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Everything posted by CozyChalice

  1. The decals are different, they're lower down to account for the armour being smaller, since the normal decals with these models float in the air above the shoulders, they're what I meant, though they are still meshes, I got my words mixed up. The Outcast and Army decals are the only ones don't work at all on the female meshes when I set the ones from the FO3 version of the mod to the correct armours with the NV GECK, but the decals also just don't show up in standard FO3. I might just change my focus to other things, since this isn't really that big of a deal anyway, thanks, though.
  2. Nothing seems to be working, it seems to be a problem with the decal itself, even just using the mod on FO3 instead without making any changes or having any other mods running has the armours that should have the army decal just with nothing on them, I might just have to try editing some of the meshes myself.
  3. I have everything in a folder that holds all the female models and textures, and for some reason, it's only the outcast and army decals not working, so I haven't had to change the texture path for the Lyons' pride decal, but where might I have to move the other decals to?
  4. I've basically been trying to edit all the FO3/TTW armours in order to add female meshes from the FO3 version of the female armour pack for my own use, and it's been pretty successful for the most part, with the outcast and winterised armours and such all being pretty easy to retexture, but an issue that I've been having involves the shoudler decals, specifically for the outcast and US army power armours, in the GECk itself I can manually add the female mesh from the FO3 version of the mod, but they don't appear at all in-game, despite the male model's decals appearing just fine, and I'm not sure what could be causing this. Another thing to note is that I did manage to get the female Lyons' Pride decal working after manually adding the female model to my TTW plugin, but these other 2 decals just don't work at all for me. The NV and FO3 versions of the mod I've been using files from. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20071 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40899
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