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Everything posted by alstrekalov

  1. This isn't a singular mod request, but more of a collection of ideas that in my opinion could help create a more in-depth survival experience, where resources are actually valuable and weapons, armor, and mods are tactical choices, rather than direct upgrades from the previous 'tier' (i.e. the silly receiver upgrades which simply buff damage at a certain point). This isn't a demand from the community, but ideas to perhaps stimulate enthusiasts to create an overhauled wasteland where the linear equipment and stat progression is finally dropped, and character growth (leveling), gives more playstyle choice, rather than less, especially in terms of how to mod one's weapons and which equipment/armor to use. Naturally, a lot of this will not be possible until the creation kit is released. If people are interested, I can update this once in a while, including some of the more appealing ideas others present in the thread. Weapons [Major] Rebalance weapons, tying damage to caliber (so that the damage on any .45 gun is the same, for example), but decreasing things like accuracy, reload speed, magazine size in some cases, and increasing recoil, in order to combine with the below:[Major] Change all damage perks to improve weapon stats but not boost damage (i.e rifleman to give accuracy, faster reload speed, faster ADS, a lot less recoil, etc, but no more free damage). This is to be combo'd with an overhaul of health, weapons, damage, and armor for a more level playing field where it is the character's skill with a weapon that matters, not the constant increase of damage.[Minor] Increase pipe revolver fire rate and reload speed dramatically (personal preference perhaps, but I actually want to use this thing, but am completely discouraged whenever I pick it up because it is so inefficient with its terrible fire rate and slow reload speed.)Clothing/Armor [Major] Remove all attribute buffs from clothing (especially charisma) and standardize armor/energy/radiation protection to make clothing an entirely cosmetic choice. No more swapping into charisma-buffing clothing during dialogue. With mods that enable more clothes to layer with armor pieces, this will give the player more freedom of how their survivor looks like without having to sacrifice armor effectiveness for looks. Lose attribute buffs from things like glasses and hats. Swapping perception glasses for charisma glasses mid-dialogue is just dumb.[Minor] In that spirit, as a tactical choice, the hazmat suit should probably weigh a ton to prevent the player from taking it with them everywhere they go and swapping into it whenever there's radiation. With a mod that decreases carry weight this will further the player's need to make decisions.[Minor] Make gasmasks a useful thing to carry around (increase rad protection effectively); think Stalker or Metro. Perhaps it could even be an alternative to Rad-X, especially if Rad-X was given some negative side effects.Crafting/Mods [Major] Make mods give unique characteristics to weapons and armor rather than free upgrades to damage or armor/energy resistance. For firearms that would require a focus on recoil and accuracy, with perhaps only one mod that boosts damage (with maybe the side effect of losing accuracy, fire rate, or increasing recoil, depending on the weapon) whereupon one can get pretty creative with armor.Medicine/Food [Minor] Extend chem and alcohol duration (especially alcohol!) I know there are perks to extend duration, and perhaps those could stay, but I think some drugs and booze need a longer duration. (Okay, so maybe I wan't my character to have a reason to be an alcoholic)[Major/Non-specific] Addiction mechanics and penalties need a serious re-work.[Minor] A single beer and a bottle of vodka should not have the same effects. This probably ties in to addiction.[Minor] Make stronger alcohols (vodka in particular) remove a small amount of rads. A tribute to the Stalker series. Coupled with a hardcore mod where loot is much rarer (such as chems), this will provide an alternative to Rad-Away with the below point:[Minor] Craftable alcohol.Skills/Perks [A lot of these are pretty big change ideas] Disable gaining attribute points via level up. Yes, this is a major change, but it re-introduces the roleplay aspect the game lost. You choose your character in the start, and you stick with that. Effectively this will also create a level cap, yes.Alternative/roleplay starts. Wont work with the story, but starting as a hacker somewhere in Cambridge, or as a raider with melee skills and chem resistance will give another aspect of choice.A perception perk (high level) that highlights traps, mines. (Yeah, okay, maybe I got sick of getting my feet blown off without going into stealth. Though sprinting out of the way helps. Still, I feel this would be a interesting perk.)Charisma skill to always display percentages of persuasion success in dialogue (i.e. FO3, FNV), or perhaps the percentage visibility to be granted via perk. The persuasion system is currently downright awful. It is never clear how "hard" a red choice is or how "easy" a yellow choice is, and correct me if I'm wrong, but they will remain those colors regardless of one's charisma. A completely opaque system, and I don't think it's just nostalgia that's making me pine for the previous systems.Lockpicking and hacking need a major overhaul, including the perks, but I don't have a thorough idea of what to implement. One idea for hacking is that the perks could be replaced with the Magazine skills for example, and terminal hacking skill is directly tied to intelligence level; novice at 3, advanced at 5, expert at 7, master at 9.Make limb injuries require serious attention, a splint of some sort, not just a stimpack. Something craftable or purchaseable, with effectiveness dependant on the doctor/medic perks. A crippling wound should leave one limping through the wasteland, not be instantly cured with a stimpack. Also, did you know limbs regen in vanilla on their own? Wat. If anything, the older system where one had to choose a limb to treat with a stimpack was better....To be continued?.. Please feel free to contribute. I'm really curious as to others' thoughts on how to make Fallout 4 an immersive, hardcore roleplaying game.
  2. I seem to be having issues with the same location. No scenic carriages either.
  3. As the title suggests, I crash in that vicinity (Around Lakeview Manor, though I don't know if it is the one causing the problem) in my new playthrough. Odd thing is, it didn't crash there earlier on that same character. I don't recall changing anything that could possibly affect this. New character coc'd to the location and ran around with a speedmult of 600 didn't crash. It's really frustrating me, I don't want to start a new game just because of it. I tried disabling a variety of the mods I use and then repatching the SkyProc patches, Bashed Patch, deleveling everything, etc. Keeps crashing. Cant disable huge chunks of mods cuz then the game simply refuses to load; instant CTD. I've been suspecting Skytest, CoT, SoS, Interesting NPCs (Carmella is in the vicinity), and yet they don't seem to be the culprits. I dunno what to try anymore. Maybe someone has similar issues and identified the culprit - thus I hope I can find help. Here's my loadlist:
  4. Hey, I just recently started using the GECK to try and edit the repair skill values of various NPC's that offer the repair service to the player. I began this effort due to the fact that Fallout Wanderers Edition seems to change some values at which characters with a repair skill of 18 "cannot repair past -2%". That's right, NEGATIVE 2%. Ummm... that's more than useless in-game, thanks, random scavenger guy whose life I have even less reason to save now. So, I decided to manually tweak individual character's skills. And here, I stumbled across a problem. I can't seem to edit individual skill values in the characters' windows. I can set their level, which will influence their three tag skills, I can give them different tag skills by editing their class, but all other skills seem to remain at 18 no matter what I do. Well, yes, I can give them an offset depending I how good my own skills are... But I don't wish to change their tag skills, And I'm not sure I wanna mess around with offsets; I wish to make edit their skills manually, to values I like. Perhaps I don't want a character at level 1 with a 40 repair skill (if its tagged). I realize, I am probably missing something simple, yet nonetheless, I am asking for help from whoever is kind enough to help me out with my first few usages of the GECK. Thanks all! PS: Oops, and I just realized I misspelled 'editing' in the topic name. Silly me.
  5. Oh, I'm sorry, I meant that I hope it will be compatible. I have absolutely no idea how compatible it will be with other mods at all.
  6. Yeah, same here. Well, lets hope for a quick finish... but not at the cost of quality. It's also interesting what kind of modifications people will come up with for Nehrim itself. And it's compatibility with other mods, such as, for example, deadly reflex.
  7. 65-75? Oh boy. I thought it was in the 80s-90s. >< Waaaah! :wallbash: And translating it should take a while too. Especially since they intend to translate the voices as well... *Sigh* Hopefully, within another year or so...
  8. Ah well, thanks anyway. Guess there's nothing left to do but wait for Nehrim to come out. :) It shouldn't take so long now, should it? It's been in development for two years now, and the podcast at modDB gave an affirmative that the mod was coming to a point.
  9. Hello. I have decided to play a little Morrowind and found it... slightly boring after having played it and Oblivion over many times. (Of course, with mods.) Well, since Nehrim is not ready yet, I tried searching up Arktwend, and so far have found it only in German, at www.sureai.de, -(It is only in German there, isn't it?)- and the French translation at tesnexus. Problem is, I speak neither of those languages, and I fear that there IS no English version. So, I decided to post here, and ask for some assistance. Well, there it is; could someone help me if they know of an English version of Arktwend? Perhaps post a link to it? Thank you very much, in any case. -Alex
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