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  1. I am just saying it it a try and if its not going over 1.4 you may want the 4 GB patch. Fake fullscreen is there just try it out. It dosent matter how much memory you have memory leaks will still happen. I know from experience FF works because I had the same issues and I used that and bam not more crashes.
  2. I know a lot of love New Vegas and there is a lack of New Vegas game play on twitch. I have been streaming New Vegas on twitch for a few months now with 80+ mods and been getting some hits. First of all I want to say I am not partnered with twitch and dont plan on being so this is not advertising for money. I just wanted to let all the New Vegas lovers that there is a live stream of NV out there with mods. I also do modded FO3, Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind. I just want more people to come hang out for my viewers and myself have more people to talk to. So if you wanna come on by and check it out I am at http://www.twitch.tv/durbinh. Only rule is dont be a douche and enjoy the stream. Thank you!
  3. Try the fake fullscreen, NV has a lot of memory leaks when you add mods. I know it fixed my problem I play with 80+ mods and have no to little crashes. You can check it out at http://www.twitch.tv/durbinh and I will also help you out there also.
  4. You have to put the two files that are required I think its the exe and the other file that says keep it with.
  5. Try out 4gig patch with fake fullscreen. Try that and see if that helps, because most of the time when that is happening its a memory leak.
  6. Just delete the ini in your my games folder under FalloutNV. Oh and for type 3 you did not have to change your binvalidate all you have to do is use NMM and use the tool box at the top to deactivate and activate it to get the mod to work.
  7. I dont know what happened in with third link sorry. But heres what you do put the 4gig patch where u put fake fullscreen. Right click on fake full screen run it as admin and click the button check (something about dpi) then your set and it should work right.
  8. That means a mesh or texture is missing. Try Archive Invalidation, if that dont work try reinstalling the mod. All this can be done NMM.
  9. That is probably why because they are set on low and everything is is low. That is why its not rendering properly.
  10. That is strange because if you dont use unified HUD a lot of things wont work with PN if you are using DarnUI.
  11. If you run fake fullscreen it will run NVSE and 4 gig patch if they are installed properly. Also there is a game companion mod that works for every game here http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42956.
  12. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41381 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35262 there u go
  13. Ok try this, Get NVEC it has project mohave in it already. Then get the PN NVEC patches, make sure you get NVEC that does not have Fallout Redesigned in it. See if that works, make sure u get all the required files you need for PN as in NVSE.
  14. What is exactly wrong, if you are having crashes after about 4-8 minutes it could be a memory leak. Try 4 gig patch with fake fullscreen. I know that fixed all my problems.
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