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Everything posted by Xenoxols

  1. So in real life the gun the hunting revolver is based off of, the Magnum Research BFR is single action and has a loading gate. Seeing as the animations are already in the game, is there a mod that changes it to the .357 animation set?
  2. I would love to see an 1887 that you flip-cock.
  3. If you use the flare gun animations on the double barrel it looks all wrong. The shells are poking through the grips and everything is in the wrong place. That being said if someone could convert the double barreled mesh to match the flare gun's bone structure, that would mostly work.
  4. One handed animations for the double barrel would be awesome. I never understood why Bethesda ditched holding the sawed off with one hand. Sure it makes a bit more sense this way, but it was held in one hand in all the previous games to simulate Mad Max, and thus make the game more 'wastelandy'. If anyone decides to make this then thanks, if not then that's cool too.
  5. The idea is that the player would use one of the many voice clips to comment on an enemy after you kill them. It should only happen about 5-10% of the time, but it being customizable would be better. Sort of like a Duke Nukem game.
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