 1.1 LICVIGO
    Summon Followers - Summon Followers 1_2_2 Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:25:40 AM 6/25/2015 12:52:41 AM 1.2.2 1.2.2 AeonVita
    Dragonbone Weapons Ivory - Dragonbone Weapons Ivory Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:18:49 AM 6/25/2015 12:35:48 AM 1.0 1.0 Damanique
    Dragonbone Weapons - Dragonbone_Weapons_3_1_6 Unassigned 6/25/2015 1:08:14 AM 6/25/2015 1:05:04 AM 3.1.6 3.1.6 AeonVita
    Convenient Horses - Convenient Horses v5_0 Unassigned 6/25/2015 12:46:26 AM 6/25/2015 12:40:01 AM 5.0 5.0 Alek
    Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor - Practical Female Armor Patch - Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor - PFA Patch Unassigned 6/25/2015 12:33:42 AM 6/25/2015 12:33:34 AM 1.0 1.0 Mur4s4me
    Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor - Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor 2-0b Unassigned 6/25/2015 12:30:48 AM 6/25/2015 12:27:28 AM 2.0b 2.0b Dreogan
    FNIS Flyer - FNIS Flyer 1.2 Unassigned 6/25/2015 12:24:19 AM 6/25/2015 12:24:07 AM 1.2 1.2 fore
    Realistic Lighting Overhaul Unassigned 6/25/2015 12:12:28 AM 6/25/2015 12:11:12 AM The Realistic Lighting Team
    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Unassigned 6/25/2015 12:03:37 AM 6/25/2015 12:00:02 AM 1.2i 1.2j.b15 Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - Vamyan
    Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:41:18 PM 6/24/2015 11:34:31 PM 3.4d 3.4d Caliente
    RaceMenu - RaceMenu v3-2-2 Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:39:12 PM 6/24/2015 11:39:02 PM 3.2.2 3.2.2 Expired
    Music and Dancing in the Luxury Suite - Music and Dancing 2-0 beta patch 2 Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:22:47 PM 6/24/2015 11:22:40 PM 1.2 1.2 Migal130
    Music and Dancing in the Luxury Suite - Music and Dancing 2-0 beta patch 1 Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:22:27 PM 6/24/2015 11:22:10 PM 2.0p1 1.2 Migal130
    Music and Dancing in the Luxury Suite - Music and Dancing 2-0 Open Beta Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:21:57 PM 6/24/2015 11:19:05 PM 2.0 1.2 Migal130
    Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization 1_02 Full Version Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:21:34 PM 6/24/2015 11:20:11 PM 1.02 1.02 Cliffworms
    Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Full 1_23 Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:18:01 PM 6/24/2015 11:09:46 PM 1.23 1.23 Cliffworms
    Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds 1_13 Full Version Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:08:33 PM 6/24/2015 11:08:21 PM 1.13 1.13 Cliffworms
    Skyrim - Enhanced Camera - Enhanced Camera Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:02:14 PM 6/24/2015 11:02:06 PM 1.1 1.1 LogicDragon
    Realistic Ragdolls and Force Unassigned 6/24/2015 11:00:27 PM 6/24/2015 10:58:35 PM 1.9 1.9 dDefinder
    Static Mesh Improvement Mod Unassigned 6/24/2015 10:49:19 PM 6/24/2015 10:39:31 PM 1.79 1.80 Brumbek
    Vilja in Skyrim - 2_ViljaInSolstheimAddOn_Ver2 Unassigned 6/24/2015 10:21:37 PM 6/24/2015 10:21:06 PM 2 4.01 Emma Amgepo Lycanthrops
    Vilja in Skyrim - 1_ViljaVer4_01Full Unassigned 6/24/2015 10:20:27 PM 6/24/2015 10:17:36 PM 4.01 4.01 Emma Amgepo Lycanthrops
    Complete Crafting Overhaul Unassigned 6/24/2015 9:56:00 PM 6/24/2015 9:50:49 PM 1.12 1.12 Headbomb
    Better Sorting Unassigned 6/24/2015 9:55:46 PM 6/24/2015 9:54:42 PM 2.06 2.06 Headbomb
    Weapons and Armor Fixes Unassigned 6/24/2015 9:47:01 PM 6/24/2015 9:46:08 PM 2.05 2.05 Headbomb
    Smithing Perks Overhaul Unassigned 6/24/2015 9:44:59 PM 6/24/2015 9:44:10 PM 1.11 1.11 Headbomb
    DUAL WIELD for Followers - Dual Wield for Followers Unassigned 6/24/2015 9:36:53 PM 6/24/2015 9:36:31 PM 1.0 1.0 fLokii
    Momo Acrobatic Jump - Momo Acrobatic Jump v1-8 Unassigned 6/24/2015 9:12:19 PM 6/24/2015 9:11:56 PM 1.8 1.8 xp32
    Female Animation Pack - Female Animation Pack 2013_01_01 Unassigned 6/24/2015 9:10:40 PM 6/24/2015 9:10:17 PM 1.0 1.0 NonokuraSan
    【Skeleton】XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:51:24 PM 6/24/2015 5:42:00 PM 2.81 1.94 Groovtama
    HDT HighHeels System - hdtHighHeel_beta0_5 Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:45:03 PM 6/24/2015 4:00:31 PM beta0.5 beta0.5 hydrogensayshdt
    SkyHeels v 2_5 - Full SkyHeels V2-4 Beta for CBBE Users Only Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:44:57 PM 6/24/2015 3:55:32 PM 2.4B 2.5 electionis and jclyde6108
    HDT Physics Extensions - Just For Fun - JFF Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:40:26 PM 6/24/2015 5:40:12 PM v4 14.28 HydrogensaysHDT
    HDT Physics Extensions - HDT Physics Extensions Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:39:15 PM 6/24/2015 5:39:05 PM 14.28 14.28 HydrogensaysHDT
    Underground Bathhouse and Paradise Valley Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:38:50 PM 6/24/2015 5:33:57 PM 6.0 6.0 Andragon
    FNIS Sexy Move - FNIS Sexy Move 1.2.1 Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:35:54 PM 6/24/2015 5:35:48 PM 1.2.1 1.2.1 fore
    Summer Wear V2 nsfw - SummerWearv2-0_Light Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:29:10 PM 6/24/2015 5:19:37 PM 2.0 2.0 RIP88
    Summer Wear V2 nsfw - SummerWearBBLS Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:26:29 PM 6/24/2015 5:25:41 PM 2.0 2.0 RIP88
    BB Luxury Suite - Bride of Migal Teleport Add-ons Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:14:29 PM 6/24/2015 5:13:39 PM 1.3.5 1.3.5 Tikky
    Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite - Display Room - BBLuxurySuiteClassierDisplayRoom_v1_4 Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:11:05 PM 6/24/2015 5:10:31 PM 1.4 1.4 Andragon
    Falskaar - Falskaar V1_1_5 Unassigned 6/24/2015 5:09:25 PM 6/24/2015 5:03:39 PM 1.1.5 1.1.5 AlexanderJVelicky
    Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Spells V5_0_1 -- ADD-ON for the spells Unassigned 6/24/2015 4:53:34 PM 6/24/2015 4:48:44 PM 5.0.1 5.4.2 fore
    Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior V5_4_2 -- ALWAYS necessary Unassigned 6/24/2015 4:53:22 PM 6/24/2015 4:49:01 PM 5.4.2 5.4.2 fore
    Apachii Hair for Suite Residents Light - Apachii_Hair_for_Suite_Residents_Light Unassigned 6/24/2015 4:53:09 PM 6/24/2015 4:51:59 PM 1.0 1.0 RIP88
    Halo'sPoser Unassigned 6/24/2015 4:50:54 PM 6/24/2015 4:21:24 PM
    Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - add Motseers Outfits Unassigned 6/24/2015 4:50:18 PM 6/24/2015 3:51:08 PM 3.5 5.1 Migal
    A Classier BB Luxury Suite - A Classier BB Luxury Suite V5-2 Full 2k Res Unassigned 6/24/2015 4:49:52 PM 6/24/2015 4:12:12 PM 5.2 5.2 RIP88
    SkyUI Unassigned 6/24/2015 4:06:17 PM 6/24/2015 4:02:10 PM 4.1 4.1 SkyUI Team
    UNP Schoolgirl Outfit - Schoolgirl Outfit plus SkyHeels Unassigned 6/24/2015 3:53:41 PM 6/24/2015 3:53:29 PM v1.3 v1.3 motseer
    Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - BBLS HearthFire Housecarls Move In - Unassigned 6/24/2015 3:53:25 PM 6/24/2015 3:50:31 PM 5.1 5.1 Migal
    Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - Add 5 More Guests No Amulet - Unassigned 6/24/2015 3:50:10 PM 6/24/2015 3:47:31 PM 5.1 5.1 Migal
    Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - Apachii Hair for Suite Residents 5-1 Unassigned 6/24/2015 3:49:52 PM 6/24/2015 3:48:15 PM 5.1 5.1 Migal
    Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite 5-1 Unassigned 6/24/2015 3:49:36 PM 6/24/2015 12:50:35 PM 5.1 5.1 Migal
    ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5 Unassigned 6/24/2015 3:35:15 PM 6/24/2015 3:23:37 PM 1.5 1.6.Full Apachii
    ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiHelmetWigs_v_1_0 Unassigned 6/24/2015 3:16:28 PM 6/24/2015 3:04:05 PM 1.0 1.6.Full Apachii
    ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full Unassigned 6/24/2015 3:16:13 PM 6/24/2015 3:06:40 PM 1.6.Full 1.6.Full Apachii
    ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer - ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller 1_3 Unassigned 6/24/2015 2:54:29 PM 6/24/2015 2:54:20 PM 1.3 1.3 kapaer
    Unofficial High Resolution Patch - Unofficial High Resolution Patch Unassigned 6/24/2015 2:00:01 PM 6/24/2015 1:58:35 PM 1.1.9a 1.1.9a Unofficial Patch Project Team
    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch - Unofficial Dragonborn Patch Unassigned 6/24/2015 1:56:36 PM 6/24/2015 1:55:53 PM 2.1.1 2.1.1 Unofficial Patch Project Team
    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch - Unofficial Hearthfire Patch Unassigned 6/24/2015 1:54:00 PM 6/24/2015 1:53:52 PM 2.1.1 2.1.1 Unofficial Patch Project Team
    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch - Unofficial Dawnguard Patch Unassigned 6/24/2015 1:51:53 PM 6/24/2015 1:51:48 PM 2.1.1 2.1.1 Unofficial Patch Project Team
    Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Unofficial Skyrim Patch Unassigned 6/24/2015 1:51:03 PM 6/24/2015 1:40:31 PM 2.1.1 2.1.1 Unofficial Patch Project Team


    Yeah, I'm probably going to start a new game soon, so I can use multiple adoptions and maybe even Perkus Maximus... still thinking about that one, though. I like having "Enchanting Freedom" (which gives you the ability to put up to 10 enchants on one item) and i'm not sure if PeMa will mess that up.

  7. OK I have a truckload of mods installed (149 active) and recently something has been causing enemies (or even followers) to bounce violently away from me when they hit me. It only happens randomly, about 10-15% of the times I get hit, but if, say, a bristleback charges me, he might be catapulted away from me, ragdolled, and stunned for a few seconds, just as if I used Fus Ro Dah on him. It's even weirder, because I have realistic ragdolls (medium) installed, and this effect is just over the top!


    It even works on spells that might damage me. Such as a fireball from a fire mage. He can hit me with his fireball, and in one out of 7-8 times, HE takes all the damage, and HE goes flying through the air! It's funny as hell, but I'm wondering if I can shut it off in case I need to keep my follower "Wolfmeat" (from the Inferno - Advents of Flame mod) from bouncing away from me if we're fighting in close quarters on a bridge. He emits fireballs, and if I'm next to him when he does, I usually take a little damage. Not a big deal to me, but it sends him flying sometimes. It's even happened with a giant. You can imagine how that went! :laugh:


    Oh, I should mention, I've also lately noticed ripples (like water) around me where I get hit. ripples that radiate perpendicularly to the angle of the impact of whatever hits me. It certainly looks like something that's meant to be there, but I have no idea what mod has done this. It's not an armor mod, is all I'm sure of. This has happened with several different armor sets. I wonder if the ripples are related to the blowback effect?

  8. Hey mods, normal ppls...


    I am sure many of you have noticed that a lot (Probably thousands) of links that are in mod descriptions, or in the fora, are broken ever since the domain name changed from [game].nexusmods.com/ to nexusmods.com/[game]/


    My question is, after half an hour of googling on the subject, is there any way to automagically change the way my browser accesses those links? I mean, if I were even a bad programmer, I would be able to write a script to hunt through the site and correct every instance, but I'm no programmer at all. So it is to me to try and figure out how to do it with already-existing software on the client side. Because i'm lazy and don't like doing it by hand every time :P


    Any help is immensely appreciated.



  9. OK yeah I've never created any content for the mod community before. I have benefited greatly from others' work so I want to give something back.


    I managed to create a good-looking savefile so I was wondering how do I share it?



  10. Sui Generis... Yep, that's for me!


    I chipped in £20, which is all I can justify right now, what with dental work on the horizon... But it looks absolutely awesome.


    I LOLed when the big troll thing pwned the dev though... I could almost feel the crushing blows of that flail! Was surprised he lasted as long as he did, honestly.


    I sure hope there's a stealth class, because that melee looks harsh!

  11. I saw there was a new version of NMM, so I went to install it. It was stalled halfway through the dl for about a minute, but finished fine. I got the Drafty Cave mod through the NMM and it downloaded at 17K/sec, but it's small.
  12. The weirdest thing of all in regards to these late issues to me is that I never encountered any of these myself so far, for the whole time since these complaints keep popping up.




    Curiouser and curiouser... o_O

  13. I too am experiencing issues with downloading mods through the Mod manager and Nexus site.


    I consistently get the "Server busy: retry" attempts message and, more recently, am noticing mods will download, only to be flagged as "Incomplete: could not finish the download". The issue is preventing most, if not all mod downloads from occuring on my part - even though the Nexus itself still logs my individual downloads as being successful.


    A workaround that has done well for me is to use DownThemAll, as it uses bit-counting and continual crc checks to get a complete download. where firefox will pretend the download is finished, DTA will show you that it's not, and allows you to 'continue' an incomplete yet stalled download, and you can set the automatic retries to "unlimited". So when I was downloading Apachii's Goddess Store, I used it and got the whole thing in one night, in one try (on a day which was particularly bad for internet service).

  14. please excuse my use of localiSed idiom.


    here in the states, snarky means sarcastic and condescending.

    Actually its used for irritability here in the states as well, at least in my state.


    You can also try using SDR. Not only does it do what you ask, but it overhauls a lot of the sneaking functions both on PC and NPC. It's a seriously great mod for those that enjoy sneaking.


    Thanks for the tip, Lonewolf Kai! And it wouldn't be the first time I have misunderstood a word's definition in use.

  15. I honestly can't replicate this issue; I download at 1.5MB/sec and 1.2MB/sec respectively from Kent and Denver, without using any download managers. My connection maxs out at 1.6MB/sec. I think this might have something more to do with your 4G connection. They're far from reliable.


    You have a point. But it's weird when I can download at that speed and concurrently watch a youtube video in 360p. Anyway, I love this site and will continue to support it as long as I can. I'm one of those nutters who thinks the end of the 'world' is coming soon.

  16. We have been experiencing a few issues recently that we're working hard to resolve. One of these is actually allowing members to pick their general location so NMM will always try to download from the servers closest to them first. And, for Premium members, an option that will allow you to force NMM to only ever download from the Premium file servers.


    Hopefully this won't be too far off. Until then, I can either refund your Premium membership, or, when things get better for you, I can add on the time you've missed out on to the end of your subscription so you won't have lost any time.


    Having said that, you should definitely not be getting a speed of 35kb/sec as Premium. When you're downloading does the "threads" column say 4 or 1? 4 is good, 1 is bad for Premium Members.

    OK, downloading the Shivering Isles UOP...

    From Kent, now this is odd, All I can get (tried all three versions of the patch)is a file called "Downloads" which is a text file according to firefox. Here's the download link that comes up in the firefox DL manager: http://oblivion.nexu...d=101&fid=91740

    From Denver, I'm getting about 11 kB/s with lots of dropped packets... using firefox.

    From Denver 2 using firefox, I'm getting about 75 kB/s straight download, but using DownThemAll, which gives me 4 download threads i get about 80kB/s.

    Pretty pathetic, no?

    using the manager I'm getting fluctuations between 55 and 65 kB/s. Bleh. Was great yesterday. I'm betting the net is really stressed with all the stuff going on in the States. all the tweets from NY must be overwhelming the backbones LOL.


    ETA: I am using wireless 4G internet, which sometimes chokes a bit. But that wouldn't account for the difference btw. Denver and Denver 2

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