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Everything posted by nivea

  1. Yeah I am not as into Skyrim as I thought I would be so its not such a issue for me since I can make most the stuff I have a wanting for thankfully lol, my sexy work is normally just for myself and a small group of modders I consider friends. Less issues that way I have to deal with, BUT I am glad to see things like SAM being made its nice to have variety in all things. Skyrim is lucky like that compared to Oblivion, for every small amount of sexy mods there is at least one very high quality non-sexy mod while in Oblivion it was almost impossible to find anything other then anime and sexy (by itself not a bad thing, but it was almost all you had). You do have to dig a bit but its worth it imo if your looking for lore friendly stuff. Dont give up or get to upset you will find plenty of nice gems out there, does take some digging. ALSO it is a GREAT way to get into modding (its how I got into modding, not enough male stuff so I learned myself to make things), if your really upset then the best way to solve the problem is to make stuff. :smile: I do not have a large list of female stuff to give links to since I play male characters for Skyrim currently.
  2. not true, many of the skimpy mods are made by the lady peoples of the Nexus. i dont remember which but one of the body mods was also made by a lady person. That would be Caliente. :wink: She also helped Dimon get his body mod into Skyrim, so in a way, she released or helped release the two most popular female body mods. Also, wasn't there some study or something that showed the split was pretty even between the sexes? Also gotta remember there are quite a lot of ladies out there who do happen to like the skimpy stuff. Of course they do, I already know Caliente is a chick. Notice I never accused any of the two genders of this, I'm saying in general everytime I see a male armor set it's called "assassin set", or "paladin set", or "pirate set", whatever theme it's about. The focus is on the coolness of the theme, not on the male gender itself. When it's female armor sets, it's "FEMALE assassin set," "FEMALE paladin set," etc. It's too much about the gender, the boobs and ass and not enough about the actual theme. The links you guys posted are not bad. Seriously, I had not find these, will be getting DreamBurrows Regal Assassin armor for sure. They tend to get lost in the THOUSANDS of skimpy mods, you know. Any long coat / epic styled robes mods though? Similar to the male master robes or psijic order robes? (or the ones I posted screenshots of). I know, but we are talking about the people in the nexus, ll and hall of something. Modders people and mod users. You are talking about gamers. Come when I think about it, females tend to play with females more instead of male like dudes. lol, no one wants male nords. @FegelTemplar That because males beauty is enhanced by badassry, knighthood or darkness maybe? Male "beauty" (in this context of "beauty") is the same as female "beauty" is viewed, abs, ass and penis (while its ass, vagina and breast for women). That said most males get very upset and vocal about having mods that show male penis and abs outside of having sex with women mods, and because in my experience males are much more vocal about their distaste of such things you get spammed by them when making a mod that shows males in a sexualised light. As for the OP this is something you have to come to expect in the modding world, game developers are and should be held to higher standards when it comes to making and dealing with female characters because they are getting paid and its 50% female and 50% male gamers out there (IMO, this is not something everyone agrees on). BUT modders do this for their own enjoyment and get nothing in return, I try to look at it as art and not judge as much anymore. I dont like it, but then again THEY dont like it when I make sexy male stuff. Stuff by DreamBurrows is a good option for sneaky characters with a assassins creed flare (I see alot of people like Dreams stuff, good its really awesome): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39983/? Like its been said dont just search for female mods, instead search for armors that have BOTH genders you are MUCH more likely to get good less sexual armor that way. Most sexy mod makers will not do both genders since they are interested in only one. This is also a good one, it has a lot of options for different female types: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53442/? I also like this one for female mage characters, could be sneaky too: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52667/?
  3. You followed the uninstallation instructions right? It looks like step 3 is what you need to do, because its still useing the 2500 animations. UNINSTALLATION You must follow these instructions exactly, or your Pip-Boy may become glitched! 1. Use the in-game tool to uninstall. Quick-save and quit the game. Uninstall the mod in your mod manager, this should remove the .ESP and the animation files (.KF). 2. Start the game again and confirm that the Pip-Boy 3000 and your original wrist-look animations have returned. If so, skip to step 4. If not, continue on to step 3. 3. If your original Pip-Boy wrist look animations have not returned, do NOT save, quit the game, and manually delete following folders and files: textures\pipboy2500 meshes\pipboy2500 meshes\characters\_1stperson\locomotion\female\pipboyfemale.kf meshes\characters\_1stperson\locomotion\male\pipboy.kf Upon loading the game again, if the actual Pip-Boy 3000 is not visible on your wrist, try typing player.additem 00015038 into the console. Then, type player.equipitem 00015038 to equip the Pip-Boy 3000. 4. If everything is fine, make another quick-save (or full save) and restart the game to finish uninstallation.
  4. And you did turn off the lighting mod correct, I was waiting on hearing back if you did. Well it could be your .ini settings if you changed those at all, or it could even be your video card if you changed it or updated the drivers. Best way to tell if its a mod or not, turn off ALL mods and replacers then test by going to the places that cause the biggest problem, that will tell you right away if its a mod or something more. Otherwise delete the ini files found in your My Documents and regenerate them.
  5. Make sure your ini files are NOT set to read only, thats the only time I find I have trouble with FOMM.
  6. Yes it can and will cause problems if you uninstall certain types of mods as you play the game, mods with scripts, landscape and large overhauls will have a bad impact if removed mid game. You should try and not play until you have picked out the mods you want.
  7. My friend I actually already talked to you about this in your thread "Type 3, Character standing on tippy toes", it has nothing to do with the septum being placed on your noses tip. It is either: A. Your characters face is so far from the default face the EGM can not move the ring enough to fit your face. B. The EGM is not doing its job correctly. C. The placement of the ring is just bad to begin with for anyone else but the modder. From the mod page: "Known issues and bugs: ---------------------- The Septum piercings don't fit everyone the same so there may be some companions (Kirina for one) that the septum piercing will not work at all. Some companions or players might be off a little bit and some might be dead on perfect. Locations of some of the piercings might not be dead on but at least they aren't floating on air. Sometimes hard to pinpoint in Blender without any textures to work with." Now to fix your issue you need to figure out which the problem is, is it the EGM or the placement. If its the EGM you will have to make a new one: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/9360/? Or open the septum up in Nifskope and move it around until you find the right spot for your character.
  8. No worries you didnt upset me at all, I share what I want about myself and I feel comfy enough telling people where any donations I got went. :) I feel like donations are not what you should be worried about, what you should be worried about is Steam Workshop. They are allowed to take a mod and SELL it for real money and a proceed of that goes to the modder, this has encouraged people to steal mods from Nexus and even items from other games to get high votes. They sold some mods bundle (thankfully not Skyrim) and it contained copyrighted material from other games in it, talk about Steam almost getting caught with their pants down luckly they where told by other modders that is was all STOLEN. I believe that is what the real worry should be not some small amount of modders making 20-1,000$ once, but places like Steam who are trying to actually get modders to make their content and put it on their site in the hopes of selling it to make money.
  9. same here, the most i know any modder has made modding has been 200 some odd dollars. Navmeshes in the exterior are quite difficult, you need to put back the original navmeshes and drop that entire original layer down below the map and at this point you will have 2 layers of navmeshes. Navmeshes for interiors are childs play compared to exterior. I guess I'll have to take your word for it. But since I seem to have hit a nerve for some reason, care to explain why you allow people to donate to you to begin with, what is the whole purpose behind it if not to gain some monetary support? Like I said before, allowing donations is a slippery slope that can only turn badly as time progresses and imo anything money related (however small) should have no business in modding. Its because of donations that people now think they can throw money at modders to create a mod for them, as I have experienced at least 3 times now since I began modding and one of those occasions could have almost been considered "job worthy" with decent hourly pay, though I did not accept any of them since I mod for my own pleasure and not for someone else. I do not see the point of me personally lying about what I make from modding which is almost nothing, I did not have donations up for a long time but then I lost any income I had and decided if people wanted to help fund my modding then they can. I am personally just happy with thank yous in my thread, but I am not a wealthy person and I do not turn away money when I spend the extra effort to keep my mods updated and supported for many years. I used the money to buy games and mod for them, I spent all the money I got on Skyrim DLC so I could make my mod fully compatible with them I have not even played through one all the way as of yet it was just to keep my mod up to date and bug free. I am without a job right now and at the time (prolly not even now really) I was not able to buy ANY of the Skyrim DLC so what little money I get goes towards things like that, stuff for modding. If I get money and do not have a game to put the money towards for modding I would put it towards programs that I would use for modding, the non-free kind as I do not have the kind of money some people seem to have to buy 3DMax or Zbrush. I see no issue with putting the money I get from modding towards modding, sure if people could make hundreds of dollars a month and quite their jobs and just mod for profit I would see the issue. But thats literally not the case on Nexus and for the games Nexus supports anyone saying other wise is pretty much full of it. Now games like Second life where it IS a job then yes I can see why people would be making enough money to make that a full time job, there ARE games out there where you can make a profit and it is a full time job. Modding for Skyrim/Fallout/Oblivion/Morrowind/Dragon age no its not possible. If you are super super super lucky you might get hired by a company if your mod interests them for future game projects, I think that is pretty cool and has nothing to do with donations. Hope I do not sound like I am angry (it can get lost in translation on the net, I am really not just interested) or anything, I am actually just interested in if this is what most people think that modders make thousands of dollars all the time and that is why they make demands of modders? Because we make so much money that we should treat it like a job and do things the users way?
  10. Which mod are those armors from, could be a bad shader in there or even a bad texture size. Odd that you dont have a ENB because I know things like that have occurred with them before. Have you tried turning off Interior Lighting Overhaul and also try turning off Better Game Performance, is FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting even compatible with NSkies?
  11. i believe the answer is as simple as the fact that they are not making money. this isnt a job and they are not expecting any money out of it. if someone likes the modders work enough and thinks "hmm i want to see this guy make more stuff, i'lll just give him/her a few bucks to help them deal with personal things so they can spend more time modding." than i dont see what's wrong with that. where as working for money is against the rules and promising a donation is the same as paying for work to be done. You really think that those popular mods with 10+k endorsements that allow for donations are not making money? I agree that is isn't a job but donations are only here for one purpose...to make money, and the better and more popular your mod is the more money you will make. If you make really good mods you might as well call modding your job and you can expect that this is what the modding community will turn into if things like donations are becoming the norm. And instead of a community that is modding for fun and shares their knowledge with each other, the community will slowly turn into a competitive and asocial "thing" that keeps things a secret from each other... Imo they should just ban donations all together(or any other form of monetary transferal regarding modding), it just doesn't make any sense and goes against everything that an open modding community stands for since it only promotes modders to stop sharing their knowledge and assets with the rest. Money corrupts everything and these donations are just the first step. Your joking right, I know for a FACT those of us with 10+k are NOT making money. I have made maybe 20$ USA the entire time I have been on Nexus, I know for a fact I am a lucky one and many modders make nothing at all. Making money... please.
  12. Well I have never seen this problem before (the white is totally new to me), you also give no information on what mods your using or ENB you are using. So I am going to ask does this happen without ENB turned on?
  13. Because making the .egm for them is annoying, its one of the major issues keeping me from releasing my piercings they warp really easy because of the .egm.
  14. Maybe instead of creating the texture models of the armor for the menu and craft menu, you could use a model of a horse wearing the armor as the menu model. As for when it's dropped on the ground, maybe a bag or box or some other small generic storage container could be used to represent that. I don't know if either of those are possible but if they are it would simplify things. Ground mesh is used in both inventory screen and when you drop it, also no you can not really use a rigged model of the horse as the ground mesh without some real issues anytime anyone drops it. I would suggest just using a bag or horse skin (do not remember the name of the horse skin item lol) if you can not make your own versions.
  15. Technically it does have a 255 "item" limit, by item I mean .esp/.esm/.bsa/stuff found IN the data folder in use or not. Though it varies from person to person it seems, I suggest you do some pruning of your data folder go through and first delete everything your not using then see if that fixes anything. Then start deciding what plugins to remove from your load order. That said it COULD be that you did not ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated correctly, make sure your using a good program (I suggest FOMM, it works 100% of the time) and make sure you are TOGGLING it off then on, do it a couple times to make sure.
  16. Compatibility/integration with that mod is on my list. :smile: Yup horseshoes are all done except adding more metal types, currently on break seeing as its been holidays in USA and that means busy time doing other stuff. I might wait on this mods release since its adding alot to the game and then build my mod around it, or at least get a good idea how to make them work 100% together. Working shoes: https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8624/15228051943_da17b3e22d_o.jpg
  17. Didnt you know that is how all women stand when not having any shoes on? :P Thats just how Type 3 was originally made, it is ALSO how the default vanilla female meshes are made... They all stand on their tip toes like they have heels on. Its just cosmetic and has no baring on anything in game other then that one mesh. So the reason for your septum piercing being off is because of your characters face and nothing else. This mod has flat feet, but no default nudity. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34825/? Or Type 6M http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45162/?
  18. I would, if making the .egm was not super annoying. ):
  19. There are already female companions (that are their own mod and not grouped in with other stuff, there is one mod out there but it combines a large amount of followers together so if you dont want the female followers its to bad) out that allow you to romance them and not just hand over amulet, there are literally none for straight women to romance. Even less so for gay males, there is pretty much nothing with alot of content. Now those females may not be to your taste but that does not mean they are not out there for guys.
  20. Yeah I was thinking this as well. Regardless of what Todd has told us, this engine is just a spiffier version of what was used to make Fallout 3, aka, it's OLD. That's correct, the Creation Engine that powers Skyrim is just an upgraded and rebadged version of the ancient and run-down Gamebryo Engine, which is why things are so familiar. I like the familiar part, but god... Why can't we have a better engine? Because Bethesda love being behind every other leading developer by half a decade or more. Its cheaper, we all know cheaper is better lol.
  21. No. It could have worked previously, but not anymore after a patch. It's more about general interest. Like said, there are plenty of fantastic mods with 60 endorsements VS "Jiggly 8k Big Boobs Bouncing" mods with 10,000 endorsements. Yup. I know a few older mods who can not work anymore because they never updated to the final Skyrim update, they still have a ton of endorsements from when they did work. So always best to read through the comments they can give a good indication of whether a mod is working as intended, not always of course but its better then relying on the endorsement system.
  22. 1. Why should endorsements matter if you want to download a mod, that does NOT mean it works well or right. All it means is that either the mod has a high general interest with the masses (it could even just be a large breast enchantment mod, that adds nothing else but people endorse those alot. That does not make it better then a 10 hour quest that does not have breasts in it.) or that they released the mod during the first year of Skyrim when tons of people where around. The ONLY thing that should matter are the comment section, read them if you see a ton of "Oh no this mod does not work!" and no modder saying "Oh my gosh I am so sorry, I am putting a fix up right now." then do not download it. OR you could download it and TEST it, if it works great if not then uninstall the mod. 2. Anything over 150 and you start to run into issues generally (255 is the hard code limit), this varies from person to person and depends on what mods your using. The rule normally is if its high res (and your computer is not top line or great) you might have problems, if its heavily scripted and you use alot of heavily scripted mods then trouble. New to mods, do not over do it or you will run into problems and get upset. Also keep in mind its not always the modders fault, they did not make you install 250 mods lol.
  23. Dunno if I can actually agree with you, the boob plates and cutout kinda hurt it in my view of what could have been a good armor. So no we can not all agree. However I can still be helpful, as I remember the armor from Oblivion: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56115/?
  24. Gonna have to agree that Skyrim is in no way modeled after America, your looking in the wrong part of the world try instead heading to some of the Scandinavian countries I think then it would hold more salt if you lived there instead. IF your looking for realism, which I assume you are. A large part of the lack of animals/creatures can more then likely be blamed on Skyrim needing to be packed up and put on a console, they put in the bare basics and called it a day. Thankfully there are mods that add more animals already out, Animallica, Farm animals, Birds of Skyrim, SkyBirds.
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