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Everything posted by Toddemix

  1. Hello Amnis, I hope all is well with you. :) Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. :)
  2. Hey there Dizzyjay, thanks for the kudos! Keep posting great pics of Mindy- she's awesome! *hugs*
  3. Marco, I hope life is being kind to you! And, hello! :D
  4. Where are you, beautiful and charming Siffreo? I hope you are being treated wonderfully by life, my dear!
  5. Well Tad, you just drop by any time you like, my little Whelp. :D
  6. Hope you are well, dear Amnis! Have a wonderful day!:)
  7. First one: Google HGEC Golden Assassin..I think that's what it's called.
  8. I am picturing lush and vibrant azaleas in my mind, and thinking of you, wonderful Siff. *offers a bowl of fresh strawberries and a glass of iced tea*
  9. :3 I like the Tomlong portrait. Green bunny ears are where it's at.
  10. Hello Amnis! I send you good cheer from wet, oblivious-to-impending-Summer Seattle, and hope you are well. :D
  11. I wish you as much happiness as you can handle, my friend, and then some! :D
  12. Ahhhh it's been so long since I've chatted with you. I send my love, hugs, and leave a bouquet of lilacs for you, wonderful Siff! *big hugs from me in Washington*
  13. Well in some cases what "private mod " actually means is "a mod I found while browsing a website whose language I don't read and therefore don't actually know what the permission status actually is". But "private mod" sounds so much more exclusive and flattering to the ego, don't you think? ;) And as Sarya mentioned, with a little perseverance, many of those so called "private mods" can be found. Snark aside, some mods genuinely are private - the reasons for that are many, but some common ones are: the mod in question is in a pre-beta state: the mod in question is a mashup the screenshooter made with no intention of publicly sharing due to permission issues, or due to not having the time/energy to support a public release. Or yeah, the mod is a gamerip- in that case, really, you're likely not missing anything, since they often only look good in edited screenshots and rarely pass muster for actually playing the game. But the bottom line is, you simply cannot have everything you see, that's just how it goes and you'll live. Lose that sense of entitlement and console yourself with the amazing content that so many kind modders share freely, and don't take it for granted, rather than focus on the few things you see that seem to be out of reach. Two cents added.
  14. Hello Wonderbean! :hugs:
  15. No harm done. You made a reasonable assumption that the different races use different textures, and I don't fault you for it, Tomlong. Nope, the Imperial texture is used by almost all of the humanoid races, yes, even Redguards. Only Dunmer, Orcs, Argonians and Khajiit have their own texture folders, unless you use a mod that gives them to the other races. Robert's Male does that, and so does Fantasy Figures. And Luchaire's Better Redguards assigns a unique and appropriate texture for Redguards so they aren't ashen/green anymore. Wonderful stuff.
  16. As a note, Woodelves use the Imperial body textures already. Maybe you knew that, and your example was hypothetical, or maybe you use a mod like Fantasy Figures that gives each race their own textures, but just in case, I thought I'd clarify. I don't use the CS or TES4Edit when I'm experimenting with body textures- for me the easiest way is to navigate to my textures/characters/Imperial folder, r-click and drag on it and make a backup copy of that folder on my desktop. Then I rename the new texture files (to footfemale.dds and _n.dds) if necessary, and drop them in the textures/characters/Imperial folder, saying yes to overwrite, Load up my game, check out the textures, and if I don't like them, I just replace the folder with the backup I made. Does that make sense? As long as you back up your old textures, there isn't anything to lose. Later on when you're more comfortable, it is pretty easy to set up each race to use their own textures, for greater individuality amongst the races.
  17. top is a retexture of http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=24443 hat i dunno. maybe http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=11014 probably not though That's the top alright, though the rest of the outfit must have been taken from elsewhere. The hat's definitely not in Pale Rider's collection, though. I should know -- I've had it for some time. Thanks for helping, but I'm still looking. Probably too late, but just in case- the hat looks like retexture of one of the two hats from KSitems, a pretty old and very cool Japanese armor mod. Here's a link to a black retextured version of said mod: KSitems
  18. StapleNinja's Skingrad Villa Race sort of looks like a Lineage 2 Dark Elf, with long ears added. *shrug*
  19. Re:hairs- the two styles on the left are from the Saram race mod by idkrrr- it's a "male" hairstyle (but obviously it looks just fine on female characters). The second hairstyle on the right is from the Moonshadow Elves hairpack beta. The hair in the first pic looks like a Ren variant. You could look for Beautiful People 2ch edition- easily Googled. Or just try Comprehensive Style Collection. It will probably have something very close.
  20. Thanks for saying hi, Cooly! I'm still busy, but I'm no longer so sleepy- I think that's good. Take care! :D
  21. Oh my, I think romance is in the air...I hope I'm not interrupting :D Hello, Siffy! I hope you're having fun and enjoying life, my friend! *big hugs from me*
  22. Gorgeous new avatar, Lady!
  23. Bravo, Amnis!
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