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Posts posted by Skotte

  1. Dude, for one, Steam is great. It's renowned as one of the best game platforms today. Plus, I would much rather use the Steam activation method than try to slog through DRM, that's just a nightmare.


    while it's great that it works wonderfully for you but the fact remains that it's not the best option for everyone & after my personal experience with Steamworks I would love typical offline DRM especially with a disc-based game.

  2. Yeah that's what I was getting at, I shouldn't have to download steam itself and have to use it.

    Like I've said, my gaming rig isn't actually connected nor configured to use the internet. And I won't be changing that just to play F:NV


    Bethesda have no right to do what they did, I wouldn't mind steam being optional but having internet required to play a single player game is a completely wrong thing to do.

    I agree for someone with fast internet steam is perfect and they shouldn't have any issues with FNV but for others such as myself, steam is not an option.

    Don't forget the patches that will undoubtedly be released will need to be aquired via steam...

    So yeah, I have no problems with steam... just steam for FNV and the need to have it.


    Some of my friends don't have internet and are buying this game.

    I don't actually know what they are going to do to play the game.

    I agree KDS my beef isn't really with Steam in of itself but with the "Steam exclusivity" of Steamworks

  3. I know. But what can be done? Steam is slowly killing the PC gaming industry.


    I guess all we can do is chip at Steam's Midas-like image to show people the ugliness within then maybe people will start voting against Steam with their wallets.


    though it still feels like Beth is giving us the "finger of meanness +1" (was playing a D&D game earlier)

  4. So, it's all for a stinkin' label?


    Now I really don't get it. Why can't they say screw the label and have a Steam version, and a Steam-free retail version? Especially when they're screwing approximately 30-25% of households out of the chance to play their game.

    I think that would be the best option but if this article is accurate the incentive is strong for publishers -> http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/issues/issue_245/7285-Steam-A-Monopoly-In-the-Making

    Granted, I've defended Steam in this thread, I've never once had a problem with it, but this I just don't get.


    Now you get it.

  5. A moderator at bethsoft forums just said "take your computer to a friend's house that has internet." There are no alternative methods at all.


    Not exactly helpful. Looks like you've no legal option to play New Vegas.


    Big thumbs down to Beth and Obsidian for that.


    I agree, to be a Steamworks game, all versions that can go through Steam must. if Beth released a Mac version it too would have to go through Steam as well.


    but at least Beth warned us. not all publishers do that

  6. Skotte, what game was this? If it was release day then it was unlikely there was a patch released and it was merely a hitch with Steam detecting the game files correctly on the disc, if you look at the Steam support FAQ there is a workaround to this which would've saved you from having to download the game via Steam. As for Steam being unstable, care to elaborate? It's most likely to do with your PC than Steam itself.

    Front Mission Evolved, It came out the 28th & I got it on the 2nd of this month & no I didn't download it. Steam started patching it as soon as it installed so I had to let that play out before I could play myself.


    Stability: by unstable I mean I could just drag a steam window a little bit & steam would go into a un-responsive state & have to force windows to shut it down. it did that quite a bit actually (the unresponsive state)


    & before anyone say it "Offline"mode just keeps me from using this particular game (I have no other Steamed games to see if it differs)

  7. my problem with Steam is that IMO it's garbage....


    Yesterday I got a game I pre-ordered It was listed as not being a Steamworks title but after I popped the disc in my Puter I noticed icons with Steam's armature graphic stupidly I decided to try it because I really wanted to try the game.then I noticed the Steamworks designation in small print on the back of the DVD case


    It took from 11:30 PM to 4:00 AM to set Steam up in a somewhat usable form (it was still very unstable) so I could even think of actually installing the game. & it took till 4:30 PM before I was allowed to actually try the game (Steam just had to update it first).


    it was about the worst time I have had with a working computer ever.


    So no pre-ordereing games in the future for me & a lesson that not all publishers are as forthcoming about what DRM is used in their games as Beth is.


    the game was cool but I feel like Steam stole a kidney from me

  8. I need some black NPC's for a machinima, but my game is rendering them as albino. I set them to as dark as possible in geck, but they're still albino white in game. I don't want them looking like Michal Jackson...


    I haven't been able to fix it no matter what I try.


    did you try having the npc's in a .ESM (as opposed to .esp)?

  9. 8GB or larger removable storage + After Fallout C = Fallout that you can take with you. Just don't try to run it off the external. :biggrin:

    & a 64 gb drive can sure hold a lot.


    @Shaein, I agree, if Steam was optional, maybe with a "Steam access" key for the disc version to get the added features I wouldn't have a problem with it, but as it stands I don't know if I should even try getting the game.

  10. @evilneko


    It's only the FalloutLauncher.exe that prompts Steam, not like I'd use the Fallout Launcher anyway now.


    Everything else though works perfectly without having Steam opened.


    Woot?! there's a small chance I could actually play NV? maybe I'll keep an eye the situation & decide if I want to get it after the new year.

  11. When i finish a mod using the G.E.C.K and when i save it at C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data nothing shows up... WTF DO I DO TO RUN IT ON MY GAME?


    What's happening is that your OS (Vista/Win 7) doesn't want programs that are installed to "Program files" to be altered. A couple things you can try is..


    1. reinstall outside of the accursed "Program Files (x86)"

    2. try using GECK & FO3 as admin

  12. I miss Starsiege as well. whenever I try to install it I get an error box labeled "Severe" And the error is "Setup detected less than Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3.0. Please make sure that is installed before running Starsiege" & clicking "OK" or the X just kills the installerbefore it installs the game


    this is on Win 7 home premium 64bit


    Any tips?

  13. I feel like I've tried everything within my limited knowledge of modding to get CotW hair to work with the Shojo race, and cannot figure out if it's possible to do and how to do it. So have I been wasting my time trying to get this to work? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


    I'm fairly sure it's possible -> http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14032


    my advice: don't give up. also FO3Edit ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637 ) is a valuable tool for anyone dealing with mods (making or using)

  14. Heheh, I'd buy it just to finaly be able to say "I own Duke FOrever and have the disc!"


    If it's a Steam game though I'll personaly shove Gabe Newell's ugly balding head down the toilet, after 11 years, I want that disc on my desk, dammit!! :laugh:



    I have no doubt that DNF will be on Steam (the digi-distribution service) what I hope is that the retail version does not force players to use Steam as well


    This is assuming that we don't have another decade to wait and or the game dies (again) :tongue:

  15. plz dont say I iz a noob but I have always wondered if I should get a FOMOD file over a normal data file?


    Since I use FOMM If there is both a fomod version & regular version of a particular mod I tend to get the fomod & if there isn't a fomod I usually fomodize it myself

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