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Status Updates posted by Toddemix

  1. I have never played MHFU co-operatively, though I was going to with my friend Shayaryn. The idea of it makes me nervous though, hehe. I don;t know of any PC Monster Hunter titles though- they should make one! :D
  2. *leaves red lipsticky smooch on the wall* M'wah!
  3. You can change your title once you have made over 500 posts :D Post baby, post!
  4. Spaceritual, thank you! I have a lot to learn about screenshooting, but it sure is fun. :)
  5. I am humbly requesting that you change your custom title to "Jedurai" as soon as you are able. Thank you. :3
  6. You've inspired me to practice. Lovender. I'm logging off to screenshoot right now! ^^
  7. I agree, but sometimes when screenshooting I get really impatient waiting for my model to look at me, then I begin to yell at the computer screen "LOOK OVER HERE!"...*runs away in shame*
  8. Many thanks for the beauty of RISA. I will be spending this pale snowy day there.

    Unrelated note: You share a birthday with my husband :D

  9. Hehe, thanks Lovender. :D
  10. You snuck into my lair and left an amusing comment, so I befriended you. Serves you right!
  11. Gracias! I like her too- she's less creepy than The Eye. :P
  12. Bam! Friended! :D
  13. I totally copied your avatar style. Accept these cookies, please.
  14. New Vegas? Nope, still addicted to Mod-blivion! Nice to see you here Angga! :D
  15. *leaves a lipstick print on Angga's wall* M'wah!....:D
  16. Welcome back, Cooly! :D
  17. *super huge hugs* I am so happy to hear from you, lovely Siffreo! It is getting colder here in Washington, and the nights are rainy and beautiful. Summer is finally ending where you are? Enjoy it, and be well, my friend! XOXO
  18. Hi Eiries! Thanks for the visit. I have a new gig that's sucking up my free time, but I'm still a screenie addict, and I'll be back to "ooh" and "aah" and hopefully contribute my own stuff soon enough. Take care and be well! :)
  19. Hello Amnis, I hope all is well with you. :) Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. :)
  20. Hey there Dizzyjay, thanks for the kudos! Keep posting great pics of Mindy- she's awesome! *hugs*
  21. Marco, I hope life is being kind to you! And, hello! :D
  22. Where are you, beautiful and charming Siffreo? I hope you are being treated wonderfully by life, my dear!
  23. Well Tad, you just drop by any time you like, my little Whelp. :D
  24. Hope you are well, dear Amnis! Have a wonderful day!:)
  25. I am picturing lush and vibrant azaleas in my mind, and thinking of you, wonderful Siff. *offers a bowl of fresh strawberries and a glass of iced tea*
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