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About jdkzombie

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  1. So I updated my FO4Edit, and for whatever reason now ALL the text boxes are smashed super small and borderline impossible to read at all. Even going to settings and UI and changing row height and column height does absolutely nothing. Anyone have suggestions? I am on a 4k monitor and have tried reducing all the way to 1080p, even reducing scaling to 100, or 225% with no improvements.
  2. So I used Vortex's internal change in settings to change my staging folder for Fallout 4 to my D drive rather than C. D is a normal HDD, albeit a 10k raptor drive, my C is a nice nvme 2.0 ultra. Problem is, after Vortex moved both folders I cannot change the deployment method at all. The option is now a big red warning box with no options to select from. The notification demands I put the folders on the same drive as the game but I mean come on....this is absurd, my fallout folder was taking up SO MUCH ROOM at 155Gb for the staging folder alone. I had a whopping 16gb left on my C drive after Starfield, Snowrunner, BL3, other games I am currently playing at the moment. What can I do the alleviate this? Or should I just leave it and whenever I fall back into the world of Fallout 4, I just swap the folders back over with vortex?
  3. I don't use MO2 and I don't need your money, but I can take a crack at it. Also Have you considered Vortex? It's definitely come a long way since it's birth behind NMM. It has quite the easier time with learning curves than MO2.
  4. Definitely weird. Can you use Console at all? Load in and hit ~ and type in coc redrocketext and hit enter Does it take you to red rocket? What you might consider doing is verifying game files as well through Steam (if thats where you got it) Sounds like something sure as heck got borked. Can you load a previous save at all? To test if something between then and now got corrupted?
  5. Also, in case you did not do it, follow these directions from Unique Players install description. How to use Like a lot of my mods, it is currently DIY: Install with NMM or manually copy into your data folder and enable the ESP Copy the body/hand textures from your favorite body mod into: data/textures/actors/character/PlayerHumanFemale for female PCs OR data/textures/actors/character/PlayerHumanMale for male PCs Copy the body/hand meshes from your favorite body mod into:data/meshes/actors/character/PlayerCharacterAssets
  6. Mod page shows two recommended mods that are not in your load order. Serene skin posts tab also reports others experiencing the same. Face texture issues like this stem from texture loading improperly. I get it sometimes even on my 214 plugin game, but it's almost always solved by loading through a cell door. Something to try is to change up the load order to swap looks menu and looks menu compendium around, as iirc Looks Menu is the Master and compendium needs to load after. Have you tried putting Serene at the end of your load order entirely so it wins any and all conflict texture wise? Actually pretty easy to do with Vortex, you can go to Plugins, double click the esp/esl and down at the bottom select locked to index instead of sorted automagically, and check your mod list to see what the last mod index two digit hexadecimal is, and change it to that, then click the orange arrow at the bottom of that little box. Or. Double click the esp/esl and select Group, and change it to Dynamic Patches and ht the orange arrow to save, which will change the rules its plugin is loaded and it will attempt to load it last behind all other mods.
  7. Worth noting I play on a SSD and use Load Accelerator and it freezes up whether its loading at 60 fps, 85 fps, or the 298 fps in loading screens.
  8. Afaik those mods that were updated don't do anything significant at a particular level that I can see from the websites, one is UOF4P, another was a texture pack update to one that was already installed, and the last was Guns for Hire. This mod worked fine for my other character weird that there is an issue on this one. And it's randomly on cell load screens. I could say, enter and leave the same door to a cell/outside for example, 20 times and there's no telling whether it's going to work, or lag up. Can't even get a buffout crash log because the game is not CTD, it just....sits there on the black screen with the loading symbol bottom right, or on a regular loading screen that has rotating objects, indefinitely. I wind up having to open task manager and end task, then there's usually two other Fallout 4 background tasks that are stuck on that need ended as well. Everything checks out fine with xEdit for conflicts, Loot shows no load order issues, no errors shown in Vortex either, but yet it is completely random. Completely baffling because otherwise the game runs near flawlessly. Hell, I even get 50+ fps in downtown Boston at 1440p with extra undead spawns. I thought maybe they were the culprit, but this happens with our without their plugins enabled and can happen at any load door anywhere.
  9. So I have 2 specific characters I play, one is level 168, the other is level 39 now, and I have begun to run into a new and very frustrating issue lately that happens at random. It seems as though traveling of any sort via fast travel, or into/out of interior to exterior and vice versa that the game will simply hang on a load screen indefinitely. It has not "stopped responding" according to Task Manager, but yet sits there. I use Load Accelerator so the fps sits at 298 in load screens so it is extremely noticeable when it doesn't....you know...accelerate the load. I have not really installed anything major and new, I loaded some new mods specifically to use on a profile FOR the new character but everything has worked perfectly for 34 levels until now. There have been no new ini edits. There have been a few mod updates like UOF4P, Vivid AIO textures, and I believe Flashy (Joey) Gun For Hire. Not really sure what to look for because all the web searches say the same tired out OLD stuff like "where's the game installed, disable Steam overlay, delete ini etc etc. Tried all of this. But the game has worked fine for a level 1 to 168 character, and this current one to level 35 then weird s#*! started. PC specs are as follows Ryzen 5900x on liquid PBO (small increase) RX 6700XT 12Gb slight UV 32Gb 3200Mhz ram 1000w EVGA Supernova PSU Gold standard Windows 10 Professional Game is played at 2560x1440p and until now has ran around 80fps normally and between 55-68 even in Downtown Boston. Anyone have any suggestions?
  10. That would be a "load-door" which is already the only way to do this. It needs a unique target. Inside the cell & vice versa. The cell would be accessible by COC-ing there from the start, like QASMOKE etc. You can only exit & enter it normally ones the door is build. Each door would need to be restricted to the workshop of each settlement and can only exist ones, or you get a conflict with 2 'targets' (with the same name / ID) There is no other way, afaik. I don't think we need to make 90 different cells for each settlement total, I would think using F4SE we could restrict it to one of each type of cell per game save/character. I don't use multiple settlements at once, I usually have one primary one and carry a sleeping bag to catch some ZZZ's when Advanced Needs says Im tired out in the world, but more often than not there are either enemies nearby (zombie mods) or you're taking radiation damage. Or maybe even not have it build-able in workshop, have either a MCM or Holotape and a item that you craft via chem bench that you drop or use, then you move it where you want it, use a particular button to "Set" it, so like X on game pad Xbox, or Square if you use PS gamepad, or just E on pc, and it sets the item and the only way to remove it is to holotape or mcm "clear the door" so when you select this, the door to the cell is disabled? I'd say this way maybe because it prevents having the same door in a few settlements allowing some worm hole travel between places, and should prevent you from being able to set multiple instances down of the door to the cell. Like, imagine being at say Jamaica Plains and you can set down a basement hatch, or at Oberland Station, or any other settlement and you have a basement like the one in Sanctuary. Hard set a bed, maybe a chem, armor, and weapon bench to use while you're burning time or not if youre sleeping, and maybe a storage chest. These don't need to be connected to the workshop either, because the idea isn't to have it be a permanent live in shelter, but an escape from the elements. (Probably have to ditch the vault tec personal vault idea) Maybe instead have them be a object made by Pulowski? A more personal emergency shelter option? God I wish i understood the Creation Kit. I've tried. On my life I've tried. lol
  11. I guess what I was imagining was something like the qasmoke room, where there's a cell that exists separately from the game world, you build a door, said door leads to a small interior cell that gets you out of the weather effects because the game engine doesn't recognize that you are inside a building or shelter if still in worldspace, if youre outside, youre outside. 90 cells doesn't sound too bad if one was able to simply ctrl C ctrlv them, instead of trying to make ones that matched thematically to each settlement. Or even just a mod that makes a interior door cell option in all settlements and we the player simply adjust the build we make to accommodate said door.
  12. Maybe you could get three different size interior cells determined by which door you craft and place? Like a bunker hatch could be like the basement in sanctuary, a bunker door could be little bit bigger 2-3 room micro vault? Maybe something even bigger than that with pretty steep requirements?
  13. The meaning for this is anyone that plays with Advanced Needs 76 or rad storm mods or such that drastically increase damage taken during the weather effect, it makes using the vanilla outside settlements extremely difficult to use effectively because you have to travel somewhere else to a interior cell to escape the radiation. What I mean by door, is the options to craft and place a hatch, bunker door, trap door-esque doorway that can be placed either against a wall as a door, or on the ground as a hatch to activate. This door either way simply leads to an interior player cell, preferably small, that might have some basic functions like a bed, water source, lighting, and maybe a chem, weap, and armor bench? Can be made static so they can't be taken down to put outside, or use a modified Workshop list like in Home Base home that only allows certain objects to be crafted and made. Could potentially make this a quest driven item, or just a magazine perk to find somewhere that allows the crafting of said door/hatch. The latter would allow survival character and Advanced Needs 76 users to be able to "dangerously" go procure the magazine, or complete the quest to acquire the perk needed to build the personal bunker. Haven't really thought of a name for the mod yet, but maybe something like "Vaut-tec Personal Vault"? Idea being Vault Tec had the idea to make small VIP only bunkers that high ranking members of Vault Tec could have a survival option without being subjected to normal vault horrors? Put the magazine in the Vault Tec building in a safe or something. This way you can use the settlements as normal, and when the radstorms come, and acid rain falls, you have a place to escape to (especially if you use don't sleep until tired/only sleep at night stuff) that is inside your hard earned and hard built settlement.
  14. Like the very first result that popped up in my search was on github and was nothing but a ton of error messages someone posted and having my exact issues, then at the bottom the posted was closed with a "new version solves this" from coincidentally a TanninOne lol And you are Tannin42.
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