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Everything posted by Guerlot

  1. Didn't you say you did Check "Run on Start" for you Stage with the scripts? In that case, SetStage wouldn't be needed. Anyway, wait until you get the SQS command results. Normally you hould see something like: YourQuestID: Running Stage 10: Not Set or Done If it says Stage 10: Done. Then the issue is either with your script or your Objective If it says: YourQuestID: Stopped, then it's more complicated, more likely something wrong with an Alias.
  2. I'm assuming it's for a non-voiced NPC? Can't change the speed, but you can't "hack" your way in letting the player skip the dialogues like for voiced ones. For this you need to get/record one blank .wav file, use it for your first line of dialogue and generate a lip file for it. You only need to generate the lip file once Then you simply copy these files(both .wav and .lip) for each lines of dialogues, put them in the proper Voice folder and rename the files with the Name provided to you automatically in CK. You also need to create and assign a Voice Type to your NPC My NPC, Drexl, has his Voice Type JWDrexlVoice So each line of dialogues from him need a .wav and .lip files, placd in the JWDrexlVoice folder. Same for the player, need to place them in both PlayerFemale01 and PlayerMale01 folders Check these 2 pictures, hope this helps. http://i.imgur.com/TUfP5T9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4boCkiF.jpg
  3. Since I'm assuming the Stage is 10, in game, type this in the command prompt: sqs YourQuestID 10 (replace "YourQuestID by uyour own quest ID, of course :tongue:) what does it says? Also, make sure you are using a save game that never had this quest before. And sorry for asking this, but did you enable your mod in game before loading a save game? :tongue:
  4. yeah, it's bugging me for sure. At first, I thought it was because I didn't use the Respawn featyre in the character sheets of the npcs. But even with that option checked, same issue
  5. If you are using a MapMarker for your location you could set it as Disable and enable it later --> YourMapmarkerProperty.Enable() Or did you mean to hide the entire Cell and its content? Nevermind me... I missed the part you wanted to hide it from a Message menu
  6. Hi all. I'm having this bug in my mod when Killed NPCs will not spawn if I I load a Save prior to killing them and in a different cell. If I reload the game entirely, it's fine, so its probably a cache issue. I know this sounds like a bug that has been there since the beginning (like Mines exploding, reloading save and Mine isnt there anymore) but I'm wondering if there isn't something I'm missing in CK. Thoughts?
  7. Thank you guys for the detailed answers, I really appreciate it. I will totally leave these scripts alone. They are small and w t hurt anything for sure. Cheers!
  8. Hi there, I have a question regarding a potential mod update I am planning that would clean some of the scripts currently used. I'm working on my first quest mod ever, already published. And of course, I made some rookie mistakes which was creating my own scripts. I'm talking about simple scripts like onRead ones or ContainerChange ones. I didn't know there were default scripts in CK which are doing the exact same thing. So, my current plan is to replace those "custom" scripts with the default ones in order to clean my mod as much as possible. My questions are: - Once the cleaning is done and the old custom scripts are no longer needed and deleted from my own PC, will the update remove the old scripts from the player's machine? What of .ba2 files (for my XB1 version)? What of Loose Files (for my Nexus version? - Should I simply ask the current users to be safe and delete the old one and install the new one, forcing them to lose any progress (which is not that big honestly, maybe an hour or two max)? Thanks in advance! Cheers
  9. Woooah, worked perfectly! When I tested it, I had that tiny moment of pure joy. :P Thanks a lot :) Cheers!
  10. Hi there, I my quest, I created an Alias pointing to a Xmarker (Specific Reference) that I placed in the entrance of a Sanctuary house. The objective has the Alias as a target. All I want to achieve is to be able to change to the next stage once the player arrives at the Target. I tried using the defaultAliasOnLoad script but the stage changes from way too far. Any ideas? Thanks in advance :)
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