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Everything posted by whalecakes

  1. What is "the effect"? I don't see anything noticeably wrong with either of the screenshots.
  2. Deadly reflex comes with new power attack animations and several coup de grace animations, and has a timed block plugin as well. If you don't like the ultragore you can set the critical hit chance to 0 in the ini, which should disable most all the dismemberment. I think unnecessary violence 2 is being worked on as well. Oh, and the reason you usually hold block while doing power attacks is so that you don't go running off while holding the direction key, which would make you whiff completely.
  3. "Yes! Yes! We must kill that foul Nord before he slits our throats! Aaaaaiiiieee!" Does not sound like he is saying it as a racial insult, and there is no alternative dialogue, and it is a quest dialogue so I can't put a condition on it that would disable it or bad things happen. This is also true of all the dialogue for that quest, so... nothing I can do there. Anyways, here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/?vvjtnv3vnggd9jl It has the three nord racial comments and part of the khajiit comments. The esp should go right after the unofficial patch, and you'll need to add a NordToken (xx000ED9) to your character for them to trigger.
  4. I didn't see any lines insulting Nords that were triggered by the PC not being one. What was the line?
  5. Doesn't the character menu section of DarnUI have a config section to reposition the UI elements? You'd have to copy the values into the prefab folder configs for it to save, by the way. As for the map... I dunno. I had some issues with my local map after setting the ini's fneardistance to 0 for DR6, but nothing like that. I don't know enough about the way Oblivion reads the xml files to help you there, mine was just an issue with the menu background displaying on top of the local map; yours looks like it is not cropping the world map to the frame or something... Then again, I'm not using the dark version; maybe that's it? It looks like it's just a texture swap, though.
  6. I have a plugin that does something similar for khajiits, I could adapt it for nords if you'd like? Edit - Just reread that, I am assuming you have a custom race or something, and want people to refer to it as being nord? Another edit - I am not seeing a whole lot of dialogue that changes if the PC is a nord, just the generic "Greetins son of Skyrim!" and such greetings... Yeah, there's only like three lines of dialogue.
  7. I'm pretty sure that if they are killed and allowed to despawn, they are gone for good and cannot be resurrected. Try 'prid <refid>' then 'resurrect', and if that doesn't work you'd have to use 'placeatme <baseid>' to spawn a new copy of them. I am not sure if the copy will do the same things the original did, though.
  8. Missing mesh. Didn't install all the resources for it or didn't activate the correct .esp files.
  9. ...Just make a script that constantly positions a light source on the player if they have an enchanted weapon drawn. o_oa
  10. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26196 Just make a script like this that changes them all when the game is started.
  11. Here you go: 1. Mount unicorn 2. Open console and type "player.saa 0"
  12. Read the readme. No, really, go read it. Heck, it even adds an ingame readme that tells you how to do it ._.
  13. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21002
  14. I ran it on my entire mesh folder overnight, no problems here. <.<;
  15. So, uh. He's having issues with the texture on his guy not fitting the roberts male mesh. Why are you throwing HGEC stuff at him? It's not going to do anything to fix the problem and will create more problems if he isn't using HGEC. The race mod doesn't use any new character textures. It's probably just using the Imperial texture. Just load up the CS and check that the race has all the textures assigned in the same way that roberts male assigns them. Also, the two .bsa files in the mod contain the same files as in the meshes and textures folders and are useless because they're not even being activated anyways.
  16. The only thing that kills Oblivion at startup, as far as I know, is a missing master file. Moreover, you have a very short mod list, so... you can easily find out which one is causing trouble by disabling them one by one until it starts up.
  17. I dunno what yours is set at, but my streamline is working great. It just measures the FPS then adjusts the settings within the ranges you specify based on the FPS range you give it. In other words, if it sees your FPS is dropping to the lower end of the range, it will lower the settings to help it along. Since you're already getting 40+ FPS with everything maxed there's not much it can do to help you. What really boosted FPS for me was Pyffi. Using it to optimize some of the meshes (the character ones in particular) brought my FPS in Kvatch from <12 to 25-30+. It also fixed the messed up blood decals I was getting on characters.
  18. Just make sure you've removed all the files that were included in Oblivion XP. You might have to redownload it to double-check what those files were.
  19. Remove it since it's part of Oblivion XP?
  20. Why are you complaining about getting 50% more FPS than the game is designed to run at? o_O
  21. Make sure the material isn't named envmap2, and make sure the texture apply mode is set to apply_modulate.
  22. Errr yeah what you were editing was the default oblivion.ini. You should probably go get a fresh copy of that.
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