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Status Updates posted by nivea

  1. I got a huge fat Corgi plushie and a actual drawing Tablet for x-mas, super excited I havent had a tablet in like 8 years and even then didnt get to use it (GF used it). Also FAT CORGI PLUSHIE: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/Nivea/zNX7Fee_zpsfedaf1bd.jpg
  2. Haha thanks, Firefly is one of my fav shows still after all these years!
  3. I thought I had my friends set up so everyone could just add me, but looks like its not all working lol.
    1. Risibisi


      Sorry, but why do you want to be add by everyone if I may ask?! :D
    2. nivea


      I dont, I just dont care who adds me as a friend or not. Its not like it actually makes to magically my bestest friend in the whole world lol.
  4. Taking break from Skyrim, and Wanting Alan Wake for PC. Can not wait for the new Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition to come out OMG sooo excited!
    1. CrameKnight


      Is BG Enhanced Edition a remake of the original game?
    2. VesemirTheWitcher


  5. Pm box full. Nuuuuuuu.
  6. Thanks! Its all pretty crazy to get up in hot files over night rofl. XP
  7. I felt this was totally relevant:

  8. Hello!

    Super happy you liked my Corgi mod, I hope to try and bring a version of them into Skyrim for sure!

    Just need better export scripts and the CS.

  9. YAY!

    You made one of my Fav companions for Oblivion so super excited to see Skyrim stuff!

  10. Skyrim why u crash, you no luv me?
    1. BlueDanube


      yup, its because she's is love with me :P
    2. egor260999


      Greetings, Can I translate and publish your mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41714 .
  11. God I know right, its killing me... I would also like my game to not crash a crap load of times.

    But damn it give us the CS!

  12. Nellspeed to make male companion for Skyrim... IF the CS ever comes out!

    *Waves* XD

  13. Waiting on Skyrim CS suuucks.... But I made cupcakes, so all better.
    1. tredmillion


      cupcakes make everything better :) and i mean everything o.O
  14. Well always happy to see more pony fans, but I am not a Bronie :3
  15. No they are part of the outfits, clipping is always annoying when you have separate clothing.

    But they will be intact so you can always remove them in nifskope or blender.

  16. *Waves!* Yeah I am around but I dont post much in the Oblivion area anymore.. playing NV right now. :3
  17. Well the newest my little pony cartoon is really good, I was happly surprised.

    I cant be a Bronie anyways I am a girl :P

    Dont let my cool typeing fool you... I am a extreme pony lover, I own like... 40? (course from the 80s-now hording...)


  18. Dang skippy MLP should rule the world!

    I have been a MLP fan/toyowner since 1984 the year I was born and my mom put the show on. :P

  19. Ha! You have a very cool GF then :P

    Evil Bastards at Fox, how dare they cancel firefly! D:

    Greatest non-cartoon show ever! T_T

  20. Heya, I havent felt like playing oblivion much lately... I miss role playing games to much right now. D:

    Been playing Fallout new vegas some and gonna get Dragon age 2, that should fix my RPG needs and then back to oblivion till Skyrim!

  21. Wash is luv!



  22. Fool... I am the weasle!
  23. GAH so many new mods...@_@ I hate reinstalling.
    1. BlueDanube


      ughh ! tell me about it.... *sight*....
  24. Thank you for takeing care of it all. :)
  25. Hey, its been a while. I have been very ill lately and couldnt sit at my computer for long so I had to stop modding and playing.... But I am feeling better and fixing my oblivion install so hopefully I been back soon. :)
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