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Posts posted by Drakous79

  1. Can be done in XComGame.upk, XComTacticalInput.ActiveUnit_Moving.Key_K. Just add civilian's head down ability, like:

        // head down
        return true;
        // hunker down
        return true;


    Here is mod file for PatcherGUI. There is no confirmation dialog after a key press, while the soldier is moving and not aiming. Either the ability is performed or in a case of hunker down outside cover an error sound is played. Enjoy.

    MOD_NAME=Stay Down for EW
    DESCRIPTION=A key for soldier's hunker down ability will work for civilian's head down ability as well.
    There is no confirmation dialog after a key press, while the soldier is moving and not aiming.
    Either the ability is performed or in a case of hunker down outside cover an error sound is played.
    Version 1.401776a
    UPK_FILE = XComGame.upk
    OBJECT = XComTacticalInput.ActiveUnit_Moving.Key_K:AUTO
    0F 00 <.kActiveUnit> 1B <GetActiveUnit> 16
    07 [@label_if_1] 84 84 19 00 <.kActiveUnit> [@] <XGUnitNativeBase.IsPanicked.ReturnValue> 00 ( 1B <IsPanicked> 16 ) 18 [@] ( 19 00 <.kActiveUnit> [@] <XGUnit.IsStrangled.ReturnValue> 00 ( 1B <IsStrangled> 16 ) 16 ) 18 [@] ( 19 00 <.kActiveUnit> [@] <XGUnit.IsStrangling.ReturnValue> 00 ( 1B <IsStrangling> 16 ) 16 )
        04 28
    07 [@label_if_2] 9B 9C 00 <.Actionmask> 2C 20 16 25 16
        // if the unit is a civilian; eAbility_CivilianCover (70, 0x46) - Head Down
        // if (kActiveUnit.GetCharacter().IsA('XGCharacter_Civilian'))
        07 [@label_if_3] 19 19 00 <.kActiveUnit> [@] <XGUnit.GetCharacter.ReturnValue> 00 ( 1B <GetCharacter> 16 ) [@] <Core.Object.IsA.ReturnValue> 00 ( C5 21 <XGCharacter_Civilian> 16 )
            // kActiveUnit.PerformAbility(70)
            19 00 <.kActiveUnit> [@] <NullRef> 00 ( 1B <PerformAbility> 24 46 16 )
            // return true
            04 27
        // else the unit is a soldier or an alien; eAbility_TakeCover (27, 0x1b) - Hunker Down
        06 [@label_else_3]
            // kActiveUnit.PerformAbility(27)
            19 00 <.kActiveUnit> [@] <NullRef> 00 ( 1B <PerformAbility> 24 1B 16 )
            // return true
            04 27
    04 28
    04 3A <.ReturnValue>
  2. Is it the same model but different texture or different model with different texture?


    Please look, if your game has DefaultContent.ini. My path to the file is D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\Config, but it is XCOM Enemy Unknown.


    If you have the ini, open it and locate archetype names of both models in it. What names to search for is seen in model's *.upk file.


    After I open decompressed Soldier_MaleKevlar_SF.upk, I click Objects tab and see packages under Content tab. One of them is Soldier_MaleKevlar and it contains an archetype ARC_MaleKevlar.


    In my DefaultContent.ini is:

    // Kevlar armor
    // Carapace armor

    If I'd like Kevlar to look like Carapace, I'd put its archetype name to Kevlar's line:


    Hope this helps.

  3. Finaly at home so I can join the hunt :smile: The laptop spent few hours updating Windows 10, because it is used as a paperweight.


    I installed Steam (C:\Steam) and copied a backup of EU P6 EW P3 to the computer. Steam downloaded around 200 MB of data (like DirectX) and new XComGame.exe. The executable has version = Enemy Unknown patch 6 (Patches on Nexus Wiki). File size seems to be inconsistent. I verified integrity of game cache out of curiosity.


    XComGame.exe P6 I have access to:

    • Win 7 - size 28 428 952 kB - version (the backup)
    • Win 7 - size 28 428 568 kB - version (dev computer)
    • Win 8.1 - size 28 428 584 kB - version (travel computer)
    • Win 10 - size 28 428 584 kB - version (Steam 9-2017)
    • Win 10 - size 28 428 584 kB - version (Steam 9-2017 verified)


    Next I set Steam to offline mode and tried Win 7 and Win 8.1 executable under Win 10:

    • Win 10 (Steam 9-2017 verified) - all ok
    • Win 7 (the backup) - background process, no game
    • Win 8.1 (travel computer) - background process, no game


    The game starts (set -log switch), but doesn't work. Win 8.1 and Win 10 executables have the same size but different content. No compatibility settings work.


    Next I tried Win 7 and Win 10 executable under Win 8.1 - background process, no game.


    It seems that every version of Windows needs certain exe. We may be out of luck, because there were no Windows 10 back in 2013. The worst scenario would be to run downgraded XCOM on virtual machine with Windows 7.

  4. Dethraker, if only XComGame.exe has changed, EU patch 6 mods should be working.


    Bertilsson, you can rename the file to XCOMLauncher.exec. If there is no launcher, Enemy Unknown is always started.


    Can you try to set XComGame.exe compatibility to Windows 7, please?


    Also there is a post by Dubious about Windows 10 using DirectX 12 and XCOM expecting DirectX 9 files.

  5. When the log is cut like this, I run the game again and wait for it to crash, then mouse over log's icon on windows taskbar to see its window and what's wrong prior to closing error message. I always run XCOM with -log start switch. Windows 8.1 here.


    I remember XCOM Enemy Unknown crashed a lot because of incorrect hashes of certain *.upk files in XComGame.exe. You can try to update them with XShape or use PatcherGUI > set path to XCOM EU > Tools > Disable hash checking.

  6. You can add them into DefaultGameCore.ini, where are prices defined. Tune iCash as you like.

    ItemBalance_Easy=(eItem=eItem_ExaltAssaultRifle,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Easy=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLMG,			iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Easy=(eItem=eItem_ExaltSniperRifle,		iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Easy=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLaserAssaultRifle,	iCash=2, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Easy=(eItem=eItem_ExaltHeavyLaser,		iCash=3, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Easy=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLaserSniperRifle,	iCash=3, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Easy=(eItem=eItem_ExaltRocketLauncher,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Normal=(eItem=eItem_ExaltAssaultRifle,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Normal=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLMG,		iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Normal=(eItem=eItem_ExaltSniperRifle,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Normal=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLaserAssaultRifle,	iCash=2, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Normal=(eItem=eItem_ExaltHeavyLaser,	iCash=3, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Normal=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLaserSniperRifle,	iCash=3, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Normal=(eItem=eItem_ExaltRocketLauncher,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Hard=(eItem=eItem_ExaltAssaultRifle,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Hard=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLMG,			iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Hard=(eItem=eItem_ExaltSniperRifle,		iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Hard=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLaserAssaultRifle,	iCash=2, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Hard=(eItem=eItem_ExaltHeavyLaser,		iCash=3, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Hard=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLaserSniperRifle,	iCash=3, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Hard=(eItem=eItem_ExaltRocketLauncher,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Classic=(eItem=eItem_ExaltAssaultRifle,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Classic=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLMG,		iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Classic=(eItem=eItem_ExaltSniperRifle,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Classic=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLaserAssaultRifle,iCash=2, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Classic=(eItem=eItem_ExaltHeavyLaser,	iCash=3, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Classic=(eItem=eItem_ExaltLaserSniperRifle,	iCash=3, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
    ItemBalance_Classic=(eItem=eItem_ExaltRocketLauncher,	iCash=1, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)



    If these lines are not in DefaultGameCore.ini, then prices are taken from XComStrategyGame.upk, class XGItemTree, function BuildItems. You can view decompressed *.upk files with UE Explorer. Open a file, click Objects tab, then Classes tab, use search field at the bottom to filter XGItemTree. And if you open XComGame.upk, class XGItemLibrary explains where I got those numbers.

    // ExaltAssaultRifle
    BuildItem(212, 1, 0, 0,, -1, -1,,,, 70);
    // ExaltLMG
    BuildItem(213, 1, 0, 0,, -1, -1,,,, 71);
    // ExaltSniperRifle
    BuildItem(214, 1, 0, 0,, -1, -1,,,, 72);
    // ExaltLaserAssaultRifle
    BuildItem(215, 2, 0, 0,, -1, -1, 20,,, 73);
    // ExaltHeavyLaser
    BuildItem(216, 3, 0, 0,, -1, -1, 21,,, 74);
    // ExaltLaserSniperRifle
    BuildItem(217, 3, 0, 0,, -1, -1, 22,,, 75);
    // ExaltRocketLauncher
    BuildItem(218, 1, 0, 0,, -1, -1,,,, 76);
    function BuildItem(iItem, iCashCost, iEleriumCost, iAlloyCost, iMeldCost, iTime, iMaxEngineers, eTechReq, eItemReq, eFTech, EImage)
  7. 3. Cooking XCOM mods

    How to cook into CookedPCConsole folder


    If you want to cook to PCConsole folder, edit build.properties file in Binaries folder and add a semicolon in front of this line:


    This action will give you more options in Unreal Frontend.




    You can delete CookedPC folder anytime, if you are using CookedPCConsole. Also you can disable unnecessary steps (Launch, Prop) by clicking on them and unticking Step Enabled.



    How to cook texture file cache files without additional bloat


    When you run Unreal Frontend for the first time and run Cook Packages, your CookedPC or CookedPCConsole folder will be full of files. On top of that, texture file cache files in CookedPCConsole folder (like Textures.tfc) won't be empty, which is not good for mods distribution.


    I will list steps to produce clean *.tfc files. It is a preparation for cooking our own packages and maps without the bloat.


    1. Rename any profile in Profiles panel on the left to XCOM.

    2. Click on Launch and Prop steps and unset Step Enabled.

    3. Remove any maps from Maps to Cook panel.

    4. Edit UDKGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini and comment these lines with semicolon:


    5. Edit UDKGame\Config\DefaultEngineUDK.ini and comment these lines with semicolon:


    6. Edit Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini and comment these lines with semicolon:



    Steps up to this point will produce empty CharTextures.tfc, Lighting.tfc and Textures.tfc of less than 10 kB size with 4 textures in it, when you run Clean and Full Recook.


    There is one annoyance though - a window with reminder about EngineDebugMaterials not being in StartupPackages and bAllowDebugViewmodesOnConsoles set to true. But it is set to false in BaseEngine.ini.




    Here are additional steps for empty Textures.tfc, but they don't feel necessarry:


    7. Edit Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini and comment this line with semicolon:


    8. Rename UDKGame\Script\OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.u to something else, like OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.ux.

    9. Edit UDKGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini and comment this line with semicolon:


    10. Rename UDKGame\Content\UT3\GFx\UDKFrontEnd.upk to something else, like UDKFrontEnd.upkx.

    11. Rename UDKGame\Content\Shared\UDKFonts.upk to something else, like UDKFonts.upkx.



    Where to set what to cook


    If you want to cook a map, just add it to Maps to Cook panel in Unreal Frontend.


    If you want to cook one or more standalone packages, edit UDKGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini and add your package(s) to [Engine.PackagesToAlwaysCook] section:


    This creates one Lighting.tfc (maps), CharTextures.tfc or Textures.tfc file for all packages listed in the section. If you need separate *.tfc files for PackageA and PackageB, you will have to cook them separately. Meaning:

    // Edit ini
    // Save ini, cook
    // Edit ini
    // Save ini, cook

    Leave [Engine.PackagesToAlwaysCook] section empty, if you need *.tfc file for one or more maps only.



    Why extra legwork? Because we are cooking mods, not entire game, where all assets share the same *.tfc files.

  8. 2. Install and initial setup

    How to set install location

    This may be obvious, but I found myself reinstalling UDK just to get it right.



    If you set install location to:


    you will get:


    How to create working shortcuts


    In case of multiple UDK installations (for example XCOM EU and XCOM EW), it is good to have an order in shortcuts, so you can be sure you will be working on desired project. Each installation should have 2 shortcuts, editor and frontend. I placed both shortcuts on desktop next to each other.




    1. UDK Editor shortcut


    The editor is run by Binaries\UDKLift.exe, which autodetects, whether to start 32 or 64 bit version of UDK.exe. My shortcut has this target:

    D:\UDK\XCOM_EW\Binaries\UDKLift.exe editor

    To run Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe directly, I can change the target to:

    D:\UDK\XCOM_EW\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe editor

    in new or existing shortcut.


    I tried to add -log switch to the target, but it doesn't work well in September 2011 release of UDK. No idea why, but log's window can't be viewed and the switch crashes 64 bit version of UDK.exe on Windows 8.1. Works fine in July 2013 release. Fortunately, the log can be viewed in the editor by clicking View > Browser Windows > Log, if needed.


    2. Unreal Frontend shortcut


    Binaries\UnrealFrontend.exe is useful for compiling scripts and cooking. Better to have it at hand.

  9. I am creating this topic as centralized resource for everyone, who would like to mod XCOM with a help of UDK.

    May the Force be with you.




    Table of contents:


    1. What release of UDK to use for XCOM modding and where to get it

    2. Install and initial setup

    - How to set install location

    - How to create working shortcuts

    3. Cooking XCOM mods

    - How to cook into CookedPCConsole folder

    - How to cook texture file cache files without additional bloat

    - Where to set what to cook

    4. Working with UDK





    • 08-09-2017
      • revised How to set install location under point 2 (added image, renamed path to location)
      • revised How to create working shortcuts under point 2 (added image, removed -log switch from shortcut's target for its instability and added an advice how to view the log)
  10. I am excited too, but the progress is slow.


    Instead of coding the tool to rebuild *.tfc files and produce mod file for PatcherGUI, I spent some time with UDK and managed to produce zero size *.tfc files with "Clean and Full Recook" option in Unreal Frontend. It is much better solution, because:

    • No bloat.
    • Can produce *.tfc files for single or multiple packages.
    • What package will be cooked is directed in DefaultEngine.ini under
      or in Unreal Frontend in case of maps.


    Also I tried to update Material.uc in order to have XCOM specific checkboxes in UDK's material editor, but failed. Either the class didn't compile without explanation, or in case of partial success, there were problems. UDK recompiled shaders for EngineMaterials package, asked me to save it, but next run it crashed because of missing default decal material. I double checked the material is in the package.


    Would be good to have those checkboxes, before we begin to produce more materials.

  11. No progress lately, because I have been fighting a lawn instead of UDK.


    My plan is simple. To create playable map with spawn points, level border, cover and sky light. It can be small, without textures and decent shadows. If it works, textures and destructible actors can be added. And emitters.


    Maybe XCOM 2 parcel system could be mimicked somehow. I imagine placeholders in persistent level, on whose place could kismet stream another map that would be a car, or rocks, or nothing. To add some randomness.


    I want to create terror map, where aliens are invading military base somewhere in a desert, and soldiers fight back. There would be moving tanks, shooting, maybe landing UFO with reinforcements. Everything to see proper conflict.

  12. Time to start this one.


    So what do we need to create new maps with UDK? Understanding of XCOM maps structure, so we are able to re-create them. Working materials. Time and passion. I will start with what I learned about volumes. They are defined in Engine.upk and XComGame.upk.


    Each map has few basic volumes:

    • XComLevelVolume - It's the very foundation of each map. Seems to define walkable area among other things.
    • XComCursorVolume - Blocking volume for cursor? I guess it defines level border too (red scan lines, when a cursor is nearby the border).
    • LightmassImportanceVolume - For lighting purposes.

    A lightmass importance volume is a special volume that determines how high the quality should be in a specific area. So everything inside one of those volumes will receive full quality lighting, the parts outside these volumes however will be lower in quality. The practical use of this is for example a level surrounded by a city. In such case only the playable section of the level should be covered with the volume because it would be pointless to calculate high quality lighting for that surrounding and distant city.


    Other volumes:

    • TriggerVolume - Triggers an event,when a soldier walks in it. For use with kismet scripts. For example birds fly away, rats run away, a narrative starts. Also used on computer screens to make them flicker, after a bullet fly-through.
    • XComFloorVolume - For walking on roofs aso.
    • XComBuildingVolume - Around buildings. Possibly to know, if a soldier is inside, so building's roof is hidden for visibility purposes.
    • XComNoSpawnVolume - Where nobody should spawn, like inside trucks.
    • GameCameraBlockingVolume
    • PostProcessVolume - For post process effects.
    • DefaultPhysicsVolume
    • XComVolumeDuckingMgr
    • XComRebuildWorldDataVolume - Not sure if this is connected with cover.
    • XComStairVolume - Stairs?
    • XComRainVolume - Rain?
    • XComDamageVolume - Should damage a soldier, when entered, like fire.
    • XComCapturePointVolume - For covert ops.

    To see these volumes in the game, open dev console and type:

    Show VOLUMES

    To see loaded classes in the log, type:

    Obj list

    To show/hide particular volume, type:

    // Set ClassName bHidden 0/1
    Set XComCursorVolume bHidden 1



    You shoud see something like this:



    To use XCOM volume in UDK, you have to add its class into YourUDKFolder\Development\Src\XComGame\Classes\.


    Edit YourUDKFolder\UDKGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini:


    Run Unreal Frontend and compile scripts. Run UDK, right click volumes icon and choose the volume you'd like to add.


    Placing XComLevelVolume, some light, something to walk on and XComSpawnPoint could produce playable map.

  13. Thank you :smile:


    I hope too. That'd be our second wave hehe. I wish I had more time few years back.


    Tested the model in tactical and it works good, except mimetic skin re-appearance applied default material. That'd need proper CHH_Soldiers to fix, which is on todo list.






    My ultimate modding goal for this year are new maps and glasses that had Mila J. as Ultraviolet. Too bad we don't have prop slots like XCOM 2. Glasses count as hair and make characters bald, when they wear them. Maybe Ascension could use new system. I know, that XCOM stores selected hair as 32-bit integer, but those 4 bytes can hold four 8-bit integers (value 1 - 255). The same goes for storing up to 4 separate armor tints (primary, secondary, weapon, prop). It'd need new spinners and rewrite of some functions.


    Found old thread: How to use four byte integer to store and retrieve up to 4 integer values




    Join us today! Come to mod XCOM. This girl needs your skills!

  14. Sir, yes sir :smile: Thank you, sir. We've got new shipment of caps and tactical glasses!




    Needs a bit of fine tuning:

    • Rebuild CHH_Soldiers parent material in UDK. The one you see is PROP_DifEms_Nrm. No color tints.
    • A tool to recreate *.tfc (with textures we need, without additional bloat) and produce PatcherGUI mod file with new *.tfc offsets.
      Edit: UDK can produce *.tfc files without additional bloat.
    • Reference head in Blender. [in progress, I have male, needs female (they are smaller), adjust scale of models.
    • Example mod.
    • A tutorial with tips.

    I need to take few days off.

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