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Posts posted by SeedReaper

  1. There is a mod that removes the refraction effect and makes you visible according to your Chameleon strength. It is called Refractionless Chameleon -Corresponding Transparency- , but I've never used it, so I don't know how effective it is, or if it's what you are looking for.


    Oh, by the way, there is a really neat feature to all the Nexus sites called 'Search'. :thumbsup:

    I did search. I was just tired, having come home from work after my shift, and it was bedtime. So I used the wrong seach terms "while chameleon see self". got me nowhere. If I searched for "visible" instead of "see self" then I would have gotten my answer (which is no, apart from a glitch). No need to be snarky. I ALWAYS search first and will never waste your precious forum-surfing time needlessly or carelessly.


    Seems to me that it's 'you' who are irritable, not I -- see that smiley with a thumbs up? That actually means something. Not to mention that I did suggest a mod. Sheesh!

    Did I say you were irritable? No. I said you were snarky, and here you've given another snarky response. :thumbsup:



  2. Here is a link to my patch advice - It's been used by hundreds if not thousands of people over the years. :thumbsup:



    This is essentially the same thing Hickory said, but worded a little differently and with a bit more info.


    Thanks, bben46, but I have been to that page like 5 times already... :no:


    <br>Looks like GOTY for me... Just went to Amazon and bought it. <br><br>This is the only game I have ever bought twice just to get it to work right.<br>

  3. There is a mod that removes the refraction effect and makes you visible according to your Chameleon strength. It is called Refractionless Chameleon -Corresponding Transparency- , but I've never used it, so I don't know how effective it is, or if it's what you are looking for.


    Oh, by the way, there is a really neat feature to all the Nexus sites called 'Search'. :thumbsup:

    I did search. I was just tired, having come home from work after my shift, and it was bedtime. So I used the wrong seach terms "while chameleon see self". got me nowhere. If I searched for "visible" instead of "see self" then I would have gotten my answer (which is no, apart from a glitch). No need to be snarky. I ALWAYS search first and will never waste your precious forum-surfing time needlessly or carelessly.

  4. We have been experiencing a few issues recently that we're working hard to resolve. One of these is actually allowing members to pick their general location so NMM will always try to download from the servers closest to them first. And, for Premium members, an option that will allow you to force NMM to only ever download from the Premium file servers.


    Hopefully this won't be too far off. Until then, I can either refund your Premium membership, or, when things get better for you, I can add on the time you've missed out on to the end of your subscription so you won't have lost any time.


    Having said that, you should definitely not be getting a speed of 35kb/sec as Premium. When you're downloading does the "threads" column say 4 or 1? 4 is good, 1 is bad for Premium Members.


    OK this is weird. I've been experiencing this since I upgraded to premium about 28 hours ago, but voila! as soon as I post this thread my threads go to 4 and my dl speed goes to around 200kB/sec.


    Perhaps something to do with the general internet malaise of the last week or so.


    Thanks for the quick reply!



  5. Yes, I'm new here. I recently started playing Oblivion, because I got it in a cheap deal with Bioshock, actually. I had a bad experience with Morrowind, and wasn't really looking for more TES. But now I've all but forgotten Bioshock, and am stuck on Oblivion. (Imagine that!)


    So my search for a better experience brought me here, and I saw that I could obtain better download speeds for the mods as well as support this site by chipping in a few copper for the cause. Unfortunately, I've got the exact same dl speed as before, which is pitifully slow (35 kB/sec if it's behaving well, though I get spikes up to 45).


    I read that speeds are capped at 1024 kB/sec for standard members (ha, never got that high!) and that the cap is removed for premium members. And that the premium members get access to members-only servers. I can understand the bandwidth being very stressed on the free servers. But I haven't been able to find where to choose my download location (unless I click a direct download link, but that kind of defeats the purpose of NMM, right?).


    Not to mention that my dl speeds in firefox are the same, if not slightly worse.


    Anyone got an idea what's up? Or is that just how it is? I'm not complaining, per se, as I'm happy to support the site that does so much to make my addiction take over even more of my life... I'd just like to know what's up.




  6. Title says it all...


    I want to be able to see myself while I'm playing pranks on the citizens.




    Love this site. I'm new to TES. I tried playing Morrowind a bit but couldn't get my gamepad to work properly with it (I'm on a PC). But recently I got ambitious and got a proper xbox 360 controller and wireless setup, and xpadder has been invaluable in helping my gaming addiction to grow.



  7. Update: Things are improved from yesterday; however, still getting quite a bit of "Server busy x/10" attempts before finally getting through.


    Better, but still not perfect...


    There have been some serious backbone problems on the Internet generally this past week. If anyone wants, I can source an article from Above Top Secret wherein they have graphs and the time the weirdness started.


    There has been a much higher than normal rate of dropped packets, largely in the NE United States, but this began before the superstorm. I imagine it's much worse now.

  8. As Striker879 says, it is important to know if you are installing Shivering Isles. If you are, you do not need a patch. If you are not, then go to this page and download the correct patch.


    Direct links:

    If you have a US version, download this file.

    If you have a European version, download this file.

    My advice is to download both while you are at it -- if the one doesn't work, try the other.


    If you have any other localised version, see the page I pointed you to.

    I have the same problem as OP.


    Oblivion_v1.2.0416English.exe does not do the patch for me. It says "old file not found etc. etc." same as OP.


    I have version 1.1.425


    Don't TELL me I don't need a patch because I'm planning on installing Shivering Isles. Tell that to the dev for OBSE whose little kit won't play nice with my version! Installing Shivering Isles doesn't fix the version number, does it? OBSE apparently checks version and won't install/run for any other than the latest (416) patch.


    I want to install the patch. I just reinstalled Oblivion. I have a virginal install from a DVD that came with Bioshock in an "Award Winning Combo" pack. It was cheap and I'd never played Oblivion before. Last time it was in the default path, so I thought that was the problem. Last time I was getting error "Old file not found" without the extra bit about another file with the same name. FYI I had installed the 1.1.511 patch, and thought THAT was giving the problem.


    Honestly, I'm starting to think I'll just buy the GOTY edition and be done with it. This is getting ridiculous. But if I can avoid spending that 20 bucks i would rather.


    Thanks in advance!

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