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It's as though I'm reading my own philosophies on the flow of information vs. private interests and monetary constraints. Curiously enough, it traces itself inevitably back to the core human components. I wish you luck. It's uncommon at best to see a site capable of existing in this state while remaining free of external tampering. Too uncommon.
There are no truths outside the individual, only different perspectives, each blossoming into its very own kind of flower. Some flowers bear thorns, some bear strange fruit, some look pretty but are really rancid on the inside. Every flower effects every person differently, but despite knowing that, simply accepting everything as is, serves no practical purpose for anyone. Depending on context. I like the quote though, I've heard it before in the past, I'll have to commit it to memory. Appreciate that.
I agree entirely. But look. He's banned, yet again. He'll never learn much of anything, or come to any new conclusions via the contrast between himself and the opinions of others. You might have heard the expression, "Other people are like mirrors." It holds true, its actually a major part of how humans come to grow. Banning your problems away is the same as isolating someone. They never have that opportunity to grow. Your logic makes no coherent sense. He admitted to posting a joking comment on a mod, and being banned. That was the only mess up he had. You really think you can call coming back a mess up? You really think staying gone would have made it any more likely he'd be unbanned? Are you being serious right now, or is all of this one big joke? I really can't figure it out with you. Where does a circle begin?
Well Hickory, believe whatever you think is right. You're entitled to it. Just never stop trying to adapt. If life were a tree that exists in a constant state of flux, oscillating and being torn apart with every experience, too many people are fond of stripping away the branches they don't like in an attempt to make life, and interpersonal functioning easier. Don't be one of those people. Humanity functioning in loose unity is vital for progress, and becoming more vital by the day. Difference in opinion is not as bad as many would like it to seem. I'm done here. Not much else left to say. The world is drowned in patterns and coincidence, packed to the brim, its just a matter of what direction the perceptual lens has been tuned in. What is needing to be encompassed in the mind's field of sight at the time. None of it really matters. Ironically, only in that it does matter.
Dark0ne, That's the thing with obtaining accurate demographics, its not so cut and dry as members that complain vs. members that don't. I recall you were from the UK, so contrasting this with the United States isn't all that effective, its the best comparison I've got though. You get movements like Occupy Wall Street, those are similar to "these people" who critique the Nexus. Then you have the rest of the people. A good portion of them don't like how things work either, but they just keep living their lives, scraping by, doing what it takes to survive. It comes down to individual situations, philosophies, and personality types. You saying statistically more people are fine with the nexus than those who aren't, is no more valid than a politician saying most people are fine with the United States. No basis. Too bad you're too far above "these people" to be bothered to defend your ideologies or even respond. I think I'm just about done with this conversation either way. @Hickory Not quite. Unfortunately, to respond to anything I have to fully homogenize what it is into my own mind, contrast it all to what I believe, form a bit of a cascade of reactions, and pick out the pieces I do or don't agree with, based on context. Its just how I work. Believe it or not, some of my own viewpoints are now an indirect result of your existence today. If there is any other manner of functioning that leads to a complete picture, please do let me know.
@DrakeTheDragon Hold on while I sift through the single-mindedness and arrogance. I'm sorry, but that truly is the case from my viewpoint. "Has it ever come to your mind you're not opposing the Nexus staff here with your opinion but the majority of the community, more than 4.000.000 agreeing people? If not, then you're not worth my time, or others'." Burden of proof. Says who 4,000,00 people agree, where do you get this idea? It isn't your place to speak for others, and in doing so you're trying to draw the illusion that your viewpoint is the majority, and strip anything else of credence, without having to provide any evidence, any basis, or any real facts. Ever read the story, "The Lottery"? Your post certainly made it come to mind. "A lack of voices of dissent is a sure sign of tyranny." "You people can claim all you want, with throw-away accounts on site or off-site in different forums. I know better. Reality proves you all wrong and liars. And that is the end of the story." The world doesn't exist in black and white, and it should never, and I mean never, be an "Us vs. Them" mentality that is dominant. Reality? Who's reality? Yours? There is no single reality that is shared by everyone. Everyone is different, and holds different beliefs, that's alright. But some mindsets and beliefs should not be met with acceptance, and that threshold differs for everyone. Your thought process seems to invalidate any other viewpoints than your own, and potentially, in position of power or influence, borders on dangerous for others.
myrmaad, I've been in many types of debates, arguments, vicious bloodying of each other's personal character, whatever they could be called. Both in person and otherwise. And to be quite honest, it gets tiring. I'm familiar with your type, there's never anything more to it than you whining about my speech patterns and claiming it has some air of me being "oh SO much better than everyone else." I can't defend myself against an already made mind, and I don't care to waste the time doing so. It really doesn't matter how many half formed conclusions we throw around against the other party. In the end, it just goes around in circles. "Nattering walls of text sparkling with grandiose allusions to intelligentsia", is a dead give away.
Whether its accurate in a visceral sense doesn't really matter, the resulting contrast between the perceived self, and the self in the mind of others is what has more direct value. I have a tendency to step on toes quite frequently, but its only really an honest observation with the best intentions, in the end. Can't force your own views into others.
I like that you're attempting to move forward, and as much as you'll want to ban me, or hate to hear the gritty reality from my side of the table, your actions are really no different from the typical government or bought and paid for media outlet. First, you use logical fallacies to separate yourself from personal responsibility, and offload it all onto others while attempting to say there is only one way to look at a matter. Secondly, you're trying to justify all your prior screw ups by saying you're trying to revise your practices moving forward. To put this into perspective, tell me; when the British government changed, then later apologized for their actions against Alan Turing (we are on computers, afterall. No more relevant example than that), does that suddenly make the past right? No, it doesn't. But you can't change the past, you can only change the present and augment the flow into the future. Which leads me to the next point. You claim transparency and tout it like its a major step in a direction "for everyone", when in reality its a double sided coin, and you're packing in even more authoritarian mechanisms and mindsets. Its frustrating, because you're quite close to a more effective way to do things, with less of a staff overhead, yet every time this site changes the ego and base fear gets in the way, so you occlude your sight of it and tiptoe around to something that feels more in your hands. The concept I'm talking about is actually biological in nature. Its an ecosystem where thought flows freely, but it also self regulates as a whole. As a -community-, a macromachinew of working parts. The fact is, the human condition requires some level of rules and constraints, but the tighter you constrain and squeeze people, the harder you bear down on them, the closer you have the constant gun to their head, the more they're going to start pushing back, or in this case leaving. I know several people who refuse to use this site, buy premium, or even acknowledge it as a valid source because of these practices. Theres only two ways it ends, non-existence (banned), or living in a tight lipped dark age. I don't know if anyone else here can feel it, but the air. The air is dreary and heavy. I expect to be banned for this, actually. People make mistakes, people have bad days, people have things going on in their lives. Things happen, and throwing people out when that happens is not the way to make bonds, and it definitely is NOT how you build a friendly community. We as a race have been around far too long to still be learning these same lessons again and again. Short version, I like this site. I like the people here, and I like what it tries to stand for. But its failing, and I simply can't support that blindly. Your moderators are furthest from objective I've ever seen, almost every ban I've seen has been unjustified and opinion based, with the moderator leaving snotty and childish little notes attached to it. Its biased beyond a human level, its faulty at its core, and as much as you try to say you admit having your part to play in it, all I saw in this article was you and your staff, once again, trying to shirk personal responsibility.