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About leedavis

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  1. OMG! That Bethesda Tutorial leaves a lot of info out that is necessary. I searched all over this forum and the Creation kit wiki till I found this answer...AND IT WORKS! Thanks so much for posting the answer and not just leaving this thread hanging. Kudos!
  2. That makes a lot of since...but shouldn't that also mean we could do the same until they opt into using their own place holder??? Just a thought!
  3. This could be a relapse of a bug caused by editing world spaces. When duplicating a vanilla cell, this has been known to happen. Sometimes, another mod will cause this so I recommend uninstalling any mod that alters a vanilla cell...then reload skyrim and see if your mesh is visible. If not, it might be the type of fireplace you are using some are buggy...I'm not sure which...I hate dealing with buggy meshes..Good Luck.
  4. I"m amazed that nobody has replied to your message in nearly a 24 hour period (ADDED COMMENT: I see that the nexus' time is not the same as my time, Hmmm). I assume you have already read and watched ALL the tutorials on the creationkit.com and youtube. If not, I strongly recommend you do this first. As for your questions on editing the reguard powers or creating a cooldown time for powers...the answer is yes, but might require some scripting.
  5. If you are right about the script addition, this would be the only reason for me to get Hearthfire. I hope it is true!
  6. Got good news...I read several other post....and did some tests...try changing the PRIORITY of your quest to 10 this worked for me. Another thing I noticed is the loading a cell from the main menu (aka coc markarthorigin) will cause all new quesetion not to work. PERIOD. But loading a saved game, will allow the engine to look for quests.
  7. How do you change the disposition of the NPC...I've looked all over the NPC Dialog window
  8. Hey...anyway...I just starting learning how to make quests and I'm having the same problem. I followed the Creation Kit Wiki Tutorial to the letter and went in game to test and I can' even activate my created npc... I'm guessing there is a glitch with the NEW NPC creation that is making them invalid to dialogue. However, I left my topic CONDITIONS empty to see if anyone else would say them..and nothing. So it could be a Dialogue bug from the 1.7 patch I don't have any work around for you...but I am trying to work around it. If I find something I'll let you know.
  9. I'd like to know how to put blood decals down? I search the Wiki site...nothing. Now I'm searching the Forum?
  10. This worked for me...so thankful, to timestamp and benock for posting his question. Edited: Now I have a new problem...my skeletons will not wait till triggered to get up...even with "ambushontriggered" checked in the "masterambushscript". What is up with that???
  11. So sFalmer being a setting, would my question about changing it be correct as well??? Previous question: "I ask this cause I am aware that Skyrim could use a condition to check if "sfalmer" == "FALMER". If it does, changing the STRING will cause issues"
  12. I have nothing to add, just wanted to thank all those that have added. I've been reading each post carefully to see if anyone has figured out how to create new keywords that work. I like all the work-arounds posters have meantioned. This is great to know. I didn't fully understand this statement: "They're stored in the game settings as strings in the form sXXX, where XXX is the material type. Since there's no clear connection between the material type keywords and they're translations, I've had to flail a little to find what is probably still an incomplete list:" What I thought it meant was: FORM "siron" = STRING "IRON" so that "weapmaterialIron" calls "siron" when displaying it in the "Forge" Menu. When I created a new FORM I get this error: "Unknown GameSetting Type encountered in gamesetting::Copy." Also, concerning changing FORM "sfalmer" STRING "FALMER" If I were to rename the STRING to "Jsword" would that cause a problem with the game??? QUOTE "It is possible to change these strings in the Game Settings menu, for example to make them mixed case, or perhaps more importantly to rename an unused category (Draugr? Falmer?) to something else (Arrows or Soups?). " I ask this cause I am aware that Skyrim could use a condition to check if "sfalmer" == "FALMER". If it does, chaning the STRING will cause issues.
  13. Race Bonus Overhaul (RBO), (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19374) removes the Skyrim Race Bonuses and adds skill increases ratios instead. Argonians now learn the Lockpicking skill faster than all other races, Orcimers learn the Heavy Armor skill faster, Redguards learn the One-Handed weapon skill faster, and so on with each race. Races no longer have bonuses for skills. The "Skill Use Multi" is increased 10% for Major skills and 5% for Minor skills, allowing players to learn Race specific skill faster overall, instead of all at once from the beginning. Here is a link to each races Major and Minor Skills: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Races I used the Mage/Thief/Warrior Stones as benchmarks to create this mod. There might be issues with these stones in whether or not you stil get the 20% skill improvement. I have no way of testing whether the 20% overrides the 10% or 5% "Skill Use Multi". The stones work on a Three system overlay. Perks, Magic Effects, then Abilities, lower to higher priority respectively. I copied this overlay to make this work. When I'm able to find a work around to avoid overwriting the stones, I'll update these files. FOUR OPTIONS: ---WARNING CHOOSE ONLY ONE, THEY DO THE SAME THING, WITH SLIGHT CHANGES--- ---MAKE SURE ONLY ONE IS CHECKED IN YOUR DATA FILES LISTS--- 1. RBO.esp ---This is the Default file 2. RBO_Hidden.esp ---This Hides the Race Bonuses in the "Active Effects" Magic manu. 3. RBO_Extreme.esp ---Changes the Ratios to: Major 50% faster, Minor 25% faster ---(The Idea of Extreme is that Minor skill improvements in the Default are marginal and are hardly noticed. This makes a more noticable change in skill improvement) 4. RBO_Extreme_Hidden ---This Hides the Race Bonuses in the "Active Effects" Magic manu. I recommend using this mod with: "Choose Your Own Adventure--Skills at Level Zero" By Sukeban http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17002 Hope you enjoy the Immersion as much as I do.
  14. Hey man, thanks for visiting my Discussion. It is sad to hear about your rate, I have heard great things from friends and YouTube about your mod. I would have expected a much Higher Rating. This is a really good point.
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