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About Shubal

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    ask the NSA
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    a sensitive brave and honest pervert in Skyrim
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    Poker.............. when I'm winning

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  1. I had that voice at one time, mostly around the entrance to Whiterun. I could never track down the mod it came from but after a few new game starts with mods coming and going it was gone. I suspect it is a goofy easter egg some author stuck into their mod for personal laughs.
  2. Put a naked uunp npc beside a naked cbbe npc and have them crouch and crawl using the Crawl on all fours Mod. Have the camera close behind them and make your pick.
  3. Perhaps that is the reason, my monitor died the other day so I am using a temp one with a different ratio narrower than before.
  4. I only see 2 on the front page no other 5 unless you hit "more hot mods" and then the other 5 are just in a long list with nothing to say that they are part of the Hot Files
  5. I noticed Hot Files are gone and have been changed to "hot mods" with only 2 on the main page. Then there is a tab for a list of "more Hot Mods" that have pages and pages of other newer mods. So is it down to 2 files or is the concept of reaching the Hot Files been eliminated?
  6. I have a heavily modded game and it is as stable AF at the moment. The nipples of my female npcs grow incrementally erect as their mood changes. Is that happening in SE? I'll wait for that benchmark to be met before I switch.
  7. Transmuting provocative squats into bottles of beer would be a miracle of the new age. Can you add Moosehead Beer to the store front?
  8. Unify the categories Companions and Followers.
  9. I feel your pain and smiled at your sarcastic calmness. If you are new at this it can drive you crazy and when your save is screwed and you have no idea why, it can test your soul. But if you follow the natural course of things and understand where mistakes can come from (usually from missing an important piece of information) you will find it harder and harder to screw your save. Good luck and read the sh*t out of stuff.
  10. You might have better luck on an Xbone Skyrim forum. I have no idea how xbox handles mods or what recourse to take with problems.
  11. I just stroll into the Console Bank of Skyrim and show them my super secret code, 0000000F and get what I ask for. Here comes the immersion part.... the bank then assigns a three man team of Reiklings to follow me at a distance far enough that I am unaware of them. They pick up all the trash I don't loot and deduct it from the loan. The bank seems content as they have never contacted me on anything untoward.
  12. It might be your skeletons. If you have skeletons ingame that are not xpmse, your FPS tanks. Your childrens mod needs a children's xpmse skeleton. Any follower mod you download must be checked to see if it has it's own skeleton and replaced with the xpmse skeleton if necessary.
  13. As the title says, on the upper portion of the screen, the bottom edge changes to match as the scenery changes shape. Faint parallel vertical lines. A shadow thing? I'm trying to cut shadows to a minimum.
  14. I have the Legendary version. On top of that is the Hi res DLC, on top of that is the optimized vanilla textures as well as the optimized hi res dlc, then comes a summer version of Skyrim , then I have many texture mods from various artists that cover just about everything again.....;)...... So I was wondering if I could cut out all the hi res dlc and optimized dlc and vanilla textures and the summer mod and just lay down Tamriel Reloaded complete and a few favored texture mods on top of vanilla Skyrim. Does this sound more efficient or am I missing something by dropping the hi res dlc and its optimizers?
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