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Posts posted by Drakous79

  1. Hey traenol.


    You've found the right place - XComGameState_LootDrop. But changing the constant

    const MaxLootExpirationTurns = 3;

    won't do the trick. If you scroll down and look into function CreateLootDrop, there is:

    LootDrop.LootExpirationTurnsRemaining = 3;

    Hopefully someone can make it configurable in an ini file.

  2. I will try to explain. Below are my paths.



    // s:\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini
    // s:\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini
    // d:\Users\Drakouš\Documents\My Games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini
    // s:\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\DLC\PCConsole\DLC_PackIn\Config\XComEngine.ini
    // s:\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\DLC\PCConsole\DLC_Day060\Config\XComEngine.ini

    DLC_PackIn stands for Elite Soldier Pack, DLC_Day60 stands for Slingshot DLC.



    // s:\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini
    // s:\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini
    // d:\Users\Drakouš\Documents\My Games\XCOM - Enemy Within\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini



    Base - initial settings

    • Can be overriden by default settings (Default) and DLC settings (XCom).

    Default - default settings

    • Can override initial settings (Base).
    • Used to create user settings (XCom).

    XCom - user settings

    • Derived from default settings (Default).
    • Re-created after every change to default settings (Default).
    • If DLC available, DLC settings (XCom) are merged into user settings (XCom).


    In following example, the language will be INT, because BaseEngine.ini is overriden by DefaultEngine.ini.

    // BaseEngine.ini
    // Language=FRA
    // DefaultEngine.ini
    // Language=INT

    Setting the language in XComEngine.ini should work as long as DefaultEngine.ini is not altered (changed and saved). Better remember, that the change may not be persistent.

    // XComEngine.ini
    // Language=FRA

    The most solid place for the change is in my opinion DefaultEngine.ini.


    In theory the language can be added to DLC XComEngine.ini, but it is hard to tell, what DLC has an user installed. Note the usage of -+ marks for merge purposes.

    // XComEngine.ini in the latest DLC folder
    // -Language=INT
    // +Language=FRA



    It is important to note, that this language ini magic works only in relation to TexMod.


    If you need to change game's language and not using TexMod, then go to your Steam / Library / Right click on XCOM: Enemy Unknown and select Properties.

    • Enemy Unknown -> Go to LANGUAGE tab and select desired language. Expect around 200 MB of new data to be downloaded.
    • Enemy Within -> The same as Enemy Unknown. Alternatively you can click on SET LAUNCH OPTIONS under GENERAL tab and input your language there. This will skip 200 MB download intended for EU. Tested on French language. For example:
  3. Thank you Dubious. Glad to see you are still in the business :)


    Add Method 2)

    I think it is enough to modify just DefaultEngine.ini in XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config\.

    Could be better to change Method 2 to Method 1, because the bat file in Method 1 mysteriously doesn't work. I am using the same version of EW and TexMod as when I posted it, but somehow TexMod isn't active after using the bat file.

  4. You're welcome :smile:


    LW doesn't. Enemy Within overrides them, but not all. DefaultGameCore.ini is for example stored directly in XComEW.exe.


    Now I see that step is not neccessary for DefaultEngine.ini. Deleted it from the post. My memory is getting old or lazy. Thanks for asking!

  5. Hello.


    Yes, it is possible to use modded upk with different size. But you have to modify the original correctly.


    The tool could be part of UPKUtils by wghost81.


    You can use PatcherGUI to patch original upk files. I'd suggest to see PatchUPK_Mod_Example.txt and PatchUPK_Readme.txt.


    If you use


    the object will be resized to whatever size is needed. The best is to use the feature with BEFORE_CODE and AFTER_CODE, or REPLACEMENT_CODE keys or sections, because these will update serial and virtual size in function's header for you.


    Pseudo code of original function can be generated with help of HexToPseudoCode.exe. Works on modded upk too.

  6. Hi vathar.


    I think I have a solution for you.


    For some unknown reason, the bat file isn't working for me anymore. But chris920965 had good idea to change the language in ini file!


    1. Edit Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini and change

    // to

    Save the file.

    2. Rename XComEW.exe to XComEWReal.exe

    3. Rename TexMod.exe to XComEW.exe

    4. Run the launcher and point TexMod to XComEWReal.exe

    5. Enjoy.

  7. I think .NET is backwards compatible. 4.5.1 should be as good as 4.0. Would be cool to know, what component ModBuddy is missing.


    I've checked, what versions I have installed and there is 2.0.50727, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5.2 in Windows registry:

    // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP
    // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full
    // Release dword meaning
    378389 .NET Framework 4.5
    378675 .NET Framework 4.5.1 installed with Windows 8.1
    378758 .NET Framework 4.5.1 installed on Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, or Windows Vista SP2
    379893 .NET Framework 4.5.2
    393295 (Windows 10) or 393297 (All other OS versions) .NET Framework 4.6
    394254 (Windows 10) or 394271 (All other OS versions)
  8. Hello Din0za. Are you getting this error?


    "Cannot find one or more components. Pleaser reinstall the application."


    If you have newer version of .NET, you shouldn't need to install version 4.0.


    I am on Windows 7 64-bit. Steam downloaded and installed XCOM 2 Development Tools, I installed both packages (UE3Redist and vs_isoshell) from Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\Binaries\Redist\ and I was good to go.


    If you are desperate enough, you can run regedit and delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Firaxis. The software should recreate all registry keys.

  9. XCOM 2 is doing fine, when we need to add new content, but altering vanilla is kind of complicated without direct approach.


    Zyx, if you choose to create new flash UI for 2), you won't be limited by predefined colors. Hopefully 4) will receive some attention too, at least I'd like to know, why not :)

  10. Zyx, I think these colors are defined in action script embedded in swf movie (we don't have source of?) and constants you've found are just a reference. Do you remember XCOM EW re-clr of Load / Save screen? In EW there was class Colors in most swf movies and one central swf, that overriden local Colors in EW.


    If you need to recolor text string, maybe you could use UIUtilities_Text.GetColoredText and UIUtilities_Colors.ColorString with some advanced coding.


    Edit: Flash source files (XComGame\Flash\) not available, maybe for copyright reasons.

  11. You should be able to use not compressed DDS as well. No idea about an impact on game's performance.


    I'm fighting the IDE too, but fixing old notebook, reading and playing XCOM 2 simultaneously is slowing it.


    Replacing vanilla content without direct approach is a lot harder, so much to learn.

  12. XComGame.int in my case.

    [BluescreenRounds X2AmmoTemplate]
    FriendlyName="Bluescreen Rounds"
    FriendlyNamePlural="Bluescreen Rounds"
    BriefSummary="Named for an inexplicable computing phenomenon common before the war, Bluescreen Rounds wreak havoc on targeted electronic systems."
    TacticalText="<Bullet/> These rounds contain disruptive EMP microburst tech, making them extremely effective against robotic opponents.<br>"
    [NanoMedikit X2WeaponTemplate]
    BriefSummary="The Nanomedikit represents a substantial upgrade over our standard Medikit, increasing the health restored to injured soldiers."
    TacticalText="<Bullet/> A Nanomedikit can restore <Ability:NANOMEDIKITHEALHP/>HP to a single soldier.\n<Bullet/> Like the base Medikit, a Nanomedikit can remove negative environmental effects from soldiers and can stabilize soldiers that are bleeding out.\n<Bullet/> Carrying a Nanomedikit grants immunity to poison.\n"
  13. Looking good Zyx :)


    I mean, if a mod with only XComContent.ini file containing that single line breaks the editor, it is something Firaxis should look into.


    Well, at least there is a hope. I'm currently fighting an old notebook with failing hard drive that is no longer manufactured = fail whatever I do.

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