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Everything posted by Elrol

  1. The short of it is, I'm not exactly a newb. I was here when this place used to be called Morrowind Chronicles. I've left, came back, left, came back, etc. over the years, but I figured I'd stop back by for a while and pull up a chair and see how long I can stick around this time. So to those who remember, nice to see you again, and to those I've never seen I look forward to meeting you! -Elrol
  2. I'm currently reading The Dark Tower series Book 5 "Song of Susannah" by Stephen King; And waiting on my friend to loan me "Watership Down". After that I'll probably hit up "I Lucifer" yeah....
  3. Dumer, custom Darkblade class, name; Wriven Quisle, pic below.... -The Raven-out
  4. some people are using it as a toy, and i'm getting reports of topics that are not worthy of reporting. I'd appreciate it if you just send reports that are necessary, not just for fun. -The Raven-out
  5. I used to get them, until i clicked the conceal email, feature, and oddly they stopped. I wasn't attempting to stop them, but that's what happened, perhaps this is the same problem that is affecting the other moderators. -The Raven-out
  6. Anyone that has a Problem with Daerk, has a problem with me. And if I see his name slandered, or any other mods for that matter, I'll personally deal out punishment to those that dare defy me. As for the post count, someone must have alot of free time when they start complaining about people's post counts. -The Raven- buncha stupids if you ask me.....
  7. [OOC] Just a note, that this is MW, not DnD, and unless the person that is the head of this RP place wants DnD stuff then it doesn't belong here. [/OOC]
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