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Posts posted by whalecakes

  1. If it's popping up a bunch of warnings right when it loads, even with just Oblivion.esm, then it might be that it doesn't like the animations you're using. Just renaming the data/meshes/characters/_male folder to something else while using the CS should prevent it. Probably.


    But, I'm just guessing as you didn't mention what any of the messages actually say.

  2. My saves are 160 hours and around 18mb each, so I don't think bloating is your problem. I'm also using streamline, so it's probably not that.

    The only thing in the load order that sticks out as a problem is the script optimization, which may have already done irreversible damage to your save.


    Also, BOSS sorts your mods itself, whether it's run from bash or not. The list displayed in bash just doesn't update until it's the active window.

  3. Rings work the same as shields and weapons in that they don't have any vertex weighting, so that's probably your problem. They have a single string with the name of a bone, and it basically glues them onto that bone. In the case of rings, it needs to switch between L and R, which it can't do if it isn't using that format.
  4. Your character has one or more items equipped that have the 'hide rings' property checked, most likely.


    NPCs in my game don't seem to have any trouble equipping two rings assigned to the left ring slot, though they only equip one if they're both assigned to the right ring slot.

  5. If it's replacing textures I believe you'll need an archive invalidation method, preferably the one that redirects it to a dummy .bsa so you don't have to worry about it anymore.

    For the rest of the mods, the best thing to do would be to test a clean install to make sure it works, then install them one at a time, making sure it still works after each install, especially with huge mods like OOO and MMM. That will help narrow the problem down from 'all these mods here' to something fixable.

    Even with properly installed and ordered mods you may need to tweak various settings in the ini for optimal performance and stability, as there are some crashes that aren't caused by mods directly, but by the amount of resources it's loading up, such as those from a hi-res texture pack. De-fragging the install drive can also help in this regard.

  6. Couldn't you just make a single equipment piece that takes all the equipment slots, equip it on the player, then remove it and use the removeallitems command?

    Also, instead of using GoToJail, couldn't you just use MoveTo to send the player to the cell so it doesn't trigger any of the normal jail stuff? The whole prison process is not a terribly complex one, so it should be simple enough to replicate the parts you need.

  7. If the esp is not intended to be an esm, converting it to one is likely to cause problems, and is entirely unnecessary anyways since there are multiple ways to directly add an esp file as a master, which is what the entire esp->esm->esp process is attempting to accomplish in the first place. Some of the methods of converting between esp/esm even have the ability to add esp files as masters, e.g. wrye bash.


    In short, if you're converting an esp to an esm for any reason other than to use it as an esm, you're doing it wrong.

  8. Just use one of the methods of adding master files(e.g. construction set extender, wrye bash) to add the .esp to your mod as a master after you finish making the mod.


    It's not that you cannot have .esp files as masters, just that the construction set does not save them as such. Converting files between .esp and .esm to get around this is a really bad idea.

  9. Set a variable to the corpse's z position, then spam 'setpos z' on the corpse, adding a bit to the variable every frame as needed to make it rise; that's how I did it for my corpse carry script. This will have to be in a quest or object script as magic effects get removed from corpses, which means you'll need to set a ref variable to the corpse in question.

    Some bodies, for whatever reason, will just flip out and stretch into infinity. There does not seem to be any pattern as to which bodies or the conditions.

  10. What do you mean?

    What WON'T they throw you in prison for?





  11. You're using it on a spell effect that you are casting on someone else.

    In spell effects, things like GetItemCount and Kill will use the spell's target by default.

    So, what your script is doing is checking if your target has the potion, not the player.

  12. Oblivion.exe doesn't have the data files menu, Oblivion Launcher.exe does, and you shouldn't use the launcher because it has no way to change the load order, can mess up your load order and may decide to autodetect your GPU and mess up all your graphics settings in ways which can require going into your oblivion.ini to fix.


    Also, you can just right-click on obse_loader.exe and select 'create shortcut' then drag the shortcut wherever you want it to be.

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