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About shadowfx78

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  • Country
    United States
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3 GOTY
  1. I totally cant wait for this to happen. I love the readius in fallout NV and Fallout 3
  2. Very interesting looking forward to seeing this come to fruition. Revisiting the Pitt sounds neat.
  3. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/4/4e/Combat_Armor_Loading_Screen.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/218?cb=20151114232014
  4. would someone be able to add a visor/eye shield to the combat armor helmet it has one in the main picture on the wikia but ingame doesnt have one
  5. Yes you need to manually uninstall all your mods for NMM to work efficiently. They just released a NMM version that fixes the mod disable issue so should be good to go. NMM never caused any issues for me so dont know about that.
  6. upon loading fo3 i noticed that my crosshair and majority of context text is just dots of green. i redownloaed the textures.bsa but still it didnt fix the issue
  7. I have deleted and reacquired all the default esms. I am now at the point of deciding whether to clean out mods and start fresh but dont really want to if not necessary. here is my load order
  8. grab Fallout Script Extender (FOSE) and the fallout 3 stutter remover that should fix your issue
  9. why are you trying to link the exe's just run fose_loader. get rid of the fullscreen thing and grab game companion works for a bulk of Bethesda games and no need to link anything. You just need it running when you run the game.
  10. Ok first you have to many mods but that can be helped. look into the paradox ignition mergers it merges several mods into just a few plugins. also look into LOOT it will manage your load order better. you have several redundant mods. the COL enclave is already included with FWE so you dont need it if you want the armors to be used by all the enclace look into the fwe collosus patches.
  11. F03edit is acting very oddly the load window with the plugins is getting stuck on the left side of my monitor and the other window never shows up. all the while the icon stays on the taskbar.
  12. Its been over a year since i last posted here on the forums. it feels so good to be back in the Capital Wasteland. All configured and rockin and rollin.
  13. it maybe the book of earache that your looking for you can find it on the web by googling iti
  14. My black characters have white faces. how do i fix this and what causes this. never happened before. I have the steam version of the GOTY.
  15. To the OP if you are new to modding and looking to get the gist of modding i would suggest taking a look at Gophers modding tutorials you can find them here:
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