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  1. The intended target audience of my upcoming VC are Xbox Pass players who want to play a detective puzzle game (and in order to do so will manage to download Skyrim and handle the in-game creations menu). You guys want a backlink to Nexus from that? Allow patches, then.
  2. Read the whole post instead of snipping only a small part out of it and then leaving a snark reply of just 5 words, really mature. I'm pondering whether I should put you on my ignore list since all you seem to do is argue for the sake of arguing, at least I'm trying to make some valid points instead of just berating other people over every little thing they say (aside from Nexus at least, but those are corporate employees and the sole cause of this whole mess). Not very mature. Then again, it was you who posted a lengthy explanation about why you don't like this change at all, in a discussion that was about something specific (to what extent it is okay to host a mod page on Nexus with a link to a "mirror" where the actual mod is).
  3. jak wpiszesz w youtube "tutorial instalowanie modów do skyrima" to są poradniki po polsku dla wszystkich co bardziej popularnych menedżerów modów czy jakieś bardziej nietypowe mody konkretnie masz na myśli?
  4. Inherit your script from the vanilla quest fragment script https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Script_File_Structure#Script_Extension Be prepared to edit the quest fragments in an external editor after you do that
  5. ad 3. I only recall one mod that edits the main menu https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12679 ad 1,2 - fairly trivial https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71021
  6. also comes to mind, immersive world encounters but you say "start with maybe 50 npcs", that is just a little fewer than Beyond Skyrim - Bruma has I guess so it's not like there are no projects in the works like that not sure about this "Beyond Skyrim - Skyrim" specifically (in quotes because there is no such a province project in Beyond Skyrim) maybe it will end up tied to some city overhaul or some questline overhaul, why else would you want to dabble with compatibility patches
  7. Yeah kinda ported it from Skyrim Classic yesterday https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41132
  8. Thanks for the tip. I've got a case when it does not work new dialogue option with Sven Skyrim classic, DNAM = 98e4e -- does not work (no dialogue option appears at all) Skyrim SE, DNAM = bccc6 -- works Skyrim classic, DNAM = bccc6 -- works maybe it has to match the type of the dialogue to work ? 98e4e is from a scene UPDATE: yeah most likely one cannot reuse scene lines in conversations without copying voice files. By overriding Topic I got the response reused, only silent; no luck with changing the topic itself to a non-scene branch. Besides, presumably all such attempts would also make the line not played out in the original scene. BTW copying voice files (and even splicing multiple lines into new ones) is a common modding practice, but it makes more work for translators of the mod, compared to pointing to a vanilla line via DNAM field; especially that the translators may not realize it is a copied line and invent their own translation.
  9. Partly yes. The Second Great War mod took battles from the civil war, but the mechanism to exchange governments and garrisons had to be a new one. Dodged at least one nasty bug by doing that. Unless you mean better civil war story line, which is still on the drawing board.
  10. If you know exactly what is it that your mod requires on finishing civil war, then you can use Papyrus scripts and/or console commands do make a test fixture savegame, fit for your purposes. Won't be a one-liner "setstage ..." for civil war questline because it's made of radiant quests. For an example of Papyrus code that finishes civil war - Betrayal at Hrothgar, Second Great War For changing ownership of holds - setstage mq302test ... can be used quite effectively. If you don't know what exactly would it be, it's better to play it through and/or use some savegame file that has it already done. There are two minor variants, depending on whether player went through Season Unending on the main quest, or not. Should you test your mod against both of them? Well, that is why it's good to understand what exactly makes it requirement for your mod.
  11. @"If this would even be possible in the programs current state I don't know." Sounds possible - here is a page that I like to share regarding this topic https://google.github.io/tacotron/publications/speaker_adaptation/
  12. File *names* won't change - if you edit vanilla topic info form instead of creating a new one - I guess it's a trade-off with potential conflicts. File *paths* will change- if you don't change the directory, not only Farkas but every vanilla NPC malebrute will end up using it. Two mods editing formlists - good thinking right there! There's also https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=AddForm_-_FormList
  13. The majority of voice type conditioning is done through Form Lists, there are only ~100 lines that will leave you with the dilemma "should I modify its conditions, or make a new line". Good news, neither of those two techniques are editing quest forms. So it's not a big deal. You'll have to add your voice type to the form lists found in the use info of MaleBrute. If the new voice is automated, like "shift the pitch by -3 tones without changing the tempo", just apply the transformation for all the files under directory path /Data/Voices/skyrim.esm/malebrute/... - your files will end up in /Data/Voices/{yourpluginname}/{yourvoicetypename}/ with the same file names - except those that you decided to "make a new line". If your new voice is recorded, obviously save yourself the work and don't do it for lines that obviously belong to other NPCs. Voice file name contains formid so you can in xEdit track down the line. When in doubt, and it could be a generic line, keep it. BTW, when you created your new voice type, you ticked the "Allow Default Dialogue", didn't you? Because MaleBrute voice type have that ticked checked, so it applies to some lines that just don't have any voice-type related conditions and you won't trace them through "use info" of the MaleBrute.
  14. OK, here's my thoughts: that may surprise you but I don't feel like making it for Dragonborn only. the quest after which giants ally with your side in civil war - because civil war should be playable without being Dragonborn other quest content - well, that's because I already have one quest about giants which is tied to main questline specific stage. That is the Skyrim Giant Mountain Trail, which in the end lets you skip Fallen/Season Unending. So, it's a quest content that does not really pays off unless you are at that specific stage of the main quest line. The secret plan for this year is to make it an option for non-Dragonborn players (essentially by shaking up a little the final Alduin fight...). The not-so-secret and obvious would be to make it worthwhile for all players regardless of the main quest stage, by expanding on the content - just not necessarily related to being Dragonborn. Another reason to scale the idea down is that there is only one pose for Skyrim vanilla giants - when they don't have a weapon equipped, they keep their right hand up as if they had a club leaning over their shoulder. That said, you might get interested in Mihail mods for giants...
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