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Posts posted by whalecakes

  1. o__O

    1. Import characters/_male/skeletonbeast.nif into blender with "skeleton only", then select the skeleton

    2. Import the new armor with "geometry only", then select just the skeleton again

    3. Import the tail armor with "geometry only"

    4. Delete the parts of the tail thing you don't want

    5. For each of the objects from the tail armor you do want, click them then go into edit mode and delete all the weight groups for them

    6. Position them where you want them on the final armor

    7. Check the skeleton for the names of the bone each should should be attached to, then add a vertex group with that name and weight all the vertices in that object to it

    8. Go into object mode, hit A to select everything, then export a nif with "geometry only"

    9. Open the nif with nifskope then save it again or it'll be all messed up ingame

  2. For armor, you will have to weight all the vertices. Just adding a mesh without weights will make it show up in odd places or not at all. Moving a mesh without reweighting it, for example from the shoulder to the leg, will cause it to keep moving as if it were attached to its previous position, in this case your shin guard will be moving around as your shoulder moves instead of with your leg.
  3. ...so in other words it is as I said and does not actually affect your ability to save the file. It's not doing anything without the user's intervention, you're telling it to open the thing when you hit enter.

    Also, not seeing the download prompt is a large problem because you are not choosing where to download things to, or whether to download them at all.

  4. The only way to stop it from processing is to use return, so you can't skip anything. Even with an if branch it still needs to go through find the endif that closes it.

    OBSE labels only let you jump backwards, I think, and it would still have to process things like opening/closing if branches.

  5. That would be this Oblivion tower I just did.

    Floor one:



    I am up to my eyeballs in flame atronachs augh what is this

    Lots of dispel spamming eventually defeats them all and I move up to floor two:


    So at this point I go "bugger this" and decide to just run up to the top.

    Floor three:


    What the dick how many of these assholes are there in this thing

    Did I crash some kind of dremora wine tasting party or something

    Top floor:


    *eye twitch* e_@

  6. Nehrim was pretty good, except for Kim. And the intro.

    I haaaaaaated Kim. He/She is a ranged spellcaster with a bow that follows you at several points.

    Ranged spellcaster with a bow means that:

    -He/She does nothing but run if anything gets close

    -He/She will always shoot you in the back

    -He/She will always hit you with paralysis

    Mine got a messed up bow somehow and only ever ran around paralyzing me :|

    For the intro you have to turn the difficult slider way down because trolls take forever to kill with a piece of glass tied to a stick. I think just using your fists might be faster ._.;

  7. It's the biped model. It selects what mesh that piece of armor will load. There is no size option. Changing the size is done by picking a different mesh for the biped model. Of course, picking a different sized mesh obviously requires someone to have made the mesh in different sizes.

    Which is to say, there is no size slider or anything of the sort that you seem to be looking for.

  8. None of those steps have anything to do with any kind of glitches. You don't need to have the console open the whole time, and leaving it open the entire time does nothing. Having the console open counts as its own menumode, so saving is always possible as long as it is open. Any issues with loading are entirely unrelated to the use of the race menu. I am using a leveling mod, so that could be why changing the race doesn't kill my stats. So, aside from changing the race or hitting the 'done' button resetting your stats, there is nothing about the racemenu that can do anything even close to breaking the game.

    Using it really is as simple as typing 'showracemenu' into the console, then opening the console and saving the game when you're done editing your appearance since the done button will reset your stats. There's no reason or benefit to making it more complicated than that.


    Also, the construction set's face editor is awesome, yes:


    I like how the right pupil somehow managed to get as big as the left iris.

    It is no different than the in-game race menu excepting the asymmetry options, so as long as you don't touch them there is no way you can royally mess up anything in any way that you could not do with the in-game editor. If anything it is easier to use as you can manually punch in values for the sliders and save the NPC as you go, which means if you don't like the changes you've just made you can hit 'cancel' to discard them.

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