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About firathmagi

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  1. well firstly both for compatibility and balance it should be its own machine and use like 15 power as far as recipes go the simplest method would be a value conversion so 2 steel > 1 screw 3 steel > 1 gear 3 steel > 1 spring 1 copper 1 plastic > 1 circuitry ? 1 plastic 2 glass > 1 fiberglass ? 3 glass > 1 fiber optic ? 2 glass > 1 crystal
  2. can someone make a contraptions base machine that can make complex components like screws, springs, gears, and circutry from basic components like steel and copper and whatnot
  3. add a set of magazine perks that let you brew spirits and nuka cola's at the chem station or cooking station
  4. a mod that lets us pick which core goes in the laser gatligh gun would be nice let us use up all thos partially drained cores
  5. yeah random powered armour enemies would be nice too
  6. if this isn't a thing in the game making it one would be nice i know theres a few unique power armour pieces but none that have good bonuses
  7. add weapon mods that allow selective fire modes make damage scale to the non automatic perk
  8. so apparently you don't retain the bonuses from normal armour while in power armour a mod that changes that would be nice
  9. often i find that the messages that appear in the upper left fade while im still loading so a way to look at all recent log messages would be nice
  10. remove the "enemy too strong" limitations on the berserk syringe
  11. a mod that forces the game to prioritize using partially drain core first before loading in fresh cores
  12. add a liquor distillery to the crafting tab to make liqours out of various crops
  13. it wasnt super broken in new vegas though the requirements were pretty high i just cant really think of a way to add more perks to the game short of expanding max special to 15 and adding 5 more perks to each tree or i suppose it could be tacked on as a rank five or strong back dunno if that do able though
  14. since the perksystem is kinda locked in to what it is i figure adding new perk should be done via adding bobbleheads in this case i want the packrat perk from new vegas perk details all items that weight 2 or less weight half as much
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