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Everything posted by OM3N1R

  1. Fixed via selecting "return to factory defaults" in CCC. Thanks for the help Blake!
  2. This is getting really weird now. The problem seemed to have fixed itself. I had to go out IRL and came back a few hours later, booted up again, and it was back!!!! There are a few others experiencing this problem that I have seen. We need help!!
  3. Sorry forgot Specs 5770 1Gb E6750 2.66 ghz 2 Gb Ram on XP SP3 after some searching i am not the first to have this bug, but I haven't found a fix. I tried Boris (ENB)'s d3d9ll patch thing and it didn't work... Any suggestions are much appreciated.
  4. So i have a legit steam copy of Skyrim, and just recently it started experiencing a VERY annoying bug where any NPC or Me shows a bunch of black boxes when set on fire. http://i42.tinypic.com/2cpokty.jpg I could live with it if it were just Enemies having it, but when I get set on fire by a mage or dragon I literally get blinded. It makes dragon fights super duper annoying. Anyone know a fix!? Please help
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