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About OmegaArcher

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  1. Alright Steam found some issues with the validation, it's updating now we'll see if it works after that. EDIT: Ok, fresh off the update it works, now to slowly re-implement mods, thanks Xaranth.
  2. That would be a no through both nvse and the regular launcher. Does that mean what I am dreading it means? Do I need to reinstall this crap?
  3. Nope still crashed, thanks for helping me with this. I've never had this problem before with these mods. Also update on the load order I unistalled Classic Fallout Weapons so all the CFW esp's are out. It looked like they were conflicting heavily but didn't help at all.
  4. I have not, I've never really messed with it. One sec, I'll edit this post with the results. EDIT: I have no idea, there seems like there's a lot of conflict but because a lot of these mods have patches with each other it's hard to tell which conflicts are planned and which aren't. Would running a bash patch or making a merge patch help?
  5. As the topic says whenever I go to start my game, through NVSE, it stops working. I've played around with the mods I have installed, run BOSS a couple times, tweaked the load order, and double checked that all the files are in the right places but nothing helps. I've been using mods for a few years now and as far as I can tell my mods shouldn't be having issues, but I could be missing something very obvious. Anyone willing to help, I would greatly appreciate it. My current load order is attached, I think. (Most of the mods were installed with NMM). I would have just put the list in the post but paste isn't working for some reason.
  6. Glad to help, a head's up though I did remove both Mama and Papa Bear, they felt outta place to me, it's pretty simple to put them back in though. Let me know if you need help.
  7. So far as I can tell there's no problem adjusting the list, I blitz out a couple sergeants on easy and managed to get nicknames up in the 160s of my list. I think the same applies to the regular name list and the mission name list as well. If my file does well I'll probably take on those two next.
  8. I'm just curious because I've been working on something for my personal use and am open to sharing if people think it would be a good idea. I'm basically taking out some of the sillier nicknames in the default game, adding near on a hundred of my own (which I hope will be an ever increasing number), and made it so that most of the nicknames aren't class or gender specific. I'm game to upload this, it would just be a text file with the names ready to be copied and pasted into the XComGame.int file, but I notice a lack of any such mods and the only one I did find was a bit too silly for my tastes. I'd appreciate some feedback, thanks guys/gals/whatever. -Archer [uPDATE] I went ahead and uploaded it, it's "Revamped Xcom Nicknames" for any interested.
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