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  1. AaronOfMpls's post in Login was marked as the answer   
    Vortex Support forum here, probably.  On the front page of the Nexus forums, it's about halfway down.
  2. AaronOfMpls's post in Download a collection on one PC and transfer to another was marked as the answer   
    I don't see why you couldn't, as long as (on your desktop) you put the files where the game or your mod manager wants them. 
    I don't use Vortex or NMM myself -- or have Fallout 4 -- but from what I can find, the default location for Vortex's downloads is %APPDATA%\vortex\downloads\<game name>\.  So unless you moved that somewhere else... 🙂
    EDIT: replace <game name> with whatever it calls its Fallout 4 folder -- likely fallout4 (though again, I don't have it to check).
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