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About markdunck

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    United States
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    Skyrim / L4D2 / Fallout NV
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    Fallout Nrw Vegas

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  1. Found the problem. I right clicked selected properties and "Un-Block". It would originally not run because it came from a different computer. So said the warning where un-block is.
  2. Oh and buy some Thermal Paste IF you are changing fans you will definitely need new thermal paste and it does not have to be the most expensive patse either as between most the cooling difference is sooo minimal. Watch some youtube videos on applying it I spread mine but you will need to remove the older paste as well.
  3. I do not know Dell's specs but you can get a nice NVMe SSD + a SATA 2.5 SSD depending on how old your laptop is. But a 2.5 SATA SSD for sure would solve the issue and SATA is coming down in price as well.
  4. It has been a fair while since I touched Win Vista. I think that I have a security issue. I downloaded NMM both 65-2 and 56-2. Neither will install. They are listed as for 10, 8, 7 and Vista. I tried to "Open" them and even tried as Administrator, but nothing happens. But if I click on another executable like STEAM the installer comes up. This VISTA machine is largely for my Fallout games (3 & NV) that don't play well with Win 10. Plus I have a bunch of older games sitting around on disk. Any thoughts as to why NMM won't install?
  5. I have been a member for a long time. Just re-enabled my Premium Membership. This is my first attempt at winning a game.
  6. In response to post #43862710. If you walk me through the process I will be more than happy to do it.
  7. NMM won't launch. The game plays just fine using Bethesda approved mods. What do you think the problem could be? Every time I try to get NMM to work this is what I get. "You are missing Skyrim.esm". I do not have Skyrim.esm in my downloading folder . I don't even know where it is located at. I just found the answer I just needed to verify my game cache through Steam yet again apparently.
  8. In response to post #24683029. #24683444, #24684209, #24684384, #24684894, #24685094, #24685399, #24685544, #24685969 are all replies on the same post. My only real complaint is how much Bethesda and Steam are making off the backs of the Modders who have done the work. I do not mind shelling out a couple of bucks for a really nicely done mod but not at the percentages that are in place.
  9. I have Breezehome and Honeyside thus far on a new game (Had to reformat my HD). I have all the DLC's and Un-Official Patches. Everything is up to date. I can not buy children bedrooms even though I can adopt. Main problem is I bought the Alchemy Lab and all the other furnishings for Breezehome. However my bedroom contains only a bed and nothing else not even a wall to seperate the bedroom from the upstairs. Lots of cobwebs though LOL. The housecarl bedroom upstairs is completely finished though. Whenever I go to the Steward in Whiterun I get the option to improve my home. The two things always listed are 1)Bedroom [Master] and 2) Alchemy Lab.Does not matter how many times I have bought the furnishings they never appear. I have tried walkingh down from Dragon's Reach to my Home and Fast Travel to Whiterun from Dragon'sReach. Honeyside is also affected. The only housing mods I have are for walls around my Hearthfire Homes. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time
  10. I chose Vampire Lord. Killed Harkon got cured now I am still hunted by the damn Dawngaurd. They randomly show up and attack. I have tried going to Dawngaurd Keep to try to make peace but was attacked on sight, stupid me. Anyone know how to reset the Dawngaurd to peaceful?
  11. I removed all items from my HF houses. Disabled the add-on and all associated mods. The houses disappeared as expected, however upon re-install I had to re-purchase the land to build on. I was still thane and had a housecarl though http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif Re-modelling the house into an entryway just makes a well entryway area a foyer if you will. It only really removes the firepit and bed. Adds some storeage for weapons I believe.
  12. Two things you can upgrade on a laptop for performance gains. 1st You have Windows 7 X64 bit meaning you can support more than the 4 gigs of RAM. Your specific model will take 8 gigs of RAM check the compatibility list at ASUS. Secondly and IF YOU ARE NOT COMPUTER SAVVY get someone to install a 500GB SSD to replace your hard drive around a $375- (that is cheap) http://www.newegg.co...CE&Pagesize=100
  13. OK so I have HearthFire from the Steam Store. Problem is I built the hoses all 3 with 2 characters, I am pretty much done playing my 1st character, and about ½ way done with my second characters quests more like a 3rd way through. I found some interesting mods for the houses and also mods that let you choose alternate building sites. If I disable HF will the houses and children disappear? (My kids live in Solitude, with my Wife.) If I then play / save /exit then re-enable HF will my houses be back as they were? OR will I get to rebuild them to better suit my mods? Is there a way to restart just the houses and not loose my character or progress? I can re-marry and re-adopt. Any thoughts are appreciated.
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