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Everything posted by nivea

  1. I admit I am not a fan, its way to busy, there is just to much on the front page. There is way to much in the News & Updates section and the Media section, I dont want 90% of my page taken up by stuff I have no interest in seeing. Also not a fan of the grey or Plus the media section is mostly full of half naked skimpy ladies, which is fine if your into that. But I am not so I avoid the image share section now a days. The old design had much less focus on that and I could just ignore the images much easier when they where so much smaller. Another issue is that I use the tracked files to keep tabs on if someone has commented on my mods or needs help, I find the fade away of the font really annoying and hard to look at. ): I also dont see the Files of the Month on the page? Just really not a fan. ):
  2. Only thing I am not looking forward to is having to learn how to make installers for yet another program, I hope anything you make in the future allows for a easier way for modders to make our mods work with your programs. I hate scripting so simple is nice. That said kinda bummed no more work on MO. Personally I prefer Wrye Bash, it gives me easy control and its sooo user friendly to look at imo. I never use really anything else unless I have to.
  3. In response to post #41328715. #41340150 is also a reply to the same post. I hate "blocks" too, when I see a site start forcing me to use a block set up, I tend to not use it as much. It is to CLUTTERED, and as someone with a learning disability it easly overwhelms me and I can not focus on any one thing. Please please please give us a option to have the Flat set up too, like we do now. You can change a ton of things but dont change the core function that the site has had for so many many many years, its one of the reasons I stuck around here more then other sites that failed in the beginning. Nexus was just so easy to look at and use...
  4. I will take it that this means its a big no?
  5. Has anyone figured out how to make conforming headgear yet? I havent been able to keep tabs on FO4 lately (RL) and this is somthing I have been wanting to figure out since the game released. So has anyone been able to figure out how to make a hat conform to head morphs yet (I assume it has to do with the faceBones nifs), I want to fix up some of my custom headgear (piercings, hats, ect).
  6. In response to post #37618235. #37618805, #37624150, #37630020, #37631660, #37633025, #37638480, #37638605 are all replies on the same post. 100% agree, I wish I could afford life time membership just to make me feel even better about not having ads.
  7. You can not change the face texture's size (1024 to 2048 ect) unless you change ALL the face texture stuff (moles, wrinkles, blemishes ect) as well. At least that is the going theory and my experience.
  8. I already used the CIPSCIS Detecting Keypresses tutorial to make my current hotkey, but it does not talk about how to make it so users can change the key option to what they want sadly. The example you gave I would just have to remove the Fook Globals and remove the SetIsControl? Your talking to someone who can barely script at all and knows nothing of hotkeys lol.
  9. So I am making a dogmeat overhaul mod and I now have almost everything done for a open beta, only thing I can not seem to figure out is how to make my hotkey re-bindable. I have it currently set up to the O key, but I want to make it so users can change this when they want. So I have a dog whistle made that has some menus and sub menu, I would like to add the rebinding part in there some how. Can anyone help me out on this, any tutorials? Scripting is really difficult for me and I am proud of what I have done so far, but I can not seem to find any tutorials on hotkey binding stuff.
  10. It would look funny because that texture uses a different UV map then the head meshes in FO3, you would need to either heavily edit the new head texture or import and make the head mesh from The Last of Us into FO3 and make it work that way. You will not find any help here though, since your using stolen/ripped assets from another game without permission.
  11. Cut the feet off the body mesh and attach (combine, merged ect) them to a robe that does not go all the way down to the feet, then you can rig off of that.
  12. I admit I do not fully understand the want/need to be compensated for making a mod, I picked up modding to have fun and to make some custom stuff for myself. Then someone asked me kindly if I would release some of the stuff I made for myself, and I thought sure why not let others have fun too. What great fun we all shall have. I am grateful for every penny I am donated, it all goes towards video games and their DLC. I do not make enough money to buy games myself currently (I barely have enough for food lol), so the only way I am going to be able to buy another game to make mods (such as FO4) for is through the kindness of others. I do not feel entitled to any of that, I feel grateful and humbled that someone enjoys my stuff or even myself enough to donate. But this has always been a passion not a job to me. I dont know how I feel about others wanting to be paid for their mods, commissions sure I get that I did live with a artist and she painted her own stuff for free (and put it up for others to view and enjoy) but then got commissioned and paid for other stuff. I wish Beth would just let modders get ad revenue or something along those lines rather then a straight out payment from a mod user. But then again I do understand others ARE making money off modders work, ads for Nexus, ads for Youtube ect. Bleh its all one big pile of f*#@. *SIGHS* lol
  13. In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654 are all replies on the same post. *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol. *Hugs Llama* :)
  14. There are actually only two player voice actors, one male and one female. So there are no age variations (you are a middle aged white person voice), there is most likely no other language then what your country is, and the accent is only grizzled middle aged male and just a average woman voice. So sadly I do hear it IS fully voiced.
  15. Sorry for the double post, but would it be alright for me to delete the current stickies in the comment section? There are six stickies currently and they are all random users posts stickied which should not be a sticky, but I can not seem to find the unstick button (like for a author's post). So the only way for me to get rid of them is to delete them, but would that cause more problems or would they still count as stickies then?
  16. Well the mod is made and uploaded by Mishaxhi, I contributed to the mod and was involved with the mod for so long that Mish gave me power to manage the file. He is often on but he dislikes dealing with questions or answering the same questions over and over, so he gave me the okay to keep watch over the comment section and take care of the file when he is gone for long periods of time. That how I come into the mod, I am unsure who the third person is since I can only see my ID and Mish's ID in the Edit attributes page. I think the third is Scottmack? But I doubt any of us would go about making random stickies since we have been on the mod for so long without indecent before this. The day before the comment section went down I did my normal check of the comments (I do this about 2-3 times a week normally) and everything was normal, there where two stickies at that time. One by Mishaxhi dealing with the update he was working on, and one by myself that was a small FAQ (maybe 8 questions in one post). Those where the only stickies at the time. Then the next day (I was checking more then normal because of the possible update) I could not get into the comments, I thought it was a forum bug and it would sort itself out. I could still get to the comments from the forum section at that time (I posted twice and Mish once, but no stickies), but I did not see the sticky issues because you can not see them in the forum view. This started a few days before the FO4 announcement and video, after the forum changes where made by you all (staff) I then began to think something was actually really wrong with the comment section and posted for help here. That is why I was genuinely shocked by the amount of stickies because it was literally fine the day before it went down, two normal stickies. Its something that I really do not know what happened there.
  17. I just dont want to be the one getting the blame for causing everyone to get their stickie privileges limited, the mod isnt even my own mod I maintain the comment section to help out a fellow modder and because I really love the mod which I made items for. I will lay off posting in the mod thread for a good while, but I really didnt go about making random user's posts into stickies or all my own posts.
  18. WHAT 2786 sticky posts?! I swear I made one and only one, I would never do that on purpose. I also make a sticky and then if its not needed I either delete the whole post or unsticky it. I know Mishaxhi (the maker) made some stickies as well over time as it is his mod, but I do not think its possible he made that many at all either. To make them you have to hit the sticky button right, I never use that button unless its a absolute emergency need... I promise you something has gone MAJORLY wrong with that comment section, it was NOT like that before it went down. I would never do that, I dont even like posting posts in other peoples mods but I worked on Niner a lot and feel the need to answer his questions. Again I would NEVER do that. :\ It was NOT like that before it crashed, all my posts where NOT stickies before it went down.
  19. I admit to not knowing where to post this exactly, but its been going on for a while now and I can not seem to figure out how to fix it (I am also not the only one having this issue) and with the removal of the file forum section I can now no longer gain any access to this file's comment section, which I need to since I help maintain it. When I click to go to the comment section it sits there loading and after a while comes back with just a E, no comments or even the ability to post. This seems to be the ONLY mod I am having this issue with, I hope someone can help me here. I do have access to the mod and can edit things if I must do that to get it back working. This is the file: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48002/?
  20. In response to post #26152804. #26160334, #26167244, #26167844, #26169834, #26170174 are all replies on the same post. Yes... someone is going to go through the thousands of dialog and revoice them, have to admit that has never happened to any of the games I have modded for. Someone revoicing vanilla content that is. o_O
  21. In response to post #26152804. #26160334, #26167244, #26167844 are all replies on the same post. Yes you COULD make up a story about having a wife and child who died, what a great CHOICE that would be you could make. :) When does it show up in game, please they did not make that baby with all the face gen of both its parents just to never show up again in game. MAJOR waste of resources, they could have just changed her skin tone only if that was the case. You KNOW the daughter is going to show up later in the story line, and more then likely be angry at the main character for abandoning her and the other parent.. She will even be involved with the "bad guys", for extra drama and moral choices thing. Really if this where a closed world linear story (ala Mass Effect, Bioshock, Saints Row, ECT) then I would have NO issue at all, but I do not buy a TES or Fallout game with a "open, free choice world" only to have no choice at all in my character. Where is the harm in that, wanting to make my own character and my own story? In a game that says you have the "freedom" to do that? I kinda feel bad for you actually if your so happy to accept that after all these kinda of games with all this freedom, you feel happy to have a voiced character with a major important backstory to that character already made. That is the whole beauty of the TES and Fallout series compared to other games, you can make your own character and own story without having the game makers step on your toes so many times. I only have real issue with voicing because it sounds like generic middle aged white gruff guy number 1000000000 (the woman I find a bit annoying, but that is a personal taste issue), a couple more choices would have been nice. Also the fact that you will get less choices in game because of it (gotta stick to the butdget after all), and that mods will now have to feature a silent main character while the rest of the game is voiced.
  22. You start the game with a f*#@ing family, are you kidding me?! Where is the freedom of role play in THAT, I am extremely disappointed. You are a middle aged M/F, straight, married, with a BABY. But you do not play as the baby, no you play the middle aged married parent. I feel like a I am so done with FO4 and I havent even gotten to play it.... NONE of my character styles can fit into that little set up. I am very sad right now.... I had high hopes I could even try to get past the voice acting, but really you start with a family. *SIGH*
  23. That happens to me all the time, it does not hurt anything in the game. I THINK I remember someone saying it is a shader "issue" or the game could be installed in the not "default" place and geck is just not finding it. OR it could be you have not extracted the textures from the .bsa and geck is having a issue with that, OR again it could be that you HAVE extracted the textures and geck is having a problem with that.. Honestly I do not know fully, and since it does not impact the game its not something I have fully researched. You could I guess set up some texture sets that might help you if you HAVE to see them in geck. But you do not say how you edited the meshes or textures so I can not really give you information without knowing. Make sure your textures have mipmaps also.
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