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Posts posted by mrpdean

  1. I'm not aware of a mod that address this problem, but it would be nice. I've lost count of how many times I've tried to shoot an arrow over a wall or ledge, only to have it bounce back in my face.


    It would require having to re-create the collision meshes of many NIF files. A very tedious process.

  2. From what you described I can't see any reason why it shouldn't work, unless the game is ignoring the texture in the NIF.


    It's possible the texture in the NIF is being overridden by a Texture Set. You should be able to check this using the CK.


    I've not had any experiencing texturing characters so hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come along.

  3. Basically you want to:


    1. Add a script to your trigger that has a Quest property, which you then assign to the quest you want to advance.


    2. Add an OnTriggerEnter function to the script


    3. In the function you want check that it is the player that entered the trigger (not an npc) and then call the SetStage on your quest to advance it to whichever quest stage you want it to go to.


    Look here under the 'Trigger that detects when a player enters' section for an example of the trigger part of the script:



    And here for an example of the quest property and SetStage parts:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/775140-quest-stage-by-door-opening/


    Those 2 examples should be enough to get you going.

  4. Firstly, I've not tried this myself so I can't guarantee it will all work without any problem.


    You say that you want to keep all your mods and structure but you want NMM to think it's a fresh install of Skyrim. I actually think you want the opposite. You basically don't want NMM to think anything has changed other than the location of Skyrim.


    Anyway, the way I see it, there are two parts to this. 1 - moving Steam and 2 - re-configuring NMM


    I highly recommend you backup everything before doing this.


    Moving steam


    I believe all steam games need to be installed under the one SteamApps folder so I think you'll need to move all your Steam games (if you have more than one), not just Skyrim.

    Here are some instructions for moving Steam. It looks fairly straight forward.


    Reconfiguring NMM


    Here is a link to a thread that talks about reconfiguring NMM when the location of Skyrim changes.


    I'm not in front of my PC at the moment so I can't confirm that the steps are still the same.


    If you get stuck I'm sure a bit of Googling will help you out.


    Good luck!

  5. Lisnpuppy is correct in that a lot of people like to make proper 'static' versions of some of the clutter objects to prevent this happening. To be honest I haven't found it to be a huge problem for me when I'm adding clutter to my mods.


    When you are placing your clutter in the CK are you running the Havok preview with the items selected, so that they actually have the physics applied in the CK and will settle into place. As described on this page: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Clutter


    I find that if I settle them in the CK then I generally don't have problems in game. For many of the clutter items, their collision mesh is very low poly (often just a cube is used for a round object) so for many of the items you can't have them too close together, unless you make actual static version of them, as has been suggested.


    Good luck!

  6. Does anyone know if there is some way (other than scripting) to occlude sounds fx?


    I have two room which are fairly close together but in the context of the level there would be about 3 meters of solid rock between them.

    The problem is that when the player is standing in one room you can clearly hear the sounds (Dwemer pistons etc) from the other room.

    I'd like it so that the sounds from one room can't be heard from the other room.


    My first thought was using an occlusion plane, but whilst they stop the meshes in the other room from rendering, the sounds associated with those meshes continue to play.


    At the moment I'm resorting to triggers and scripting to disable the noisy meshes when the player heading away form the noisy room and re-enabling them when the player is heading back towards the room. Whilst this is working fairly well, I thought perhaps there is a easier way that I could be missing.


    I've also tried playing around with custom sound descriptors and adjusting the static attenuation on those but I couldn't find a suitable balance that made the sounds effects loud enough when in the noisy room and inaudible when in the quiet room.


    Thanks in advance.

  7. I'm not all that familiar with the Skyrim modding community either I'm afraid. I guess it depends on what sort of advice you're looking for but I'd probably start with the author of FNIS. There is also a list of mods that use FNIS towards the bottom of that page. The authors of those mods might also be willing to offer advice. Can only ask them and see. Worst they can do is say no.


    You're right in that having a decent ladder climbing animation would have many uses beyond bunk beds so I wish you luck in your endeavours. I've been inspired to look into FNIS further so I'll let you know if I get anywhere with it.

  8. *edit* whoops, just realized this thread is ancient. Oh well, might still be useful for someone else. Sorry.



    Wow... seams like there are quite a few Lakeview mods underway which is great to see! I'm working on one as well and have been helping another modder with his own version. Firstly, if you're going to the trouble of making a Lakeview mod, and you don't want to be stuck with the appalling lighting in the vanilla Lakeview manor, I suggest you look at my Modular Lakeview Meshes resource: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/41645/? it will allow you to vastly improve the interior lighting of your mod.


    Now that I've gotten my shameless plug out of the way, I can shed some light on azrael0411's problem as I've encountered the same problem myself.


    Because of the construction aspect to the Hearthfire homes, they are not stored in game the same way that other static houses are. They are effectively part of the players inventory and are very much tied to the save files of the player. This is why moving them in the CK doesn't make them move in game, because the save file is overwriting their positions and moving them back to their original locations. At least, that's my limited understanding of it.


    The solution is to start from a clean 'no Hearthfire' save. Don't worry, you don't have to start the game all over again you just need to create a clean save without Hearthfire or your mod loaded.


    Then, when you re-enable Hearthfire and you mod and load up your new clean save, all the changes you've made to Lakeview should be working as intended. Keep using this clean save during your mod build process. This also means that when you release your mod, anyone who wished to use it will most likely need to start from a clean 'no hearthfire' save as well.


    Hope that help. Good luck!

  9. The bunk bed idea has been floating around for quite a while (no pun intended) but as far as I know, nobody has managed to pull it off yet. If you can make it work then I'm sure there will be a lot of appreciative modders and players out there.


    As far as how to go about it I'm afraid I can't help much. The first (and possibly hardest) challenge would be to introduce new animation for climbing the ladder to the top bunk bed. FNIS seems to have solved that so I think in theory it should be possible, though I have not looked closely at FNIS so I can't say for sure.


    Unfortunately most of the animation guru's seem to be solely focus on sex in Skyrim. If only they could turn their attention to other aspects of the game. Having said that, I'm sure many of them would be willing to offer advice and assistance if asked.

  10. The way I do it (without needing any mods) is to go to the location in game, bring up the console and click on any static object (tree, rock, plant etc). This will give you the eight digit ID of the object you clicked on. Write it down or just remember it if you have a good memory.


    Now, in the CK go to 'Find text' under the 'Edit' menu and type in the ID and click the 'Find Text' button. The result will appear under the 'Object, etc' tab. Double click on it and it will take you directly to that cell in the CK.

  11. Whilst it would certainly be possible using the tools you have, it would be much easier to create the mesh and textures using one of the 3D sculpting/painting applications such as Mudbox or ZBrush so that you can paint directly onto the mesh and also sculpt the mesh with the texture applied.


    Here is an example of transferring reference photos onto a 3D mesh using Mudbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgjjHYpgZhc

  12. I'm not at my pc at the moment but here is one example that might help get you started in the in thr right direction.




    You basically add a trigger around the bed and add the script to the trigger.


    The example above has a couple of problems that the author mentions. I think a better way to do it is to move the nps's inventory into a container like a bedside table for example, and then give all their stuff back to them when they leave the trigger.

  13. The amount of clutter shouldn't have a huge impact on the size of a mod. When you say it's started to go up significantly, how big is it?


    It can have a big impact on performance as you said, and that's when optimization become important. Room bounds and occlusion planes etc.


    I personally don't like too much clutter in my player homes but that's just personal preference.

  14. I'm not sure that seeing photos of your fiance is strictly required for someone to answer this question... but thanks for sharing I guess :blink:


    What you are wanting to do can be quite difficult depending on how far you want to go with it and what skills you have.


    I'd honestly suggest just using the many NPC customization mods and the various NPC texture mods which are out there already to try to find a combination that looks a bit like your fiance.


    However, if you are determined to use actual photos of her, the first step would be to turn those reference photos of her into a flatten 2d texture map which aligns perfectly with the UV's of whichever female mesh you plan on using. You would also want to make a normal map, and possibly specular and sub surface maps as well.


    Then you would create a new texture set in the CK, using those maps and then create a new NPC and set it to use that texture set.


    That's the very short version of the steps that would be required.

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